2nd edition

Exeter said:
but why would it be specifically mentioned to bester that X has been trained in attack probes if any high rated telepath can use it.

I suspect there's a little more to it than that. The difficulty of using an ability will probably be directly related to your abilities and feats. Just because anyone can try to use an ability doesn't mean that those actually with that ability listed don't have a natural advantage ;)
frobisher said:
Exeter said:
but why would it be specifically mentioned to bester that X has been trained in attack probes if any high rated telepath can use it.

I suspect there's a little more to it than that. The difficulty of using an ability will probably be directly related to your abilities and feats. Just because anyone can try to use an ability doesn't mean that those actually with that ability listed don't have a natural advantage ;)

Could be something like the Star Wars d20 RPG where there's a list of Force Skills, then a list of Force Feats that often increase a couple of specific abilities...

So a charcater might have a feat that gives a +2 or +4 to Attack probes.
Well yes i would imagine that the ability focus feat will remain or at least some equivelent will exist, but from reading S&P27 it seemed to suggest that abilities now won't have to be bought seperately. I suppose ability focus might cover it, after all a guy whose more likely to suceed on the telepathy check would be scarier then the guy who isn't though in the old edition the differance wasn't staggering.
One thing they might do is allow everyone to use the basic abilities of every power but say that only those who have bought the power can use variant abilities associated with that power (as seen in the psi corp book) attack probes could fall into that category as a varient of pain or nerve stimulation.
Now I only have two questions --

1) Is the 2e version of the game going to have notes telling you how to update characters in existing campaigns?

2) Will there be a pocket edition of this book?
BPI_Jonathan said:
Now I only have two questions --

1) Is the 2e version of the game going to have notes telling you how to update characters in existing campaigns?

Yup conversion methodology is included

BPI_Jonathan said:
2) Will there be a pocket edition of this book?

Unknown, but it wouldn't surprise me
I've only just got round to reading the preview. I think it sounds good and having all the rules in one book is much better tha having to look up half the D20 rules seperately.

The only thing that I'm dreading is updating my character generator to work with this new edition :shock: