Whirlwind Attack


As I have recently seen int the FAQ, the Whirlwind Attack Feat is now available in Conan D20. But what's with Mobility? I can't find it in my book, and it's a preq for Whirlwind Attack. And what's with Spring Attack? 'Cause there is the Fly-By-Attack and Ride-By-Attack, I think it would be logical that there is the Spring Attack.

Thanks ahead

King Kull
King_Kull said:
As I have recently seen int the FAQ, the Whirlwind Attack Feat is now available in Conan D20. But what's with Mobility? I can't find it in my book, and it's a preq for Whirlwind Attack. And what's with Spring Attack? 'Cause there is the Fly-By-Attack and Ride-By-Attack, I think it would be logical that there is the Spring Attack.

Thanks ahead

King Kull

I think they cut Spring Attack as being too "anime".

Mobility is only available to certain character classes: barbarian, nomad, and pirate, and then only at certain levels.
Iron_Chef said:
I think they cut Spring Attack as being too "anime".

On the contrary, every character has a sort of "spring attack light". See p 168, Fighting on the Run: says that anybody can make a standard attack and move both before and after, up to their speed for the round. However, unlike Spring Attack you still provoke AoO's for your movement. If you want to avoid those you are going to need Improved Mobility.
Ah, thanks.
But why is Mobility so restricted (only available to some classes)? Hm, btw, why can't the barabarian take some feats? What's the source of this? Are these feats too "civilized"?

Thanks ahead

King Kull
King-Kull said:
Ah, thanks.
But why is Mobility so restricted (only available to some classes)? Hm, btw, why can't the barabarian take some feats? What's the source of this? Are these feats too "civilized"?

Thanks ahead

King Kull

Barbarians gain proficiency in all weapons (improvised, exotic, whatever) at level 7. That's why they are forbidden from specializing.