About the Quintessential human


Hi people . I am thinking about purchasing the quintessential human book , and I would like to know how complete is the information present here about human phisiology (probabilities about becoming sick of one of the main human illness -like flu- , tolerances to extreme temperatures and the effectsof those , and nutritive requeriments , much in the line of the Minbari federation handbook).
Natxomann said:
Hi people . I am thinking about purchasing the quintessential human book , and I would like to know how complete is the information present here about human phisiology (probabilities about becoming sick of one of the main human illness -like flu- , tolerances to extreme temperatures and the effectsof those , and nutritive requeriments , much in the line of the Minbari federation handbook).

Those aren't really the kind of things that any of the Quintessential race books cover. They're more about culture and archetypes. Physiology, disease resistance and nutrition haven't ever been covered in these books, so far as I know. I believe the B5 books, being SF rather than fantasy oriented, would have much more 'hard' data of that kind.

For d20, I suggest that you would find much closer information to what you seem to be looking for in the Book of Adventuring, which has a lot in it about temperature, survival in a hostile environment, food sources and so on.