[Trooper X/Forge of Foreven] More May Bonuses!

Sylvre Phire

One of the things that always fascinates me about RPGs is house rules - those fiddly bits of homebrew goodness (or sheer awfulness) that we gamers use to patch bugs and fill in gaps in our favorite systems and campaigns.

Like other gamers, I find that not all editions of the same game are equal. Traveller, having been through a number of different incarnations is no different. While Mongoose's edition has its charm, there are some areas in the rules which I find don't quite fit the flavor of Classic Traveller.

You can find the rest of the entry here: http://forevenforge.blogspot.com/2014/05/a-peek-behind-curtain-part-2-of-many.html; as a bonus (and to spare people from a towering wall of text), there's a third May bonus here: http://forevenforge.blogspot.com/2014/05/bonus-3-peek-behind-curtain-part-3-of.html.