Resurrection: Hyborian Empires

Do you want to see something like the cancelled Hyborian Empire?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • May be

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Don't no

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No need

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

The King

Cosmic Mongoose
Many of you know that this project has been aborted by the licence owners (if my memory serves me right).

According to Matt it should have been something like the Birthright system (but even more better) where you can have the kingdoms wage wares among themselves (this is what is depicted in many Conan stories in the fore- or the background).

As fans of the Conan RPG, would you be prepared to exert some pressure to persuade Mongoose and Conan Properties to release this jewel?
I think this idea was a great one and hope with this thread that Matt can convince the board to enable it.
Hey great King, I've started two threads (one here, one in "What should Mongoose Publish next" ) a few months ago to ask for this product to be released.

The answers were that there was "a two year struggle" about the content and that it wasn't totaly canceled...

But if it can help, for me the answer to the poll is a big YES !
Axerules said:
Hey great King, I've started two threads (one here, one in "What should Mongoose Publish next" ) a few months ago to ask for this product to be released.
I remember the thread and wanted to resurrect it through a poll.
As the Mongoose staff reads the forums let us hope it will put the project back on the release schedule.
I would buy this book in a heartbeat.

So yes, I want to see this book published as soon as possible!
I had to vote maybe. Though I'd be interested if they released this, I'd be far more supportive if they crossed the concept with a miniature skirmish game. The RPG for the political situations, and a selection of models for when the combat gets a little larger. Now that, I'd buy in an instant.
The King said:
I remember the thread and wanted to resurrect it through a poll.
Not a bad idea. 8)

As the Mongoose staff reads the forums let us hope it will put the project back on the release schedule.
Yes, let's hope it will have some effect...(Crossing fingers again)
Yes, it is an AD&D setting which was specifically developped for wars betweens countries, where the PCs are clearly leading (or at least consellors) the armies or even the head of State.
I voted maybe. If the book gets out, I'll get it, but I'm not sure I'll use it.
I've never been fond of Birthright and Pendragon family trees.
I'd rather see a book called Ancient Empires, describing Acheron, Ancient Stygia and the like. That would rocks far more than a book full of tables to generate the income of my household or calculate the levy of peasant troops...
I miss the days of birthright and still wish I could find the damn campaign setting that I lost. It really had some nice innovative rules for mass combat.

If done right, this could be amazing.
Hervé said:
I'd rather see a book called Ancient Empires, describing Acheron, Ancient Stygia and the like. That would rocks far more than a book full of tables to generate the income of my household or calculate the levy of peasant troops...
Great Idea.
If I have to choose I take both.