ULTRAVIOLT mission ideas


Post your mission ideas hear high programers oh HP. Here is one of mine.

HP you need to assemble a team to send the ATE sector, their is rumors of file sharing and other commie activities going on.

When the team members get their, they run into a Bil-G-ATE, who tells them to deliver a package for them it is a little larger the 8 1/2 x 11. And deliver it to someone. ( The package is the files, file folder that is and is wrapped in green paper)

All this is caught on film, and the team is convicted as the file sharers, frame by Bil-G-ATE.

Charles 8)
cjfodel said:
Post your mission ideas hear high programers oh HP. Here is one of mine.

HP you need to assemble a team to send the ATE sector, their is rumors of file sharing and other commie activities going on.

When the team members get their, they run into a Bil-G-ATE, who tells them to deliver a package for them it is a little larger the 8 1/2 x 11. And deliver it to someone. ( The package is the files, file folder that is and is wrapped in green paper)

All this is caught on film, and the team is convicted as the file sharers, frame by Bil-G-ATE.

Charles 8)

Hey, now!!!

Bil-G-ATE was an NPC in my Paranoia module "The Traitor in the Midst."

Actually, would anyone on this forum know who I'd contact to offer to freelance write Paranoia modules for Mongoose? The Paranoia event that I wrote was one of the most fun adventures to write that I've ever written.

Mongoose's support line for PARANOIA is planned over a year in advance. However, I know Signs & Portents editor Ian Barstow is always looking for proposals for good short PARANOIA pieces, especially articles. If you'd like to submit a proposal, e-mail him at ibarstow (at) mongoosepublishing (dot) com.