[2300 AD] Any news on Invasion?

Waiting on some more work from Gavin before publishing.

BTW, update on Invasion - looks like it will be imminent (as in a number of days or so), but also now have an inkling of why it has been so delayed. The initial manuscript will be huge. Huge. Don't know how that will affect the final title yet but... there is a lot.
Well, the original Invasion was really just the bare minimum sketch of such an epic war. There was a lot implied but left unsaid.
[Like, for example, how the hell a rinky-dink gunboat like an Exeter was supposed to survive in a war zone! ;) That one always did leave me scratching my head]
Nevertheless, I'll enjoy seeing what Triumphant Destiny has in store for us this time.
I hope Colin at least listened to me when I told him he had space combat wrong. He gave a preview a few years back and, aside from the gender swaps because 52% of characters must be female,* he had the French fleet at Tithonus decide to enter the dead zone and "trust their reaction drives." This makes as much sense as a fighter pilot in air-to-air combat landing their plane, standing on the wing and shooting at the enemy with their pistol. He then admitted, given him getting a bunch of details like dates wrong, that he doesn't check the original source material when writing.

A new name would be a good idea.

* We had a later discussion about this that he didn't delete. He rejected the lived experience of IRL female USN officers and their reasons for leaving.
The Kafers can be called by their official French name; Les Capuchons (the Hooded Ones, or "the Hoodies"), or by their own name for themselves; the Vah.

The convention in English is to drop the umlaut (and all accents) - Kafer, Jager etc. but Germans using non-German keyboards like to add an e to show it's a long vowel.

The term Kafer is the English language name for the Vah, which is German is Käfer, and French is Les Capuchons.
No. In german when using old fashioned / subpar computer systems that do not have Umlaute the ae / ue / oe writing tells a german that this is a system that is to stupid to process proper alphabets and the combination is read as an Umlaut then. So Jäger and Jaeger are the "proper keyboard" and "ami keyboard" versions. Not "long vowels"
No. In german when using old fashioned / subpar computer systems that do not have Umlaute the ae / ue / oe writing tells a german that this is a system that is to stupid to process proper alphabets and the combination is read as an Umlaut then. So Jäger and Jaeger are the "proper keyboard" and "ami keyboard" versions. Not "long vowels"
And that's why some of us use ASCII codes to cover Umlaute and Essets
Waiting on some more work from Gavin before publishing.

BTW, update on Invasion - looks like it will be imminent (as in a number of days or so), but also now have an inkling of why it has been so delayed. The initial manuscript will be huge. Huge. Don't know how that will affect the final title yet but... there is a lot.
Does this means we are getting actual Drone/Robot ground combat groups? Expansion to the few rules in Aerospace for Drone/Robots?
I hope Colin at least listened to me when I told him he had space combat wrong. He gave a preview a few years back and, aside from the gender swaps because 52% of characters must be female,* he had the French fleet at Tithonus decide to enter the dead zone and "trust their reaction drives." This makes as much sense as a fighter pilot in air-to-air combat landing their plane, standing on the wing and shooting at the enemy with their pistol. He then admitted, given him getting a bunch of details like dates wrong, that he doesn't check the original source material when writing.

A new name would be a good idea.

* We had a later discussion about this that he didn't delete. He rejected the lived experience of IRL female USN officers and their reasons for leaving.
My Significant Other is a US Navy Vetran. She a nuclear eletrical engineer that served on the USS Entperise and was part of Iraqi Freedom.
They exist. This is crappy.
My Significant Other is a US Navy Vetran. She a nuclear eletrical engineer that served on the USS Entperise and was part of Iraqi Freedom.
They exist. This is crappy.

Yes, but female officers self-select out at a much higher rate based on (1) incompatibility with having a family and (2) a much higher rate of disliking military life. I would guess your S.O. separated after 5 years in service, as a LTJG and reactor watch officer.

The current stats for SWO's, based on the 2021 GAO report, are:


This is why there are relatively few female captains and admirals. The expectation that 52% of admirals should be female requires major changes in how the military functions. The GAO report details some recommendations to increase retention.
No, she was discharged for taking command of a fire on a base, when she wasnt suppose to while waiting for a spot to open up at the Naval Lang college to learn Arabic.
Glad to hear the news about the imminent Invasion....working on a Foundry VTT campaign that will likely end up in the midst of the invasion.
Pentapod sourcebook or provolutionist sourcebook please.
Me too!

Which reminds me - go back to Kafer. Kaefer sounds too much like
I think it's the same word but spelt correctly for a German.. it's Käfer spelt without the umlaut.
So it's a long 'a', like 'Kayfer', and that's probably a good idea since the slur is 'kaffir', which I think is pronounced with a short 'a'
Bemoaning that you have a non German keyboard is really no excuse for knowing how to type a foreign word when they *literally* provided an easy way to do it.. plus on a Mac and I think maybe new Windows systems a long press on a key will bring up international alternatives.

I have had the nonsense that borked stutterwarp in the Mongoose 2300, I don't really care since this is a setting where I expect PCs to only ever be passengers, civilian or military, but hey.. I'll ask - has it been fixed yet?
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I have had the nonsense that borked stutterwarp in the Mongoose 2300, I don't really care since this is a setting where I expect PCs to only ever be passengers, civilian or military, but hey.. I'll ask - has it been fixed yet?


However, in the Mongoose version players are "travellers" and expected to own and operate a ship. It was one of the larger changes...