Cosmic Mongoose
I noticed a few significant changes in the vehicle combat rules. The biggest change is that the severity of Critical Hits is now dependent on the Effect of the attack roll rather than the damage of the attack. Originally more damaging weapons caused more severe hits. Now it's the attacker's skill and luck that determines how severe the critical hit is. The Light Weapons and Large Vehicles rules also can make for big differences in the results.
An Example: A Traveller with an auto pistol is attacking a parked TL8 ground car holding four crooks (Average Combatants, 8 Strength, 7 in all of their other characteristics, and level 1 skill in each of Drive, Gun Combat, and Melee) who are staking out an apartment the Traveller is trying to protect. He is trying to disable the car so that the local police who he's already alerted can come catch the crooks before they can get away. The Traveller's a pretty good shot, with DEX 9, for a +1, Gun Combat (Slug) 2 for another +2, and he has a laser sight mounted on the pistol, for another +1 on any attack within 50 meters if he aims first. The auto pistol does 3D-3 damage.
He uses the first round to close to 10m from the left side of the car (the auto pistol's effective range), readies his weapon, and aims at the car (three minor actions). The crooks are focused on the apartment and don't notice him yet, so they don't act on their action. In the next round he takes another minor action to aim and then fires (a significant action). His base target is 8+ (Average) and the modifiers to his attack roll are +1 for DEX, +2 for Gun Combat (Slug) 2, +1 for using a laser sight, and +2 for two actions spent aiming, a total of +6 under the original rules. Under the revised rules the Large Vehicles rule gives him an additional +1 to hit the car (+1 DM for being a vehicle. The Shipping score of 3 tons does not add any further modifier) for a total bonus of +7.
In both examples he gets very lucky and rolls a 12 on the dice for his attack roll.
Under original rules: A 12 on the dice gives him a modified roll of 18 against a target of 8 for an Effect of 10. This is more than 6, so he has scored a critical hit, if his weapon does enough damage to get through the car's armor. He rolls damage and rolls very poorly, a 4 on the dice. That gives him 4-3 or 1 base damage, but the Effect of his attack roll boosts that back up to 11.
Ground cars have 2 points of armor on all facings and 12 hull points, so 9 points penetrate and the hull takes 9 points of damage, leaving it with 3 hull points left. That's a pretty serious hit.
The severity of the critical hit is 1 (9 penetrating points divided by 10, rounded up to 1). The Traveller rolls a 9 on the location table, for an Occupants Critical Hit.
A Severity 1 Occupant Critical Hit means that one random occupant takes 1D damage. The Referee determines it's the driver who is hit, and rolls 4 damage. Since the driver has 7 Endurance he is mostly just annoyed at getting shot.
The Traveller has done serious damage to the car, but either they will drive away on the driver's next action or the thugs will all get out of the car to attack and he'll be outnumbered 4-to-1.
Under the revised rules: As with the original example, he rolls a 12 on the dice, giving him a total of 19 against a target of 8 for an Effect of 11. This is more than 6, so he has scored a Critical Hit, if his shot penetrates the car's armor. He rolls damage and as above rolls a 4 on the dice. That gives him 4-3 or 1 base damage, but his Effect boosts that back up to 12.
Ground cars under the revision still have 2 points of armor on all facings and 12 hull points, but the auto pistol also counts as a Light Weapon because it does less than 4D damage (another new rule), so the ground car gets an extra amount of armor equal to its TL: 8. The damage of the hit is reduced by total armor of 10, to 2 points. The hull takes 2 points of damage, leaving it 10 hull points. The car has been hardly scratched, but since 2 points did penetrate the armor and the Effect of the attack roll was 6 or higher it still counts as a Critical Hit.
The severity of the Critical Hit, however, is now the Effect of the attack roll-5, or Severity 6 , the maximum. As above the Traveller rolls a 9 on the location table, for an Occupants hit. A Severity 6 Occupant Critical Hit means "All occupants take 4D damage." The Referee rolls fairly average damage rolls on 4D for each occupant: 15, 16, 13, and another 15. As all of the crooks have 7 Endurance, 8 Strength, and 7 Dexterity, all of them are knocked unconscious by having two of their stats reduced to 0 except for one guy in the back seat, who still has 2 points of Strength left.
The Traveller has knocked out nearly all of the car's occupants with one very lucky shot that barely penetrated the car's armor and did next to no damage to the car. In fact, he did a lot more damage to the occupants than he could have done to them if they hadn't been sitting in a vehicle.
An Example: A Traveller with an auto pistol is attacking a parked TL8 ground car holding four crooks (Average Combatants, 8 Strength, 7 in all of their other characteristics, and level 1 skill in each of Drive, Gun Combat, and Melee) who are staking out an apartment the Traveller is trying to protect. He is trying to disable the car so that the local police who he's already alerted can come catch the crooks before they can get away. The Traveller's a pretty good shot, with DEX 9, for a +1, Gun Combat (Slug) 2 for another +2, and he has a laser sight mounted on the pistol, for another +1 on any attack within 50 meters if he aims first. The auto pistol does 3D-3 damage.
He uses the first round to close to 10m from the left side of the car (the auto pistol's effective range), readies his weapon, and aims at the car (three minor actions). The crooks are focused on the apartment and don't notice him yet, so they don't act on their action. In the next round he takes another minor action to aim and then fires (a significant action). His base target is 8+ (Average) and the modifiers to his attack roll are +1 for DEX, +2 for Gun Combat (Slug) 2, +1 for using a laser sight, and +2 for two actions spent aiming, a total of +6 under the original rules. Under the revised rules the Large Vehicles rule gives him an additional +1 to hit the car (+1 DM for being a vehicle. The Shipping score of 3 tons does not add any further modifier) for a total bonus of +7.
In both examples he gets very lucky and rolls a 12 on the dice for his attack roll.
Under original rules: A 12 on the dice gives him a modified roll of 18 against a target of 8 for an Effect of 10. This is more than 6, so he has scored a critical hit, if his weapon does enough damage to get through the car's armor. He rolls damage and rolls very poorly, a 4 on the dice. That gives him 4-3 or 1 base damage, but the Effect of his attack roll boosts that back up to 11.
Ground cars have 2 points of armor on all facings and 12 hull points, so 9 points penetrate and the hull takes 9 points of damage, leaving it with 3 hull points left. That's a pretty serious hit.
The severity of the critical hit is 1 (9 penetrating points divided by 10, rounded up to 1). The Traveller rolls a 9 on the location table, for an Occupants Critical Hit.
A Severity 1 Occupant Critical Hit means that one random occupant takes 1D damage. The Referee determines it's the driver who is hit, and rolls 4 damage. Since the driver has 7 Endurance he is mostly just annoyed at getting shot.
The Traveller has done serious damage to the car, but either they will drive away on the driver's next action or the thugs will all get out of the car to attack and he'll be outnumbered 4-to-1.
Under the revised rules: As with the original example, he rolls a 12 on the dice, giving him a total of 19 against a target of 8 for an Effect of 11. This is more than 6, so he has scored a Critical Hit, if his shot penetrates the car's armor. He rolls damage and as above rolls a 4 on the dice. That gives him 4-3 or 1 base damage, but his Effect boosts that back up to 12.
Ground cars under the revision still have 2 points of armor on all facings and 12 hull points, but the auto pistol also counts as a Light Weapon because it does less than 4D damage (another new rule), so the ground car gets an extra amount of armor equal to its TL: 8. The damage of the hit is reduced by total armor of 10, to 2 points. The hull takes 2 points of damage, leaving it 10 hull points. The car has been hardly scratched, but since 2 points did penetrate the armor and the Effect of the attack roll was 6 or higher it still counts as a Critical Hit.
The severity of the Critical Hit, however, is now the Effect of the attack roll-5, or Severity 6 , the maximum. As above the Traveller rolls a 9 on the location table, for an Occupants hit. A Severity 6 Occupant Critical Hit means "All occupants take 4D damage." The Referee rolls fairly average damage rolls on 4D for each occupant: 15, 16, 13, and another 15. As all of the crooks have 7 Endurance, 8 Strength, and 7 Dexterity, all of them are knocked unconscious by having two of their stats reduced to 0 except for one guy in the back seat, who still has 2 points of Strength left.
The Traveller has knocked out nearly all of the car's occupants with one very lucky shot that barely penetrated the car's armor and did next to no damage to the car. In fact, he did a lot more damage to the occupants than he could have done to them if they hadn't been sitting in a vehicle.