Anonymous said:
slingbld said:
[That sounds like a serfdom to me.
You don't bloody know what serfdom is. Nor Naziism, nor fascism, nor all the other crap people spew to show 'how bad it is' in the western world. If anything is wrong in the industrialized world, it's we're spoiled and melodramatic about everything.
I'm going by the textbook deffinition as found on
a member of a servile feudal class bound to the soil and subject to the will of his lord
By that deffinition, what Wal-Mart does in many of these neighborhoods is pay way substandard wages, cause many of the smaller shops to fold so that when thier employees need something, chances are the Wal-Mart they work at is the closest place to get it.
Many working at Wal-Marts are also on some level of welfair or other government assisted living programs because they live below the poverty level.
That rings similar to a feudal class practically, while not literally boud to the soil & subject to the will of their employer. The big difference is that the U.S. people as a whole wind up helping support these people because of the practice that Wal-Mart has.
I do understand where you are coming from. I, as a westerner do not know the full implications of what it would have mean to be a serf. I also never pretended to know what nazism was in a physical, realistic sense but rather more in the textbook abstract.
I was using that textbook deffinition of a serf in my analogy. Now if you have personally lived through, or had family members who were serfs and feel insulted by my use of the word, I am sorry. But I do feel I used it correctly in my analogy to compare what Wal-Mart does today with what lords did of old.
I'll stay off my high horse this time. If you want to reply to this post, please do. I always want to hear what others have to say. I may not agree with you but I still believe evryone has a right to be heard. I will probably not respond to it, not out of rudeness, but more to avoid this turning into a flame war with pseudo political undertones. That always tends to ruin everyone's day.
Humbly yours,
Patrick Greenlaw,
aka- Slingbld~