Recent content by Sir Brad

  1. S

    What Edition is everyone playing?

    I've bean playing Comput-R-NRD for about 18 months now, mostly home brew games but a few 2e & 1e Adventures, still on Clone 1, a few weeks ago started playing Pow-R-GRL, still on Clone 1 but have bean accused of being a Mutant so many times it has cost me promotion, have disproved the Mutie...
  2. S

    What Edition is everyone playing?

    So what edition is everyone playing? for my group it's mostly 2nd ed with stuff lifted from 1st (and even a few things from 5th), atm we have two off and on again games, both are Pre-Crash, neither GM is planing on running the Crash, but we have looted things from Crash and Re-boot
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    Full-Time Troubleshooters

    When not on Missions, you could have the Party working as INEPT TWITs,
  4. S

    How dangerous could the Debriefing even be?

    How dangerous? more than once I've seen a character avoid all the weapons fire, general mishaps and Treason points on a mission, only to run through a full Six-Pack at the de-brief.
  5. S

    Return of the NRD

    I used all the tricks to persuade the other players I was no threat, I fudged rolls to make my sub-par marksmanship worse, I spoke too loudly in a "Secret" sidebar trying to beg of being made assistant team leader, when the NPC team leader got merced by bad guys I delegated most of my power away...
  6. S

    Return of the NRD

    Back in the 80's I had a Paranoia character "Comput-R-NRD" started in 1e, the GM left the gaming Guild after a few months and the game died, but one of the guys I played with got there hands on 2e, after a string of pre-mades and some laser fodder I by chance re-made Comput-R-NRD and he survived...
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    (LW) Alternative Disciplines

    Ok starting writing a Game Book for my god-son, I'm aiming for around 300 entries, decided to go with my Bor Mercenary class for the Hero, but doing a review of the Disciplines I immediately realized that when I created the class two of the disciplines where intended for Group Play and where...
  8. S

    An other Line Down

    A wile back Mongoose lost the Dragon Warriors deal, now Lone Wolf, it saddens me to see an other quality game line go, ATM there isn't anything that interests me in the Catalog. Just hitting the page to copy some stuff I'd posted that has gone missing from my personal archives and saw this. Ill...
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    Bor Mercenary

    See I know how things work in my head and have explained it to the Players in my group, a lot of the conditionals, like X works with Y but not Z or wile W is in effect, but it all gets a bit long winded. ATM "Might of Bor" & "Strength of Bor" combo but are mutually exclusive to "Dual Wield"...
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    Bor Mercenary

    Not really "Might of Bor" covers the large 2-handed Bor weapons, "Dual Wield" only works with single handed weapons.
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    Lord of Bor

    around six months ago I ran a successful Bor Campaign, starting at rank 3 by the time it warped up the characters had reached (equal to) rank 15, most of the players where Gunners but I had a pair of "Bor Mercenaries", one changed to a Gunner after he passed through Rank 10, the other passed on...
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    Bor Mercenary

    Working on old projects again, thought I'd post the crunchy bits by posting the CS & EP along with bringing together the Disciplines and posting the starting equipment. CS: 10+0-9 EP: 25+0-9 Disciplines: Might of Bor: when using Bor or Drodarin Hafted Weapons the Dwarf deals Double Damage...
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    D20 advanced class

    Ok I've bean given an opportunity to work on an advanced class for the Wytch Chyld class I calling "Wytch Cabalist". I think I've got the ability advancement tables figured out and the 1st level abilities, but I think I may be going a bit light on Skills with retaining all the Wytch Chyld Class...
  14. S

    Character classes in Stornlands

    Will Sages be appearing in either Book? or will they be appearing in the next "Class Book"
  15. S

    Re-visit MWWG

    It's bean a long wile so I thought I'd bring up a MWWG Revised edition of the Classic game, It's a fun game and deserves some Love.