workings of the ISA?

1 point of allies. So in a 5 point raid-level game, upto 1 raid FAP can be from an allied fleet.

From one of EA (3rd Age or Crusade), Minbari, Narn or a League fleet (Abbai, Brakiri, Drazi, Gaim, pak'ma'ra, Vree)

In a campaign, you can chose one battle point from an allied fleet for you campaign fleet. However the 1 point limit does not apply for individual battles.

For example, you chose 2 Hyperions as your allied ships. You roll a four point raid-level game - you can include both hyperions in your fleet for the battle.
chainmailler said:
So in normal games you can take as many as you want?
What is a "normal" game to you? One-off games or tournaments, yu can have 1 FAP of allies. Campaigns, as Greg described, you can have 1 Battle point of allies in your fleet roster but no limits apply to specific scenarios (so in 4 pts Skirmish games you could use both Hypeions and nothing else, if you wanted). All allies must come from the same fleet, you can't mix and match.
Personally people who take allies to cover there weakness annoy me to death! Why do you need Allies at all unless we are talking a 20 Battle point game or more I see no reason for them.
Chainmailer, in a one-off game, the book is very specific, you can field an entire force of just ISA allies and have no requirement of even a single ship from the actual ISA list.

But, like everyone else has stated, this is not the case for tournaments or campaigns...

On the campaign topic though, I have a question...
Yu take 1 point of allies for your ISA fleet in your starting fleet. Can you replace them with RR Points? Can you buy more allies as your fleet gets bigger?
Taran said:
Chainmailer, in a one-off game, the book is very specific, you can field an entire force of just ISA allies and have no requirement of even a single ship from the actual ISA list.
On the contrary. It specifically states that you can only spend one FAP on allies. It then goes on to say that in campaign games you can field an all-allies fleet if you like.

Taran said:
On the campaign topic though, I have a question...
Yu take 1 point of allies for your ISA fleet in your starting fleet. Can you replace them with RR Points? Can you buy more allies as your fleet gets bigger?
You can have up to one Battle point of allies in your fleet roster at any time. Buy more with RR as usual. You can only have allies from one race at once, but if they all get destroyed you can switch to a different race if you like.
its 1 FAP of allies in one off games and tournaments but in Campaigns its 1 battle point of allies period. Make your choice of allies wisely.
You can have up to one Battle point of allies in your fleet roster at any time. Buy more with RR as usual. You can only have allies from one race at once, but if they all get destroyed you can switch to a different race if you like.

I didn't know this. So you can only have 1 race as an ally at a time? Does "The League" count as 1 ally or do you have to pick an individual race?