Where to start in the Traveller universe?


I'm a returnee roleplayer who just got back into roleplaying after a twenty year hiatus. I played a lot in the late eighties and nineties, but stopped playing around 2000.

I never played Traveller, but I did have several of the T4 version books. However, I sold them with most of my RPG collection a decade or so ago. But now I'm back and keen to get into Traveller.

Having lurked here for a while, and looking at Seth Skorkowsky's excellent videos I've figured out I'm going to start with something like this:
Core Rulebook
Traveller Companion
Central Supply Catalog
Referee's screen (probably, haven't read much about it, but it looks nice)

But then I'm not sure where to go next, I would like some sourcebooks/adventures. What are your recommendations?

Listening to advice from Seth he suggested starting with staying in one solar system, and that sounds reasonable. But it is not strictly necessary.

Also, I would like them to be in print from Mongoose, and preferably not just a pdf.
The classic way to start a Traveller campaign in any edition, MGT2022 included, is to start with one Subsector, or at most two Subsectors side by side. You can roll your own using the MGT2022 core book, or get one of the several Mongoose sector books, such as:
  • Behind the Claw - the ultra-classic Spinward Marches and the Deneb Sector. Semi-frontier; frontline with the Zhodani (psionic humans).
  • The Solomani Front - another classic region, this time including Terra herself! Settled for a very long time. High-population, high-tech, plus quasi-totalitarian Solomani plotting to retake Terra from the Imperium!
  • The Borderland - actual frontier, with Imperial, Aslan ("lion-like" aliens), and Zhodani presence, among others.
Then choose one or two subsectors and use them as your sandbox, fleshing out what you want. Each of the main area has a selection of printed adventures set in it (Vanguard Reaches, Spinward Marches, Solomani Rim, etc.).

A useful blog post about building your Traveller sandbox:
Spinward Marches is the traditional starting place for Traveller adventures.

But if you want an adventure on a single system or world, then how about Tarsus

... now I'm back and keen to get into Traveller.
Also, if you are returning to RPGing, it is important to listen to your own enthusiasm - what is that telling you to do, based upon your previous experience?
Thank you for your replies!

I'm leaning toward the Spinward Marches then, based on these replies and also all the references I've seen around this area.

However, I was wondering about the Pirates of Drinax, could that also serve as a starting point? I'm asking because I can get that campaign at a somewhat reduced price (and it's Pirates! :) )

Also, if you are returning to RPGing, it is important to listen to your own enthusiasm - what is that telling you to do, based upon your previous experience?
So far I've revisited fantasy RPGs, as that is what we most played in the nineties. However, I've always been a very heavy sci fi reader and have always wanted to play more SF RPGs. I was originally planning to run a campaign in Death in Space or Alien, but after thinking about it they are just too bleak for the world we are in right now and I need something a bit more positive. Then a friend of mine suggested Traveller and the fantastic character creation system roped me in.

I'm not sure I'm GM:ing or my friend will, but now I'm just trying to get into the feeling of Traveller.
Thank you for your replies!

I'm leaning toward the Spinward Marches then, based on these replies and also all the references I've seen around this area.

However, I was wondering about the Pirates of Drinax, could that also serve as a starting point? I'm asking because I can get that campaign at a somewhat reduced price (and it's Pirates! :) )

So far I've revisited fantasy RPGs, as that is what we most played in the nineties. However, I've always been a very heavy sci fi reader and have always wanted to play more SF RPGs. I was originally planning to run a campaign in Death in Space or Alien, but after thinking about it they are just too bleak for the world we are in right now and I need something a bit more positive. Then a friend of mine suggested Traveller and the fantastic character creation system roped me in.

I'm not sure I'm GM:ing or my friend will, but now I'm just trying to get into the feeling of Traveller.
Pirates of Drinax is a great starting campaign if the Referee is comfortable with running freeform, sandbox-style games.
Start here:
then get

For no money you now have the core of the MgT rules, two very good adventures that could be set just about anywhere and with any universal background you want to develop, and the revised classic Traveller rules that will fill some gaps missing from the MgT Explorer's Editioon that is part of the free starter pack.

If you and your group take to it then you can expand by purchasing the books that interest you. While I like discussing the Third Imperium and the extended OTU I don't actually use that as the background to most of my games, but I do love the tools that Traveller has given me.

Mongoose is doing great things with Traveller, but you have to decide if you really want to eat the whole elephant :)
Thank you for your replies!

I'm leaning toward the Spinward Marches then, based on these replies and also all the references I've seen around this area.

However, I was wondering about the Pirates of Drinax, could that also serve as a starting point? I'm asking because I can get that campaign at a somewhat reduced price (and it's Pirates! :) )

So far I've revisited fantasy RPGs, as that is what we most played in the nineties. However, I've always been a very heavy sci fi reader and have always wanted to play more SF RPGs. I was originally planning to run a campaign in Death in Space or Alien, but after thinking about it they are just too bleak for the world we are in right now and I need something a bit more positive. Then a friend of mine suggested Traveller and the fantastic character creation system roped me in.

I'm not sure I'm GM:ing or my friend will, but now I'm just trying to get into the feeling of Traveller.
And a bonus with Pirates of Drinax, you have a region ready to play described in the books : The Trojan Reach. So if you acquired the box you have the campaign and the setting all in once.

With many adventures published for the Trojan Reach it was as good as the Spinward Marches to begin in the Traveller's Universe.

But the campaign itself is a sandbox who need a GM with a minimum of experience in sandbox campaigns.
Pirates of Drinax gets you the Aslan character generation rules too. There are some adventures in the set, but as others have said it requires a lot of Referee work to fill in the rest of the campaign.
The actual established system data is conveniently obtained from TravellerMap and TravellerWiki, so you don't strictly need to buy any setting products just for the map and the world stats.
Also, I would like them to be in print from Mongoose, and preferably not just a pdf.

The Spinward Marches is a great place to start because of the plethora of material available, but Mongoose has done a nice job with the Trojan Reach and Reft as well. Two adventures that serve as nice mini-campaigns and use pretty much all the major rules (skill checks, combat, space combat, vehicles) are Last Flight of the Amuar and Islands in the Rift. If you want to run in the Third Imperium setting using published Mongoose materials, I recommend either of those. Both have the potential to be run as a standalone adventure (probably about 8-10 gaming sessions each) or as the start of an ongoing campaign if you want to continue the story after the published adventure ends.

I'd hold off on big campaigns like Pirates of Drinax, Deepnight Revelation, or Secrets of the Ancients until after you've run something a bit shorter to get your feet wet. After your players have enjoyed your adventure-length hors d'oeuvres, then graduate them to an entree campaign.
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I'm a returnee roleplayer who just got back into roleplaying after a twenty year hiatus. I played a lot in the late eighties and nineties, but stopped playing around 2000.

I never played Traveller, but I did have several of the T4 version books. However, I sold them with most of my RPG collection a decade or so ago. But now I'm back and keen to get into Traveller.

Having lurked here for a while, and looking at Seth Skorkowsky's excellent videos I've figured out I'm going to start with something like this:
Core Rulebook
Traveller Companion
Central Supply Catalog
Referee's screen (probably, haven't read much about it, but it looks nice)

But then I'm not sure where to go next, I would like some sourcebooks/adventures. What are your recommendations?

Listening to advice from Seth he suggested starting with staying in one solar system, and that sounds reasonable. But it is not strictly necessary.

Also, I would like them to be in print from Mongoose, and preferably not just a pdf.
First and most importantly, welcome to Traveller! We're glad to have you aboard the Beowulf.
Second thing: Two very important things to remember:
-- A lot of us on the board are old hands at the game. We can be a great source of advice, but we also debate a lot. Don't let the debating phase you. We're happy to answer any questions you have.
-- Two abbreviations get tossed around a lot. 'OTU' is 'Official Traveller Universe' [also called 'Charted Space']; this is the canon milieu based on published works by Traveller's publishers. IMTU /IYTU is 'In My /Your Traveller Universe'; this is how you see things, how you run your game, and how others see or do the same issue.

Getting to your specific question, I suggest getting 'Behind the Claw'. This is Mongoose Traveller's book detailing two full sectors of space, the Spinward Marches and Deneb Sectors. It also covers the Imperium and it's local neighbors in a medium amount of detail... enough to run a game, not enough to make your eyes water.
There are lots of other regional books published as well. Some deal with the Third Imperium, some deal with with regions far away from Imperial space.

Two websites will be helpful to you beyond Mongoose Publishing:
- Traveller Map, which maps every know published world [some official, some not] into one source and database. Be aware, it's a lot to take in all at once. The site is www.travellermap.com
- The Traveller Wiki, which is a common wiki for all editions with source citations. The site address is www.wiki.travellerrpg.com
Both of these sites are works in progress and updated as more information comes out.

Last thing: From the moment that you cracked open the Core Rules, how you run, play, and perceive Traveller became yours. That's what IYTU means. No game, mechanics, milieu, or adventure survives a referee intact and as-written. You're gonna put your spin on it and that is just fine. How your run things is absolutely gonna be different from mine or, for that matter, Marc Miller's. Have fun, go berzerk, and enjoy yourself. It's your game now and all us old grogs are just here to help you with it.
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In addition to the good advice above, maybe have a think first about what type of Traveller you and your playing companions are - Traveller is quite a broad church. You have players who are trade and business oriented (get a small tramp freighter starship and try to make it pay!). You have other players who are exploration focused (we want to explore strange new worlds!) And you have other players who are military oriented (maybe they want to be mercenaries or a military starship crew). Still others like a grander scale of campaign where they run planets or empires.
Different adventures and settings suit different preferences and interests of the players.
Have fun!
For no money you now have the core of the MgT rules, two very good adventures that could be set just about anywhere and with any universal background you want to develop, and the revised classic Traveller rules that will fill some gaps missing from the MgT Explorer's Editioon that is part of the free starter pack.

Mongoose is doing great things with Traveller, but you have to decide if you really want to eat the whole elephant :)
I already have the explorer edition, but I've missed those adventures. Thank you! I want at least part of the elephant :)

The Spinward Marches is a great place to start because of the plethora or material available, but Mongoose has done a nice job with the Trojan Reach and Reft as well. Two adventures that serve as nice mini-campaigns and use pretty much all the major rules (skill checks, combat, space combat, vehicles) are Last Flight of the Amuar and Islands in the Rift. If you want to run in the Third Imperium setting using published Mongoose materials, I recommend either of those. Both have the potential to be run as a standalone adventure (probably about 8-10 gaming sessions each) or as the start of an ongoing campaign if you want to continue the story after the published adventure ends.
Good suggestions, I'll look into those adventures!

Start at the beginning. Keep going till you get to the end. Then stop.
Sound advice, but I just had some challenge finding the beginning...

First and most importantly, welcome to Traveller! We're glad to have you aboard the Beowulf.
Second thing: Two very important things to remember:
-- A lot of us on the board are old hands at the game. We can be a great source of advice, but we also debate a lot. Don't let the debating phase you. We're happy to answer any questions you have.
-- Two abbreviations get tossed around a lot. 'OTU' is 'Official Traveller Universe' [also called 'Charted Space']; this is the canon milieu based on published works by Traveller's publishers. IMTU /IYTU is 'In My /Your Traveller Universe'; this is how you see things, how you run your game, and how others see or do the same issue.

Last thing: From the moment that you cracked open the Core Rules, how you run, play, and perceive Traveller became yours. That's what IYTU means. No game, mechanics, milieu, or adventure survives a referee intact and as-written. You're gonna put your spin on it and that is just fine. How your run things is absolutely gonna be different from mine or, for that matter, Marc Miller's. Have fun, go berzerk, and enjoy yourself. It's your game now and all us old grogs are just here to help you with it.
Thank you for the abbreviations and the web sites! I've been around on internet forums since the mid nineties, so I'm pretty difficult to phase :)

Behind the claw is high on the list.

In addition to the good advice above, maybe have a think first about what type of Traveller you and your playing companions are - Traveller is quite a broad church. You have players who are trade and business oriented (get a small tramp freighter starship and try to make it pay!). You have other players who are exploration focused (we want to explore strange new worlds!) And you have other players who are military oriented (maybe they want to be mercenaries or a military starship crew). Still others like a grander scale of campaign where they run planets or empires.
Different adventures and settings suit different preferences and interests of the players.
Have fun!
Yes, this will be a bit of a challenge for me. The players are of varying seniority when it comes to RPGs, but we have never played together as a group. So I will need to chance on something.