What helps you get into the 'zone'?


Let's face it, we've all more than likely got half a room full of bare lead/tin models waiting to be painted. I find that once I make the plunge to paint I can knock out armies in no time, My all time best is a 500pts Trollblood army in 2 days.

For me I find music very good at getting me into the 'zone'. Currently I've had Gary Numan's Jagged album on quite a bit.

So what works for you when painting your Babylon 5 ACTA models?
having a complete fleet in front of me(i like to do whole fleets,regiments or companies at a time) and some classical music in the back ground.

I paint very few in the week, as the spare free time I have I wander around in the World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, those things, but weekends bring, hmmm, less `mature` players to that game so I almost never online game.
Also, soccer games in the week help me paint, tele on, use it as a radio with the occasional eye to the screen.

Don`t really have a `zone` for Bab5 or so, i just paint what I
a) urgently need for the friday battles (mostly ww2 lately), as I refuse to put anything non painted on the table, or use counters in the case of acta...
b) what I just `feel good` to paint, even though that usually are things I`m not really in need for at that moment. My `Song of Ice and fire` based bretonnian army is after 1.5 years already, ermm, 12 figures finished in a 2000 point army :?
I also tend to paint whatever it is that I am playing at the moment or for the up and coming game. Stops me getting bored with painting the same model time after time, also means that all of my armies/fleets creep slowly towards being finished rather than one at a time.
Tournaments! If I have an absolute deadline such as a tournament I'll actually get the painting done. If not then as I'm so busy, I often won't get any done.
Depends on my mood, either the sound track of the LotR Trilogy or "The brotherhood of the wolf" or something from Metallica or Man'O'war.
A nice cool, calm day (my painting space is pretty much a shed in the back garden) with no interruptions, accompanied by a goodly supply of Earl Grey tea and biscuits with some music or sci-fi programme (such as B5, Stargate, Seaquest DSV, etc) running in the back ground. As for what I paint, whatever needs doing at the time. I currently have more projects going than you could shake an entire tree at and it's merely a process of prioritising them.
Arch Lector Petrovski said:
A nice cool, calm day (my painting space is pretty much a shed in the back garden) with no interruptions, accompanied by a goodly supply of Earl Grey tea and biscuits with some music or sci-fi programme (such as B5, Stargate, Seaquest DSV, etc) running in the back ground. As for what I paint, whatever needs doing at the time. I currently have more projects going than you could shake an entire tree at and it's merely a process of prioritising them.

im with you there an non-ending supply of Earl Grey
Stonehorse said:
Let's face it, we've all more than likely got half a room full of bare lead/tin models waiting to be painted. I find that once I make the plunge to paint I can knock out armies in no time, My all time best is a 500pts Trollblood army in 2 days.

For me I find music very good at getting me into the 'zone'. Currently I've had Gary Numan's Jagged album on quite a bit.

So what works for you when painting your Babylon 5 ACTA models?

a nicely laid out painting area, T.V. going with "inspirational videos", usually B5 episodes, and the adult beverage of your choice ;) Oh, don't get over committed. Pic a model or a small squadron to do, focus on it/them and finish them. A sense of accomplishment will keep you painting.
David said:
a nicely laid out painting area, T.V. going with "inspirational videos", usually B5 episodes, and the adult beverage of your choice ;) Oh, don't get over committed. Pic a model or a small squadron to do, focus on it/them and finish them. A sense of accomplishment will keep you painting.

I'm with you there. Never have too many models to paint at once, otherwise you'll just see all that has to be done and it will both overwhelm and discourage you. I try not to put too many together at any one time, constructing the next batch of models I'm working on whilst I enter the finishing stages of of those I'm currently working on.
But you MUST have masses and masses of figures of hundreds of projects, of which half your surprised you even had models of this or that range... thats what defines the live of a wargamer, as the known saying goes:
"Once a wargamer has painted all his models, he dies"
Only thousands of figs to paint? Lucky you. I'm in the tens of thousands ;)
Keep your painting table small. If you have room to put figures then you surely will.
My problem is that I spread out onto almost every conceivable flat surface in the immediate area. I should put together a few and paint a few, but that never seems to happen. The lure of putting more models together is always too strong for me to resist though and I currently have a back catalogue of models and projects (including entire armies) that runs at least a mile long; and that's if it's written in really, really tiny writing.
Arch Lector Petrovski said:
My problem is that I spread out onto almost every conceivable flat surface in the immediate area. I should put together a few and paint a few, but that never seems to happen. The lure of putting more models together is always too strong for me to resist though and I currently have a back catalogue of models and projects (including entire armies) that runs at least a mile long; and that's if it's written in really, really tiny writing.

Oh yeah. Been there. Had a place with a dining room table that was some 4' by 8'. I COVERED it with figures and models. Never got anything done but got a lot of projects started. Use a T.V. dinner tray to work off of. You will get more done.