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Could anyone give me any information on this new order lonewolf gamebook? Did the player actually have to fight a vampire, and if so, what kind of statistics andpowers did the vampire have?

((just wondering because I really want to know what Joe Dever's interpretation of vampires is.))

Perhaps someone could even stat one up eh?
The vampire is Autarch Sejanoz of Bhanar. You can't fight him directly, because his armor makes him invulnerable even to Kai Weapons. His psychic powers are extremely developed. I think that the right-handed path of Naar featured in The Darklands was at least partially inspired by Sejanoz.
His only known weakness (in book 27) is a fear of fire.
Thanks Nyxator! That was some good information. Hmm, however, the righthanded path blurb you mentioned; I take that to mean the vampire had a lot of mindcontrolling powers, like most vampires do. good stuff.

Did the vamp morph into a bat, or mist, or anything of the sort? ANd were spells effective? (such as kai alchemy, or magi magik), or was there no option to use spells on him?
The "Power Word" spell slightly affects him: he shivers and he's shocked for a brief moment.
"Lightning Hand" doesn't seem to have any effect on him.
He doesn't seem to be capable of morphing.
Also, he doesn't bite his victims, but drains their blood through artificial claws mounted on the bracers of his golden armour.

Interestingly enough, he's been ruling Bhanar for 3000 years but the Kai Grand Master didn't have a clue about this: he was quite surprised when his allies told him. Apparently, this indicates that the cultural links between Northern and Southern Magnamund are very weak.
Hope this helps. :)
Thats an excellent point. I read over the blurb in the rpg gazateer section; his people apparently know rumors about him, but nothing specific.

I was thinking about having my players run into him somehow. I will make it so that the people in that land think there have been multiple descendants; none of them want to believe they are being run by some guy who is older than even the elder magii ;) (or around the same age)

What kind of CR do you think he should have? ANd how did the grandmaster finally defeat him?
Xex said:
Thats an excellent point. I read over the blurb in the rpg gazateer section; his people apparently know rumors about him, but nothing specific.

There's indeed a legend about his having made a pact with Agarash, which is common knowledge even in nearby countries, but nothing is known for sure. Except that he's immortal.

Xex said:
What kind of CR do you think he should have?

I'd give him a CR of 28, like the most powerful of the Darklords in MS 5000. Maybe even more.
He can easily handle a Kai Grand Master and three elite Siyenese Rangers in melee combat. While he does not direct his mind-control at the Grand Master, probably because it wouldn't work, his destructive psychic powers are so strong that kai-screen is not enough to stop them. Normal arrows shot at him break in midair, and your Kai Weapon cannot even scratch his armour.

Xex said:
ANd how did the grandmaster finally defeat him?

He kills him with the Arrow of Justice (I'm not sure about
its original name, I translated the italian name). It's a magic arrow made of pure korlinium, crafted by the Elder Magi millennia before the "current" date.

A CR of 28; would that take it above even the deathlord of Ixia? (if you count in the fact that the vampire seems to be extrmely resistant to damage, or at least its armor does)