Hi everyone...I run a game on Friday nights for a group of 7 players. We have been playing Conan since March. We started out in the Westmark, had adventures in the Pictish wilderness, moved on for a few weeks to Corinthia, adventured in Koth and spent the last month in Shem. Our heroes decided to burn down an entire Shemite village because some of its citizens and animals were infected with some kind of demon spawn. They now have to live with the fact that several northern shemitish clans want them skinned alive and so they are fleeing southward with the ultimate goal of making a rendezvous with an npc/pc on the coast of Kush. They are presently in South East Shem and will need to cross Stygia first. The players have decided to go straight South, trying to avoid trouble in Stygia (2 of the PCs are followers of Ibis), and then head west through Keshan, Darfar, and finally through Kush. I have plans to run my own version of "Red Nails" while they are in Darfar, this story is just to cool not to use. I also have lots of good ideas for the Black Kingdoms thanks to RoK and Nyambi.
The problem is that i'm drawing blanks for a nice side adventure in Stygia. It seems very sad to pass through this great kingdom of mystery and sorcery and not run something. The ideas in RoK are ok but don't really inspire me. I was hoping some of you might have some ideas from your own game or from other stories or future adventure you plan to run. I would very much appreciate some input and I'm sure others would benefit also.
The problem is that i'm drawing blanks for a nice side adventure in Stygia. It seems very sad to pass through this great kingdom of mystery and sorcery and not run something. The ideas in RoK are ok but don't really inspire me. I was hoping some of you might have some ideas from your own game or from other stories or future adventure you plan to run. I would very much appreciate some input and I'm sure others would benefit also.