Garet said:
Valaryc said:
EXACTLY !!!! i'm glad there is another one with that oppinion !!!!
hope some of our "math fetish guys" read this's amazing how long their threads about numbers, tables and possibilities can be :wink:
Thats the way i run a game
. Also don't let people argue about the rules. Just write down what the problem is, make a quick judgement as GM and move on. Then look up the question after the game and discuss with the players before the next game.
It's usually because of PCs that I have to go into details about numbers, tables and possibilities. For NPCs I just wing it behind the curtain. However the players will asks "doesn't that provoke an AoO", "don't I get a +2 because of X", "how can he do that twice in this combat", "how does my feat X work" etc. etc.
Like Valaryc on the spot I'll either say "that's just how it is for now, I'll check later" or "OK you've got until you're not action to look it up."
It's after the former that I often come on here and ask questions....