Navwar and Paypal


Hi guys

Anyone know of a UK supplier of the Navwar ship range who will accept paypal?


In defence of Spirit games I will say that they charge you that Pound for Pay pal because that’s what it costs them and I don’t think Phil would ever knowingly rip any one off except himself off.

The easiest way is just to e-mail him with your order and then phone him up to pay with a credit or debit card. I would also add that he never charges more than five pounds postage to the UK so even with the Pay pal surcharge a decent order would get you that back.


Who will be in Spirit games later today buying more Starship troopers stuff
I'd also like to endorse Spirit Games. It was a real blow when they moved away from Croydon (where I was unfiortunate to grow up) - thoroughly nice people with a wonderful record in customer relations. I have ordered from them with extreme confidence many times.

I've ordered some ships from Spirit Games. We'll see what happens.
Thanks for all the comments

Hi guys

Greetings from Australia, on Spirit Games i've ordered figures about half a dozen times.

Awesome service, prompt and well wrapped for International postage.

So if you are O/S these guys are a good option.


whats shipping to the USA?

And where on the website do they show whats for sale?

searching for Navwar got me navwar rulesets but no models.
chaos0xomega said:
Sweet, thanks.

There wouldn't happen to be a US based retailer around(that accepts Paypal) would there?

As a matter of fact, try the Last Square in Madison, WI.

Now, they don't have them on their web store, but I know they've got Navwar ships in stock; boxes of them in fact. My friend Tim and I were down there in February to get our fleets started.

Their web store accepts PayPal, but maybe if you contacted them you can make an arrangement.