Recent content by RadioFreeWABA

  1. RadioFreeWABA

    Mongoose - Mercenary Book 1

    That is perfect. I did not see the 1st edition when I check there. Thanks for that.
  2. RadioFreeWABA

    Deepnight Endeavour: same characters for Revelation?

    I ran both scenarios with a split group of players. I used time jumps for both groups to have them start the main campaign.
  3. RadioFreeWABA

    Mongoose - Mercenary Book 1

    Thanks for the responses. Now to find the 1st edition book from some place that is not charging a shipping fee that is 3x the book price.
  4. RadioFreeWABA

    Mongoose - Mercenary Book 1

    Does the Mongoose first edition book have character gen for mercenary characters? Presumable army, navy, etc. careers could be used for mercenaries. But it feels like the event tables should be different if one is a mercenary.
  5. RadioFreeWABA

    WBH and determining tech level

    Thanks. I am thinking that the age of the system should have a DM for native sophonts; older systems imply the sophont has been around longer so more time to advance technology. Not sure what other DMs for native sophonts make sense.
  6. RadioFreeWABA

    WBH and determining tech level

    I am working on a sector generator for the Deepnight Revelation campaign. Using the WBH, I can determine where native sophonts are. When determining tech level, it seems the DMs are based on the sophonts needing to adapt to the conditions. For example, hydrographics A gives a +2. And the Tech...
  7. RadioFreeWABA

    Athletics starting at 0

    OMG - how many times have I read character creation and missed that every time? So, umm, this thread is now useless. :) Thanks for spotting my mistake.
  8. RadioFreeWABA

    Athletics starting at 0

    The skill or characteristic check I got from (Core Rule book, June 2023): I interpret those to mean a character can use a characteristic for physical activity not covered by existing skills OR make an Athletics (thing) check. I might be interpreting that incorrectly. For physical tasks that...
  9. RadioFreeWABA

    Athletics starting at 0

    Given that a player can just opt for a straight up characteristic check, one needs to improve Athletics twice before there is any advantage. That feels a little harsh. Has anyone tried the Athletics skill starting at 0 instead of -3?
  10. RadioFreeWABA

    Survey Index

    I am trialling Survey Index from Book 4: Deep Space Exploration Handbook from the Rift box set. I believe this sequence is correct. Activity Time Lapse Survey Index Look out the viewport, see a star - 1 (presence of star) Hit spacer bars gathering rumours: Average carouse 7(roll) + 2...
  11. RadioFreeWABA

    World Builder's Handbook Feedback

    Thanks for the quick response.
  12. RadioFreeWABA

    World Builder's Handbook Feedback

    On page 17, star mass for K0 III is 1.1 and for K0 IV it is 1.5. That's the only pair that does not decrease across the table. Are those values correct? Also, the values across M0 - M9 increase instead of decrease as per the other types. M type stars grow bigger as they cool?