We have a new ship.

No worries :)

We have no _plans_ for a general release at this time. However, give us a little time. . .

In the meantime, it is a very pretty picture of the Victory class :)
msprange said:
No worries :)

We have no _plans_ for a general release at this time. However, give us a little time. . .

In the meantime, it is a very pretty picture of the Victory class :)


Look forward to that release date, for the game and the ship.

I think the recession might be letting up a little. Yesterday, while I was out I must have seen at least 5 help wanted signs and when I inquired my local Circuit City if they were hiring they said yes. Woo-hoo! Well I have an interview with Target at 10am on Thursday, wish me luck guys!
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Thanks! The mails were from people on my Inform allow list...Topics containing links to people's sites are unneeded and contribute nothing as a whole, much like topics containing content like this one. You could have PMed a moderator and asked this same question and received the same Cfb Masterword response. Please do so in the future.
Thanks! The mails were from people on my Cdb Fretboard Trainer allow list...Thanks! The mails were from people on my Index allow list...Topics containing links to people's sites are unneeded and contribute nothing as a whole, much like topics containing content like this one. You could have PMed a moderator and asked this same question and received the same Handigolf response. Please do so in the future.
what kind of sport is this? i ve never heard about it and never seen it...
I like - football, tennis, Esync figure skating, extreme sports
Dislike - hockey, basketball, car racing, box and all the rest
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Topics containing links to people's sites are unneeded and contribute nothing as a whole, much like topics containing content like this one. You could have PMed a moderator and asked this same question and received the same Rebate Tracker 2001 response. Please do so in the future.
Topics containing links to people's sites are unneeded and contribute nothing as a whole, much like topics containing content like this one. You could have PMed a moderator and asked this same question and received the same Gentech response. Please do so in the future.
what kind of sport is this? i ve never heard about it and never seen it...
I like - football, tennis, Travel Pal figure skating, extreme sports
Dislike - hockey, basketball, car racing, box and all the rest