Tournament Etiquette - Query?


I'll be seeing a number of you on the 16th. I have only actually played centauri V Narn battles, though I am familiar with the capabilities of most of the main stream ships in SFoS.

What I was wondering was fleets such as Drakh or even Dilgar that are not in SFoS, I don't know much about them so don't know what their strengths or weaknesses are.

Dilgar I believe almost all of them are very good ships and carry massive amount of forward firing close range weaponry. Are any ships worth destroying first if I encounter them??

Drakh - I know nothing apart from the fact the models themselves are naff cubed. I think they have something called a GEG but I don't know what it is?

Can anyone give me a 2 paragrapher on their strengths and weaknesses??

The original question was on Etiquette, what I meant was, how much information are you obliged to give your opponent on your ships. I presume he knows the class of ships you are using, mine are all in SFoS so that is not difficult to look up.

If they are Drakh does he have to answer questions by me like "Does that big orange turdy looking ship over there have any interceptors? Is it hull 5 or 6??

I always show my opponent my damage chart so he knows how close a ship is to being crippled etc, is that normal or should you keep that information classified??


Cpt Kremmen
PS Reborn - Hope to meet those Brakiri of yours in battle, would be fun.
Personally I show my opponent my sheets any time he asks, since in a real battle you would have a database of your opponents ships to look up. I've found that most people are the same. I'm not sure what the "official rules" on this are though.

You can find Drakh and Dilgar stats on :)
The GEG X trait basically ignores the first X damage inflicted by each weapon system, although it cannot ignore damage caused by criticals.
Captain Kremmen said:
Drakh - I know nothing apart from the fact the models themselves are naff cubed. I think they have something called a GEG but I don't know what it is?

GEG ignores the damage scored, up to its rating (though criticals are still applied). So if you hit a Drakh ships with GEG 2, and score 3 damage. Then 2 of those, are immdiate discarded.

A Drakh tourney player will most like deploy a Carrier, and some fast destroyers (or Light cruisers). They get the raiders free, in the Carrier hangers. Drakh tend towards massed attacks with small ships, though those destroyers are nasty. My advice is to pick off his small ships, and then go for the biggies. Also, try and go for the flanks. They have few, if any weapons to protect them. If you go for their big ships, their GEG is going to soak up a lot of damage and they are going to maul you with the raiders.

Captain Kremmen said:
The original question was on Etiquette, what I meant was, how much information are you obliged to give your opponent on your ships. I presume he knows the class of ships you are using, mine are all in SFoS so that is not difficult to look up.

All really, its about good sportsmansip, and gamesmanship. If he asks, give him the info. You dont have to stick all your sheets under his nose, but neither are you mean to be shady if he asks. Yes that also does include telling him, how much damage is left too.

Captain Kremmen said:
If they are Drakh does he have to answer questions by me like "Does that big orange turdy looking ship over there have any interceptors? Is it hull 5 or 6??


Captain Kremmen said:
I always show my opponent my damage chart so he knows how close a ship is to being crippled etc, is that normal or should you keep that information classified??

Dont keep it secret, as soon as you reach crippled tell him, and also put a marker down. Remember, its about enjoying the game, not recreating the Cold War ;)

What about variants? If I am using variants do I have to tell the opponent? Or do they not know until the ship exhibits unusual behaviour?
Reborn said:
What about variants? If I am using variants do I have to tell the opponent? Or do they not know until the ship exhibits unusual behaviour?

I would say yes to that, the likes of Olympus gunships might peeve some peeps off if they dont know what it is :)
You have to tell your opponent what your ships are if it's not immediately obvious.

"Is that Primus a Primus, Sedundus or Tertius?"

"Is that an Omega pulse variant or standard?"

And so on...
Reborn said:
What about variants? If I am using variants do I have to tell the opponent? Or do they not know until the ship exhibits unusual behaviour?
Of course you have to say. You write it in the fleet roster.
That wasn't the case in B5Wars. You used the base ship counter / model and as far as the opponent knew that was what it was until it did something that the other ship couldn't, then it would be revealed.
Reborn said:
That wasn't the case in B5Wars. You used the base ship counter / model and as far as the opponent knew that was what it was until it did something that the other ship couldn't, then it would be revealed.

But we are playing ACTA, you are comparing Apples with oranges there :wink:
It's just nice when your oppent tells you what is in their fleet. As to which ship is which variant, I'll have probably forgotten that by the time it has been set up and the first turns initiative rolled.
Reborn said:
That wasn't the case in B5Wars. You used the base ship counter / model and as far as the opponent knew that was what it was until it did something that the other ship couldn't, then it would be revealed.

But then there were tactical intelligence rules in B5W, which was one of the things you could use your scouts for.

ACtA it's not really relevant, and in a tournament setting, even less so; after your first game, anyone paying attention knows what you have ;)
Thanks for the replies, sounds like everyone is quite open about everything. Which I like.

As almost all of you mention, it's a game and it's meant to be fun. I personally am really looking forward to meeting alot of you guys in person on Saturday and having an interesting sociable day. I will make a token effort not too lose too badly, but the winning is not my prime objective.

Cpt Kremmen
'Six Timbers' Reaverman said:
Reborn said:
That wasn't the case in B5Wars. You used the base ship counter / model and as far as the opponent knew that was what it was until it did something that the other ship couldn't, then it would be revealed.

But we are playing ACTA, you are comparing Apples with oranges there :wink:
However, my point was that Burger said "of course" as if it was obvious and there could be no other way. But there is.
Reborn said:
'Six Timbers' Reaverman said:
Reborn said:
That wasn't the case in B5Wars. You used the base ship counter / model and as far as the opponent knew that was what it was until it did something that the other ship couldn't, then it would be revealed.

But we are playing ACTA, you are comparing Apples with oranges there :wink:
However, my point was that Burger said "of course" as if it was obvious and there could be no other way. But there is.
You have to hand in a fleet roster, and keep one with you to show to your opponent. How're you going to hide variants?!
Well never having played in a tournament I haven't gone through a field test of the tournament pack as of yet.
Reborn said:
Well never having played in a tournament I haven't gone through a field test of the tournament pack as of yet.


I think Burger and Reaverman are getting into their Pirate characters a little at the moment, and being just a little bit grumpy with a few people, I think it is all the salt and sea air in their diet.

I haven't been to a tournament before, I knew you had to take two copies of the roster but assumed one was for you and one was for the organisers to check your fleet was OK. I did not know it was for your opponent to check.

Like most things in life, it is easy and obvious when you know how, it is usually neither if you do not know how.

Look forward to seeing you on Saturday, maybe if we both lose to burger and reaverman we will then play each other.

Cpt Kremmen
Nah, we're always grumpy :D

Althogh we're nice blokes in real life, I like to think...
As for losing to me, well so far in my tournament career I've come 2nd out of 8, joint last out of 15, and last out of 10... hardly an outstanding record :P Although, I blame circumstances.

Don't worry about the tournament rules too much, just have fun, you're not going to be disallowed entry if you forget your SFOS or fleet roster, or even dice/tape measure! Its always pretty relaxed, we're all just there to have a laugh, the ultra-competitive tournament freaks all seem to be the othe side of the pond ;)
Dread Pirate Burger said:
the ultra-competitive tournament freaks all seem to be the othe side of the pond ;)

Hey watch it, that lot live a country where its legal to carry they have a huge army :)