Recent content by Lucius

  1. L

    Resurrection: Hyborian Empires

    I had to vote maybe. Though I'd be interested if they released this, I'd be far more supportive if they crossed the concept with a miniature skirmish game. The RPG for the political situations, and a selection of models for when the combat gets a little larger. Now that, I'd buy in an instant.
  2. L

    2 Conan articles in next month's S&P?

    Excellent! Two new articles has got to be a good thing! Where was this announced, though?
  3. L

    Belit (A Temptress)

    Too true! Too true! Much appreciated Vincent! :)
  4. L


    Well, one out of two can't be too bad. Sorry, Vincent! :oops:
  5. L

    Arh Matey !

    Sounds like "Mutiny", an episode of "Hornblower". Might have to steal that idea, Sir! Trust me, you're in for a treat! Pirate Isles is one of the best Conan sourcebooks. It had everything you'll need, and so much more.
  6. L


    Please don't think I'm nit-picking, but I've always been under the impression that "The Tower of the Elephant was set in Zamora, rather than Zamboula. The PDF Adventure "The Black Stones of Koveg-Re" by Mr Darlage is also set in Zamora, if my memory is correct. It may be worth a read. Good...
  7. L

    Oriental Adventures Classes for Khitai?

    I'd prefer it if Mongoose kept Khitai as mysterious, perhaps with just a few S&P articles giving us some ideas, rather than a set in stone sourcebook on the area. Personally, it would be similar to a Mu sourcebook otherwise. :S
  8. L

    Soundtrack for your Games?

    Well first is the obvious Conan the Barbarian soundtrack, composed by the excellent Basil Poledouris. This sets the Hyborian Age firmly in my groups mind... But my personal favourite is the soundtrack to the dreadful game, "Conan: The Dark Axe". I emailed the makers, Cauldron, begging them to...
  9. L

    Developers: Conan 2nd Ed. Combat Chapter!

    Hear Hear! Couldn't have put it better myself. :D
  10. L

    The First of Many

    Ah, it's good to see that the border artwork has more of what we really need in a new edition...more scantily clad young virgins! :wink:
  11. L

    Second edition

    Hmm, as long as this 2nd edition doesn't invalidate too much from the previous editions sourcebooks, then I can't wait. I've always had a bit of a problem with a D20 system, and was quite pleased to stay well clear, until I got interested in Conan. A simplified rules basis is just what I'm...
  12. L

    age of conan beta

    I've been following it closely, and I have to say so far, I've been really impressed. If I had a little more time on my hands, I'd have signed up, but alas, the real world calls. I'm definatly backing an RP guild on there though. If a group of us could get together on there, and inforce som...
  13. L

    My Pirate Isles campaign

    They're really impressive and look very professional. Photographs like this really tempt me to use minatures far more in roleplaying games. Perhaps I've been wrong in just using them for wargames. Where did you get the models from? Some of them look lovely, but I'm only really aware of Games...
  14. L

    Age Of Conan - Books Series (4 trilogies)

    To be honest, the fact that these books weren't based around Conan was the one thing that caught my interest. After so many pastiches, the idea of having other characters in Hyboria was delightful. I do have to agree with you on the research, though. A deep understanding of what you're writing...
  15. L

    Final Fantasy 7 RPG

    Just taking a look. If this is what I'm sir, are a God amongst men. ;) Thank you!