760 Patrons - Wow

hdan said:
But I still maintain my "they're not patrons" stance.

I'd have to agree. While this will undoubtedly be one of the most useful books in my Traveller collection, these are not patrons as definined by the Traveller core book.
For me they fit the bill actually. I was in fact more than delighted with the book. It was more useful than I expected it to be.

There are no names and cash rewards cited which is great because I always seem to end up having to change those, and what others describe as just character motivations in fact are what I need for an adventure seed in mid play (and to be fair the one most recently cited is one of more motivation based rather than adventure seed but its still useable for me). The problem I have with normal patrons is players who can work out whats going on due to their photographic memory or simple long term familiarity with the game. I have to do as much work on a normal patron tweaking it my current game needs so as to present my players with something novel as I do filling in details to flesh out the 760 Patrons to do the same. The ones presented in this book give me more scope and, in general, are preferable to a classic patron.

With no name, no reward and adventure seeds of limited detail, these are actually preferable Patrons for me, BUT I have to agree they don't match the definition given in the core rules which is based on past game versions and hence would provide expectations.
EDG said:
Klaus Kipling said:
Fulminata said:
Despite the attempts of some to say otherwise, these are not patron encounters, they are simply NPC motivation charts.

Sorry, but that's all a Patron Encounter is. :)

Actually I had a look at some of the ones listed in the PDF preview and those aren't what I'd call "Patron encounters" at all. I'd agree that from the preview it just looks like a list of NPCs with randomly generated motivations - whereas a "Patron encounter" should actually be a list of NPCs with adventure seeds attached.
760 is more of an NPC generator with open-ended content that leaves the GM to come up with the "plot hook" or "lead". I'd agree that this a book of Patrons, not Patron Encounters as you said. But it is still an EXCELLENT resource.
Awesome book. Lots of quick adventure slugs and Fun "Patron" types. Very imaginative. Particulary digging the Wild Card section.

Art is GREAT, overall. Traveller art has had a consistent nonconsistency over the years, but the works presented give the feel of glimpses into aspects of the background from all angles, not just space stuff. The Art is very expressive.

A total hit. Well Done!
I keep being in a state of indecision about buying this when I see it in my FLGS, thing is I have all the other Mong Trav books so far apart from Book 0.

Recommend it highly. The thing that I like about it is that the entries can be visualized for any setting. If it was the OTU being visualized, it is like looking out a train window at it.

It is one of those books that is desperately needed by Traveller. One that begins to set tone elements to a background without automatically just focusing on what the Emperor and the Army are up to.
lastbesthope said:
I keep being in a state of indecision about buying this when I see it in my FLGS, thing is I have all the other Mong Trav books so far apart from Book 0.


Then all I can do is say - look at it in the FLGS. See what it does and if it does anything you can use.