Recent content by Simon_W

  1. S

    Bunnies & Burrows For RuneQuest

    If you like Watership Down, you might like It's a Dog's Life or Tales from The Wood Both games are very much in that ilk, written after reading too much Duncton Wood and other animal books. Simon W
  2. S

    S & P 72. What did you think?

    That is a very perceptive fact. Thank you. Simon W
  3. S

    S & P 72. What did you think?

    Fact is BoL is an English game, translated to French. I should know, I wrote it!
  4. S

    Poll on for what system is best for Conan gaming

    I did see it and thanks at least for apologising. With regard to your vitriol at other games than Mongoose Conan though - you are clearly happy with your choice of system and that's great. It works for you and you have your own reasons for liking it. I like it too - but these days I use D20...
  5. S

    Bunnies & Burrows For RuneQuest

    Watership Down was pretty serious - although those rabbits didn't have guns. I expect RQ could do a Watership Down or Redwall style game quite nicely. In fact, I might start writing......where are my Redwall books...?
  6. S

    Poll on for what system is best for Conan gaming

    Offensive - lots :shock: . BoL is not "indy" in the way you seem to imply. In fact, it has a lot of old-school character in its design (because I'm kind of old-school in my preferences). It is essentially a trad rpg, made simple. I don't hang out at the Forge or Story Games and I'm personally...
  7. S

    Infernum Casting

    Who cares what the "official" rule is? If it makes sense and you like it, house-rule it and go for it.
  8. S

    Old releases in PDF ?

    I always felt that Mongoose pricing on PDFs is a bit steep anyway. I'd have bought a few bits and pieces before now, had the pricing reflected better the actual cost of putting pdfs "out there".