Recent content by LegendaryJWP

  1. L

    Free PDFs

    I certainly don't want to dissuade you from your work, but I think one of your premises is flawed. Every background gives you 200 skill points worth of skills, be they bonuses to common skills, or free advanced skills (at 10 points a pop, per the usual rules for learning new advanced skills...
  2. L

    The low end of damage

    They, too, would need to be adapted to work with the lower HP associated with Legend, but I'd not mind something like that, bolted onto a better base system than Rolemaster uses. That's what I've discovered. All I had hoped for was some interesting thought-experiments, maybe some folks to talk...
  3. L

    The low end of damage

    My only concern is that there is no middle ground there. If I'm unarmed, unarmored, and evade an attack, it should lead to either taking damage, or taking no damage at all. And if I take damage, there's no way to model, using the existing dice+adds system, a hit that only does a tiny amount of...
  4. L

    The low end of damage

    Honestly, this is all I've been trying to get anyone to admit to. a) yes, all attacks should probably, for realism, be able to do only one point of damage against an unarmored target. b) the reason we don't do this is, in no small part, due to the tools we choose to use - the granularity of...
  5. L

    The low end of damage

    First and foremost, let me be clear. By calling out what I see as a failing in the system I am not attempting to demean it, or make it out as anything short of one of the top five systems for dealing with combat that I've encountered. D&D and other D20 based systems are bottom of the heap, for...
  6. L

    The low end of damage

    I forgot to comment on this when he posted it before. All I would say is that there is still the chance that this fat middle aged guy could *almost* evade your hit, and instead of hitting my arm, you catch me in the flabby part of my belly as I pass. You leave me with an abrasion and a nasty...
  7. L

    The low end of damage

    I won't belabor the point any further then. All I'm saying is that weapons that do a mandated minimum amount of damage break realism for me, as they don't allow for situations where less damage would be appropriate, without armor, or a weak weapon wielder. I'm not trying to say that Legend, or...
  8. L

    The low end of damage

    For me, this is the biggest issue I have with the situation. It's not based on realism nearly so much as it is an artifact of the game and the dice used. Legend/RQ/BRP has it, though not as bad as some. Hero and GURPS, with only d6 to work with, has it in spades. It's not uncommon in GURPS for a...
  9. L

    The low end of damage

    0 point hits must be from negative DBs or armor, I assume? I can't get behind the idea of a "minimum damage" higher than 1 for any weapon. I don't care if it's a pocket knife or a four foot long sword, I can cause only the slightest of damage. Is it as likely if I'm a huge brute with a huge...
  10. L

    The low end of damage

    From a discussion I saw over on the BRP boards... Using Legend instead of the terms used there: If a character has a Dirk (1d3+2 damage) with a +1d2 damage bonus, the least damage he can do on a hit is 4 points - very nearly as much as the average hit from a Short Sword (1d6) wielded by the...
  11. L

    Player Character Skill Levels

    Think Ocean's 13 - there were several very famous (within the LE and hustler communities) crooks in that story - LeMarc was famous enough that The NIght Fox was trying to prove he was as good. Not to say that Danny Ocean wasn't also near that same pinnacle of achievement, but we're too close to...
  12. L

    On 3D printers in Ship Lockers

    it's about the only way to make the acquisition of things stay interesting in a world with devices to make whatever you like. It leads to people coveting hand-made items over fabricated items, regardless of quality, just by virtue of the uniqueness of the work of a master crafts-person. Either...
  13. L

    Player Character Skill Levels

    Given the change in skills, did you go with a finer granularity or more wildcard skills? And did you change the skill system at all? Because I think that, given that the skill levels are so meaningfully different, the more difficult skill improvement system makes some sense.
  14. L

    Player Character Skill Levels

    This is one of the hardest things to convince new players of: Level 0 doesn't mean rank amateur. That's what unskilled means. My take is: Level 0 - baseline competence Level 1 - good at it Level 2 - professional Level 3 - notable Level 4 - world famous Level 5 - best in the subsector
  15. L

    Damage and stats

    I definitely like where you went with the d66 hit table. SJ Games did something similar with GURPS, in their Low Tech rules, where an arm hit or leg hit is now broken down by an additional d6 roll for specific location, and other locations can lead to hits in vitals with a roll of 1 on an...