Recent content by chaos0xomega

  1. C

    OT: Distant Guns

    Judging by the screenies, noones computer should have any problem running THAT.
  2. C

    Victory at Sea Supplement - Order of Battle

    How about those crazy 40-torpedo-tube japanese cruiser/destroyer thingies(whatever they were), did they make the grade?
  3. C

    2E release date

    Since I didn't see another 2e thread, I figured I'll post it here, what will happen to the Armageddon Supplement when 2e is released? Will it still be required? Or will all those additions be brought into the 2e fleet book?
  4. C

    Victory at Sea Supplement - Order of Battle

    I feel so special, I was mentioned in Planet Mongoose, and I didn't even have to bitch or moan! Really looking forward to this, though I am saddened that you removed some of the Z-plan beasts. Will the old S&P rules still be regarded as official? Or should we move on to using Order of Battle...
  5. C

    War without End?

    You know what is the greatest thing ever about wikipedia? If you start with one fairly long page, and you click on every internal link there, and you click on the internal links in the links you just clicked, and so on and so forth, you eventually end up reading every last article there is on...
  6. C

    A&A Ships

    DM, will the supplement resolve the issue of '6 bombers - one bomb' issue? It's a bit annoying to have a flight of bombers(or torpedo-bombers) and only get off onne shot with each flight... though I suppose it IS balanced...
  7. C

    2 Copys of Victory @ Sea

    Do one of two things: A-give it to someone else that might be interested. In this way, you will generate an opponent rather quickly. B- Keep it to yourself, and scker your friends into playing the game, in which case you can give them the book so you dont have to share one to figure out stats...
  8. C

    Abbai Dreadnought Upcoming Releases!

    Are they actually sculpted though? I know the Hurr Gunship was, but some of these other ships look a bit too much like CAD(computer aided design) models.
  9. C

    Navwar and Paypal

    Sweet, thanks. There wouldn't happen to be a US based retailer around(that accepts Paypal) would there?
  10. C

    Navwar and Paypal

    whats shipping to the USA? And where on the website do they show whats for sale? searching for Navwar got me navwar rulesets but no models.
  11. C

    No focker w190 on graf zepplin

    Isn't that knots? Why not just use Kn?
  12. C

    No focker w190 on graf zepplin

    Okay... wait. 600 NANOMETERS? That's a rather small number isn't it? Or is this something that was done on a map?
  13. C

    No focker w190 on graf zepplin

    "Moved" Australia?
  14. C

    No focker w190 on graf zepplin

    Which is why Germany lost the war. They had all of their military leadership competeing against one another so they could be crowned Hitlers Pet. Actually if you think about it, Germany fought the war pretty well considering that 2 of the 3 major military branches were fighting half-assed. The...
  15. C

    No focker w190 on graf zepplin

    One of your next questions will probably be, why did they choose the Bf over the Fw? The answer is that the Luftwaffe and it's leader(Goering, lol almost said Goebbels) were friggin prats(well... Goering was anyway...) and wanted to limit Germany's naval airpower so he could maintain full and...