Recent content by rogue1alpha

  1. R

    Mech Combat Evo stuff...!! - Your Thoughts...

    Well that is a option. I have already been fiddleing with adding mechs/mecha to the game. But I just extended the sizeing to follow something simelar to CBTs weight classes. (since Joyride did a small line of 1/55 scale mechwarrior models). Light is a size 5 Medium is a size 6 Heavy is a size...
  2. R

    Rule Questions

    Well lets see if I can help here, The answer to your first question is for the most part is; Yes. but to clarify( the target must have the Armored Ablility on it card, and in that rule suffer a penalty to the armor rolls for shot to the rear and side faceings.) [You can find this rule at the...
  3. R

    Once and for all, WHY do MEA/PLA infantry have Kill Scores?

    Here is another way to look at it. When you are playing a campain, the target and kill score are a way to tell who is wounded and who is actually out right dead. So after the battle you can tell how much of your unit needs rebuilding/repairing.