Mongoose - Mercenary Book 1


Does the Mongoose first edition book have character gen for mercenary characters? Presumable army, navy, etc. careers could be used for mercenaries. But it feels like the event tables should be different if one is a mercenary.
Does the Mongoose first edition book have character gen for mercenary characters? Presumable army, navy, etc. careers could be used for mercenaries. But it feels like the event tables should be different if one is a mercenary.

To be clear here: MgT v1.0 itself had both Book 1: Mercenary 1st Edition and Book 1: Mercenary 2nd Edition. Both included CharGen for Aerospace Force (COACC) and Wet Navy (Nautical Force/NFC). But only the 1st Edition version had additional Mercenary specific CharGen Careers (including Commando, which should have been included in the 2nd edition as well as a standard military option).
Both editions have d66 event tables for the careers they cover, as well as alternate d66 event charts for the core book Army and Marine careers. So that's a value-add over the core book 2-12 tables, even if I never used the rest of the book much.

Those event tables found in both books look to be the same, carried over, but as WHU says those other careers weren't carried over. If your only interest is careers and events consider tracking down the very first edition, although it's otherwise considered the weaker of the two versions.

1e unique Mercenary careers (and specializations): Cadre (Basic Trainer, Physical Trainer, Field Exercise Leader), Commando (Raider, Technician, Spec Ops), Guerrilla (Terrorist, Saboteur, Assassin), Security (Bodyguard, Ship Security, Site Defense), Striker (Rifleman, Sniper, Breaching Troop), War Monger (Gun Runner, Arms Dealer, Gun Slinger).

I vaguely recall thinking when I got the book that some of those drilled down too much for my taste (Cadre, Commando and Sniper could have been specialties of one Mercenary career, for instance), but flipping through it now I'm appreciating the extra six event tables.
Thanks for the responses. Now to find the 1st edition book from some place that is not charging a shipping fee that is 3x the book price.
If you're okay with PDF, DriveThruRPG has both the original Book I: Mercenary and it's second edition (note: not Traveller second edition!) still available. You just have to look in their MongTrav 1st edition category (look for the older logo on the publisher page).

Edited to add: I just double-checked; the original is also available in softcover, although second edition is only available as a PDF.
Apparently, Studio 2 Publishing (they are Mongoose distributors in America) still has some leftover stock of it if you check their website.