Would you use Cybernet with A:2089?



Anyone plan on incorporating Cybernet with A:2089? Lots of similarities there...
-world wide skirmishes
-high tech
-decaying societies, etc.

It might be worth a look.
Ghost2020 said:
Anyone plan on incorporating Cybernet with A:2089? Lots of similarities there...
-world wide skirmishes
-high tech
-decaying societies, etc.

It might be worth a look.

I do not have Cybernet yet but suspect there could be limited transfer between the games.

The big problem is technology level.
The A:2089 ground and air vehicle design rules would probably transfer well but some electronics would become smaller and lighter. Warmech control systems would be archaic in Cybernet.
All but the crudest cyber implants would be beyond the capability of 2089.

OTOH the background for each game could be compatible.
Here's an idea to work with, run a game where someone "wins" in A:2089 then the world turns into the Cybernet setting.

I could work if done the right way.
I have yet to get access to a copy of Cybernet (doesn't seem to have made it to the stores in Australia, I guess that's what I get for living somewhere that doesn't seem to exist for most game manufacturers/distributers). For those of you who do have access to this book, how much of it would be cross-compatible with the Armageddon system (rules compatibility not game world).

I assume it has a very detailed cyberware and computer game system. Bith of these are things I would love to incorporate into an Armageddon game. How detailed are the computer system rules (hacking, use of programs, that kind of thing) because I believe the computer side of Armageddon is a bit lacking. I have been trying to knock up a few more rules utilising stuff from Traveller D20 but would like to get some more sources.

Cyberware could also be incorpoirated into the game world (in fact a picture in the Soldier's COmpanion shows an infantryman with a cybernetic arm if I recall). However, it would probably have to be limited to more physical enhancements not the neural stuff that tends to be the domain of many cyberpunk settings.

In other words - is this book worth buying in order to scavenge stuff from or should I spend my money elsewhere ????
For what its worth Kraken, try www.amazon.com to order RPG books, most of them are far cheaper, even when you take into account shipping costs, and with our dollar worth more against the US one at the moment its even better :)

Mongoose books dont seem to get the heavy discounts that WOTC, FFG and so on do through amazon, but they are still available there if you cant get them anywhere else :)
Now that I have a copy of cybernet I can make a few suggestions.

The computer aspects from Cybernet could be transplanted into A:2089 with some moderate changes.

Basic Cybergear, such as the lowest quality limbs and organs, would fit in A:2089. Cost should be high and the surgery DC increased.

I would be very cautious about allowing players to "jack in" to devices or vehicles. Such direct neural interface would greatly improve the pilots ability to operate the mek and electronic systems. A plot line could be created where the players hear rumor of a DNI Mek and follow leads to find the truth. Reality could be that the system is operational but needs lot of work on reliability, more difficult to operate and subject to jamming or hacking.
Benefit: the DNI allows extra actions. This could be just an action, reducing time like full round -> standard, or a bonus to concentration checks.
Penalty: When operating more than one system in a round you suffer negative modifiers to skill checks.
If the players do acquire a prototype DNI they could get improved software by stealing it or programing their own (at very high DC).
spawn said:
For what its worth Kraken, try www.amazon.com to order RPG books, most of them are far cheaper, even when you take into account shipping costs, and with our dollar worth more against the US one at the moment its even better :)

Thanks for the suggestion. Problem is if I do that I need to use a credit card online and then Mrs. Kraken finds out how much I actually spend on gameing products :(

Normally I don't have too much trouble getting hold of stuff (living in Sydney and all), but some companies (Mongoose and WizKids are pretty bad) seem to have major supply issues with us Ausies.

Lane Shutt said:
Now that I have a copy of cybernet I can make a few suggestions.

The computer aspects from Cybernet could be transplanted into A:2089 with some moderate changes.

Basic Cybergear, such as the lowest quality limbs and organs, would fit in A:2089. Cost should be high and the surgery DC increased.

Thanks for the info. Lane Shutt. Sounds like it could be a useful resource for scavenging from and hey, I am a sucker for Cyberpunk settings (Shadowrun is one of my favourite games, tacky but fun as hell).

The cyberware, especially cyberlimbs would be really useful and a way of adding to the gritty realities of warfare. Throwing in NPC contacts that have been mamed by the conflict, complete with cybernetic replacements.

Cheers again for the brief advice.
Kraken said:
Thanks for the suggestion. Problem is if I do that I need to use a credit card online and then Mrs. Kraken finds out how much I actually spend on gameing products :(

Normally I don't have too much trouble getting hold of stuff (living in Sydney and all), but some companies (Mongoose and WizKids are pretty bad) seem to have major supply issues with us Ausies.

Haha no problem :) I know what you mean about the distribution thing, I have ordered nearly all the RPG books I have from the US as the prices and distribution here are awful. Id like to support the local game store, but at $100 Australian for Judge Dredd its too much and I got it online for $30 US (About 70 Australian with shipping).