World of MMWG

I must admit that I never liked the randy greys described in the MMWG sourcebook. I always felt that those puny, grey-skinned, big-eyed aliens belonged in some Stephen Spielberg movie that I would never have the misfortune to watch, after already suffering through _E.T._ and _Close Encounters of the Third Kind_.

However, having just finished a book by a skeptic arguing that these extraterrestrial visitors do not actually exist, in which he discusses one UFOlogist who claims that "If the abduction phenomenon, as I suspect, manifests itself in our physical space/time world but is not of it in a literal sense, our notions of accuracy of recall regarding what did or did not 'happen' (Kuhn's advice about suspending categories seems relevant here) may not apply, at least not in the literal physical sense", and having already adopted some ideas from the Mage: The Ascension game into my MMWG world, in which different factions are fighting to become the dominant reality paradigm and which, in my MMWG world, the Dang seriously interferes with the ascendancy of the Scientists achieved in the 19th and 20th centuries, I had an idea.

Suppose that the randy greys did not actually exist but were created by the alien abductees as a counter to the prevailing reality paradigm? In other words, the randy greys were created by the women who are loved by them.

For this reason, the Texas Rangers *really* hate the randy greys, and will shoot them on sight.

The center of randy grey activity would of course be Roswell, New Mexico. Which happens to be very close to Texas, making the Texas Rangers even more furious. The greys and the women who serve them formed a Republic of Gaiatopia, based on New Age philosophies. The Texans tried to destroy their city, but the cruise missiles they launched were deflected by the Gaiatopians' combined psychic energies and landed about a hundred miles to the north. The Texans gave up trying to nuke them out of existence, but border raids on both sides are quite common.

One of the classic characteristics of alien abduction is the experience of being paralyzed. Thus, I give randy greys the ability to achieve a Hold Monster psionic effect against one target per round, with a saving throw DC of 16 (10 + 1/2 HD + Int Mod + 2 for special proficiency in this attack form).
One of the things I've been following is the fight between the Creationists and those who support the Theory of Evolution.

Given that [I've partially adopted the metaphysics in Mage: The Ascension where] reality is defined by a consensual agreement on what does and does not work, I have to ask why the Creationists are fighting so hard to get people to accept their world-view where the Earth is only several thousand years old, instead of the figure of 4.6 billion given by the Scientific Community.

The only answer I could find, is that acceptance of the Creationist figure makes it easier to go back in time and bring dinosaurs to the present. However, it is still much easier just to clone the things from fossilized DNA found in mosquitos embalmed in amber. So there has to be more to it.

So I deduced that Creationism is a part of a plot to construct a time warp going back to the Mesazoic. The most likely place for this time warp would be some isolated canyon in Texas. (Which also happens to be close to where the Greys have established a colony in New Mexiso -- another reason for the Texas Rangers to hate the Greys.) As of 2077 (which is when my Escape from Madison campaign is set), this time warp would only be able to function intermittently, very rarely allowing passage across the time barrier.

Still, that is enough to bring a couple of the coolest dinosaurs to the MWWG. So if you want to see tyrannosaurus rex chasing lost Greys across New Mexico, support your local Creationist. 8)
I was not sure if I should post this in this thread, or in the one for posting your characters. I figure that if the PC's are planning on going to the capitol city of Wisconsin, there's a chance they might meet the governor of the state.

Jessica Spears (Governor of Wisconsin)

Jessica Spears was a dancer trying to establish a country music career, when she was elected Governor of Wisconsin by her many fans. Shot into the capitol city in a cruise missile, she’s found that while her gubernatorial duties do not detract from her rehearsal or workout schedules, being in Madison, Wisconsin has seriously impacted her ability to go on tour.

Not much is known about her politics. She’s recorded a few songs with political overtones, like “Bless the Poor and the Homeless”, “Are Weapons the Solution to Our Problems?”, and “Get Me Out of This City, Please!” But despite being governor for 5 ½ years, she has still not put forward a cohesive political platform.

She is an attractive blond with curvaceous proportions. Her trademark outfit is a pink thong bikini with the seal of Wisconsin embroidered over her left breast, which she wears when signing the few bills that manage to get passed by the state legislature. She has been known to wear a wide variety of bizarre costumes when filming her music videos. Her obsessions include dancing, finding out how much people love her, and washing cars.

While some critics say she can’t sing, others say that she can’t dance. Most agree that electing her governor of Wisconsin may not have helped her career, but was probably the best thing to happen to the music industry in 2072.
I played a lot of Aftermath, but this sounds like a lot of fun. Aftermath has some scenarios that could be completely destroyed for this game.

I don't have this game yet, and I no longer have a mostly adult gaming group, so I need to know the main premise behind this game first.

Update! I just checked out the preview. My son will definitely like the game too to much. My daughter, would just glare at me. My wife would laugh (that's why I love her).

So, I will see about adding the game to my "collection." I mean, it's not like I will be "studying" the game. I might "play test" the game. My son, being the helpful boy he is, will deign to do his duty by me.
I just read in the news that a guy wants to build a Roman Catholic town named Ave Maria. And he is building it in Florida.

Looking at the topologicl map, it looks like the state of Florida will be underwater because of global warming by 2077. Orlando becomes a domed city. Miami becomes a city of rafts. Because I like the idea of renegade nuns on jet-skis, maybe Ave Maria can keep building to keep the roofs of their buildings above water, using skywalks and jetskies to navigate between buildings.

As a note, I've decided that the Manna Field that surrounds the earth does not penetrate the oceans, so arcane magic and other manna effects do not work underwater. (Including spending action points; action points can not be spent under the ocean surfaces.) The True Faith field does penetrate the oceans. I suppose there could be a True Faith Feat which allows you to use the True Faith Field rather than the Manna Field for Action Points, allowing the use of Action Points underwater.

For defence (since the city is part of the Second Confederacy), the city of Ave Maria will have to have its own nuclear missiles. If anything should happen to them, the Federal Navy will be able to force the city back into the Union.
Jet skis are frightening. Anyway never liked the more mystical characters. I think its funniner when the character types have at least a pitiful grounding in reality. Atlhthough I got some good Renegade nun figs from gzg!
Dr. Strangeglove. Now that's an interesting idea for a character.

I'll have to write her up. I'll have to make a web site: the Women of (Modified) Macho Women with Guns. Dr. Strangeglove would be a brilliant weapons scientist, whose trademark of course are elegant cocktail gloves.
Okay, I had to get this idea typed out somewhere before I lost it.

While watching the episode of _Son of the Beach_ in which Malibu Adjacent is overrun by a bicycle gang, I for some reason thought of buffalo gangs. It sounds like a ridiculous idea, which makes it perfect for a Macho Women with Guns campaign.

According to the MWWG sourcebook, the American Indians are "simple people conforming to stereotype almost entirely since stereotype is about all they have to go on themselves." That's too easy for my tastes. I mean, with attacks from Texas Ranger Cowboys from Texas, Jaguar Sun-Cults from Mexico, demons sneaking over the Rocky Mountains, vampires from South Dakota, bondage robots from Kansas, and evil cornstalks from Nebraska, who has time to conform to stereotypes?

So, the buffalo gangs of The Plains ride mutant buffalo up and down the highways, wreaking havoc in every town they ride through. I mean, when you're riding a mutant buffalo across Nebraska, what else is there to do?
Utgardloki said:
Dr. Strangeglove. Now that's an interesting idea for a character.

I'll have to write her up. I'll have to make a web site: the Women of (Modified) Macho Women with Guns. Dr. Strangeglove would be a brilliant weapons scientist, whose trademark of course are elegant cocktail gloves.

I had a Dr Strain-G-LUV in a Paranoia mission once. He was Power Services resident mad scientist who decided the PCs really needed his Hydro Cannon on their mission to fix the central power system sabotage.
One problem with planning a Macho Women with Guns game is that I'll be thinking of good ideas for the Second (US) Civil War, and then go out and read about something in Iraq or Afghanistan or Africa and think "Darn! Maybe people participating in a decades-long civil war won't think it is so amusing.

On the other hand, more colorful and form-flattering uniforms could definitely help people enjoy the war more.

To avoid the setting from getting depressing, I think it important to designate "peace zones", where people can live a life secure from threats of personal violence. For example, in Wisconsin, the counties through which Highway 151 passes through are battlefields where both sides seek to control that vital artery (which pretty much results to it being useless to anybody who wishes to actually use it to get from one place to another). Both sides have a tacit agreement, on the other hand, to not cause conspicuous disruption in the other counties, whether controlled by MATO or the Wausau Pact. Espionage operations are permissible, but both sides have nuclear weapons, so blatant destruction will not be tolerated.

Obviously, sensible people are going to want to live in the peace zones. This just as obviously does not include the PCs.

Part of the social environment I am working for in 2077 is a rising dissatisfaction regarding war from the young adults of the population, directed against the ageing leaders. Similarities to the Vietnam War era may not be purely coincidental. On the other hand, other women will have attitudes simiilar to those expressed by the PCs in most games we play, in which dishing out massive amounts of carnage and property damage can be quite an enjoyable way to spend the evening.
Utgardloki said:
Texas is obviously the heart of the Second Confederacy, especially since I decided all of Georgia has been retaken by Federal forces except for a little county in the southwest corner called Hazzard.

For some reason this makes me think of Asterix, only with Uncle Jesse replacing Getafix the Druid.
Yay I was thinking of doing an Asterix themed game! All of the women in the villiage vs a horde of romans armed only with slaps, kicks and rolling pins!
It's really gratifying to see a bit of a buzz about MWWG finally.
*wipes away tear*
My genius appreciated at last!