Time Traveller Campaign: Map of History

Tom Kalbfus

Here is my Map of History for a Time Traveller Campaign
Map of History
2001 to 2020 The War on Terror
1991 to 1999 The Yugoslav War
1990 to 1991 The Persian Gulf War
1975 to 1989 The Late Cold War
1955 to 1975 The Vietnam War
1950 to 1953 The Korean War
1939 to 1945 World War II
1929 to 1939 The Great Depression
1920 to 1929 The Roaring Twenties
1914 to 1918 The Great War
1898 to 1898 The Spanish-American War
1882 to 1892 The Pleasant Valley War
1878 to 1878 The Lincoln County War
1876 to 1877 The Black Hills War
1870 to 1871 The Franco-Prussian War
1861 to 1865 The American Civil War
1848 to 1859 The California Gold Rush
1846 to 1848 The Mexican-American War
1835 to 1836 The Texas Revolution
1832 to 1832 The Black Hawk War
1827 to 1827 The Winnebago War
1812 to 1815 The War of 1812
1801 to 1805 The First Barbary War
1787 to 1799 The French Revolution
1765 to 1783 The American Revolution
1754 to 1763 The French and Indian war
1744 to 1748 King George's War
1702 to 1714 Queen Anne's War
1693 to 1700 The Pirate Round
1692 to 1693 The Salem Witch Trials
1642 to 1651 The English Civil War
1620 to 1640 Plymouth Colony Settlement
1607 to 1619 Jamestown Colony Settlement
1588 to 1588 The Spanish Armada
1491 to 1547 King Henry the Eighth

As you can see it covers about 500 years. The periods are identified by certain key events in American History. Standard Traveller rules and technology applies here, the default tech level is 15 for the time travellers. Any thoughts on how to use Traveller rules in a Time Travel setting?
Tom Kalbfus said:
As you can see it covers about 500 years. The periods are identified by certain key events in American History. Standard Traveller rules and technology applies here, the default tech level is 15 for the time travellers. Any thoughts on how to use Traveller rules in a Time Travel setting?

Book 4: Psion covers some time travel.
I know you said it's very American... but it's very American (for example: some of the war names are non-traditional, but are the name used for minor skirmishes in N. America that were part of much larger world events).

That said you miss out such important N. American things as the attempted Fenian invasions of Canada.
Lord High Munchkin said:
I know you said it's very American... but it's very American (for example: some of the war names are non-traditional, but are the name used for minor skirmishes in N. America that were part of much larger world events).

That said you miss out such important N. American things as the attempted Fenian invasions of Canada.
I've tried to get it so the time periods don't overlap, since some events do overlap, I have not included them, basically they are just names for time periods, just as you have names for worlds in a standard Traveler campaign, the names of the time periods I use also give an adventure idea, most of them are wars and conflicts, and I've used the wars and conflicts of the nation I know best, I am sure there are some non Americans here who have other ideas for labeling the important time periods. A person can travel to the World War II time period, and thanks to Mongoose, we have a lot of detail on World War II vehicles. I'd say one way to treat this is that each time period is its own separate world, each starts out as a part of history, but as the actions of time travelers are felt or not, each becomes non casually related to other time periods, in other words the time stream begins to deviate from the point that the time travellers have entered it, this is usually not a problem so long as the deviation is small, but if it starts becoming significant, that travel to and from that time period becomes difficult. Thus the time travellers are motivated not to interfere with history too much, if a particular time period splits off completely, then it gets replaced with a virgin time period of the same name without the mark of any time traveller's interference. The time traveling devices cannot access parallel timelines that are too different from the historical baseline.

Another rule is time advances in each labeled timeline at the same rate, thus if a group of PCs leave the World War II time period for a couple of days, then a couple of days pass in that World War II time period while the PCs are gone, and when they return the date in that World War II time period advances by two days. There is no micro time travel, a person cannot travel back into his own personal history and correct his own mistakes. Also a person in say 1943 cannot go back in time to 1941 for example, each time period has its own present, that advances at the same rate. PCs have to wait for certain historical events to happen, they cannot jump ahead within a specific time period, nor can they go back, so in this campaign for each labeled time period, the referee needs to keep track of what date it is. One way to do this is to have a specific campaign date and go plus or minus a certain number of years months, and days for each time period in question. Once the endpoint of a time period is reached, it can either reset or it can continue, such as the World War II time period ending in 1945, it can go onto 1946 or reset itself back to September 1, 1939 at the referee's discretion.

What do you think of these rules? Have you any other ideas or suggestions?
You might be interested in the upcoming TimewatchRPG.

It has a more freewheeling 'Bill & Ted' attitude to time travel with rules for temporal paradoxes, which are all part of the fun.

Simon Hibbs
I was being slightly flippant, but what I was trying to point out was along the lines of (for example) using "The French and Indian war" rather than "The Seven Years War" is a bit like calling WWII "The Battle of the Bulge".

That said, you might also have a look for a couple of old 'White Dwarf' articles on time travel (#29, #81 - although the first is primarily aimed at AD&D1, #81 is likely of more use), they did cover a huge number of the possibilities over all sorts of issues that can be created when involving time in RPGs. Worth a look.
Lord High Munchkin said:
I was being slightly flippant, but what I was trying to point out was along the lines of (for example) using "The French and Indian war" rather than "The Seven Years War" is a bit like calling WWII "The Battle of the Bulge".

That said, you might also have a look for a couple of old 'White Dwarf' articles on time travel (#29, #81 - although the first is primarily aimed at AD&D1, #81 is likely of more use), they did cover a huge number of the possibilities over all sorts of issues that can be created when involving time in RPGs. Worth a look.

Well the important part of the Seven Years War was what happened in the French and Indian War, because that set the stage for the American Revolution, and for the settlement of Canada. Without the conclusion of the French and Indian War, Canada, not just Quebec, would be French!
Here is my expanded map of history including some future history, based on the book The Next 100 Years by George Friedman

Map of History
2090 to 2100 Tensions build between the United States and Mexico over latin population in Southwest
2080 to 2090 Completion of Solar Power Satellites, energy beamed to Earth, Human level AI robots replace human labor
2070 to 2080 Space Colonies established in Earth Orbit
2055 to 2070 Early space colonies established on Moon and Mars
2050 to 2055 The Space War
2030 to 2050 Polish block, Turkish and Japanese Empires expand
2020 to 2030 The Collapse of China and Russia
2014 to 2020 The New Cold War with Russia
2001 to 2014 The War on Terror
1991 to 1999 The Yugoslav War
1990 to 1991 The Persian Gulf War
1975 to 1989 The Late Cold War
1955 to 1975 The Vietnam War
1950 to 1953 The Korean War
1939 to 1945 World War II
1929 to 1939 The Great Depression
1920 to 1929 The Roaring Twenties
1914 to 1918 The Great War
1898 to 1898 The Spanish-American War
1882 to 1892 The Pleasant Valley War
1878 to 1878 The Lincoln County War
1876 to 1877 The Black Hills War
1870 to 1871 The Franco-Prussian War
1861 to 1865 The American Civil War
1848 to 1859 The California Gold Rush
1846 to 1848 The Mexican-American War
1835 to 1836 The Texas Revolution
1832 to 1832 The Black Hawk War
1827 to 1827 The Winnebago War
1812 to 1815 The War of 1812
1801 to 1805 The First Barbary War
1787 to 1799 The French Revolution
1765 to 1783 The American Revolution
1754 to 1763 The French and Indian war
1744 to 1748 King George's War
1702 to 1714 Queen Anne's War
1693 to 1700 The Pirate Round
1692 to 1693 The Salem Witch Trials
1642 to 1651 The English Civil War
1620 to 1640 Plymouth Colony Settlement
1607 to 1619 Jamestown Colony Settlement
1588 to 1588 The Spanish Armada
1491 to 1547 King Henry the Eighth
These are the rules for Time Travel
The absolute now is 2116 AD
The Time Jump Drive turns a starship into a timeship, in this setting the FTL drive for traveling to the stars is a warp drive, the ratings are warp 1 through 6, the jump number is how many parsecs that can be traveled in a week, the rule is the ship must be greater than 100 diameters from the center of a planetary body before the Warp Drive will work, as it requires flat space in which to operate. A number of planets have already been colonized, about 100 star systems within 22 light years of Earth.

At the time when research on the warp drive occurred, there was another group developing the Jump Drive, however the jump drive in this setting jumps back in time, not in space. A Jump 1 drive has a range of 50 to 149 years back in time. The Time Jump drives have the following ranges

Jump, Range, standard ships which have this drive
1 = 50 to 149 years (1967 to 2066 AD) Free Trader (200-tons), Yacht (200-tons), Subsidized Merchant (400-tons)

2 = 50 to 249 years (1867 to 2066 AD) Scout/Courier (100-tons), Seeker (100-tons), Far Trader (200-tons), Safari Ship (200 tons), Corsair (400 tons), Laboratory Ship (400 tons)

3 = 50 to 349 years (1767 to 2066 AD) Patrol Cruiser (400-tons), Subsidized Liner (600-tons), Mercenary Cruiser (800-tons)

4 = 50 to 449 years (1667 to 2066 AD)

5 = 50 to 549 years (1567 to 2066 AD) Scout ship or Far Trader carried in the hold of a Subsidized Liner or Mercenary Cruiser

6 = 50 to 649 years (1467 to 2066 AD)

The thing to remember about timeships is when they jump they always leave a part of themselves in the relative present to pull them back to that present. For instance a large timeship can carry a smaller timeship that fits within its cargo hold so it can make an additional jump from the past in which the larger ship carries it. When a timeship jumps it leaves behind a black hole of equal mass to the timeship which made the Jump. When a time ship returns to its time or origin, it leaves behind nothing.

The consequence is this the Timeship must jump from orbit around the planet, but within 1 planetary diameter of the planet's center, and the planet must be at least Size 4 or greater. Time jumps can only occur between some point in the past, within the range of the jump drive, and the present. A ship jumping into the past must leave from orbit, because it it jumps from the planet's surface, the black hole will fall right through the crust to the center of the planet. The black hole is too small to eat the planet, but being in the center of a planet means the timeship cannot be recalled, as to do so would leave the timeship in the center of the planet, and that's not good! A timeship however can return to the present from the surface of a planet or from within its atmosphere, that means it can make a time jump back to the present even if its maneuver drive is damaged to destroyed, and when it returns it will return right back to the black hole it left behind replacing that black hole.

A further limitation is that a timeship cannot go beyond the 1 diameter limit of the planet it is orbiting or on, otherwise its connection to the present is destroyed, the black hole in the present explodes and can no longer retrieve the timeship, the time jump drive is damaged and when this occurs, it is marooned in the past. A ship can have both a warp drive and a time jump drive, but use of the former would destroy the later for the above reason.

Any serious departure from the timeline will cause the time period the ship is in to be replaced with a virgin timeline where all evidence of the time traveller's alterations in the timeline is erased, but the alteration in history has to be rather serious for this to occur. For instance while traveling around in World War II, if the PCs kill a random German Solder that was shooting at them, this will not seriously alter the timeline, but if they kill Hitler, they will find that their time jump drive was damaged and their connection to the present is lost, they are also stuck in this timeline until they can return the timestream back to its original course, this usually involves repairing the time drive and going into the past and undoing the changes in the timeline made.

One can of course make use of low berths to travel forward in time at the natural rate, the time drive itself will not carry the ship forward in time except to its point of origin so long as its connection to the present is maintained. Time agents in the past can go into orbit and use the low berths to return to the departure date upon which they've left, but this is not necessarily the timeline in which they left.

The black hole left behind is actually a wormhole opening, as such it doesn't have Hawking radiation, however the neck of the wormhole opening can be controlled from the time ship by narrowing and widening it, in this way a pulsed gamma ray signal can be generated, and from this the time travellers can send a one-way message back to the present in which the black hole/wormhole opening was left. If the wormhole is severed, the wormhole opening converts to an actual nanoscopic black hole which irradiates Hawking radiation until it explodes! So this makes it possible for the time travellers to transmit a distress signal or an otherwise one-way message to the present so someone could go in a rescue them, another adventure hook.

So what do you think of these time travel rules?
Here is my 5 stage time ship, someone could probably translate this into Mongoose stats.
Timeship Type: Stage 5
Class: Carrier (FCV)
Tech Level: 15
Size: 1,000,000 d-tons
Streamlining: Unstreamlined
Jump Range: Jump 6
Acceleration: 10 meters/second^2
Fuel: 630,000 tons LH2
Duration: 4 weeks
Crew: 4309
Staterooms: 2,155
Small Cabins: 0
Bunks: 0
Couches: 0
Low Berths: 4309
Cargo Space: 9,220.5
Atmospheric Speeds:
Other Equipment: Large Craft Hangar
EP Output: +60,000 (50,000) excess
Nuclear Dampers:
Meson Screens:
Black Globes:
SI: 1000
Main Computer: Model/7
Sensor Range: System Wide
Comm. Range: System Wide

Cost: $456,726,700,000 Total Cost $567,485,256,364
NoE = Total Jump 3600 years
Maximum -1484 BC

Timeship Type: Stage 4
Class: Carrier (FCV)
Tech Level: 15
Size: +190,909.1
Streamlining: Unstreamlined
Jump Range: Jump-6
Acceleration: 10
Fuel: 120,273
Duration: 4 weeks
Crew: 830
Staterooms: +415
Small Cabins: 0
Bunks: 0
Couches: 0
Low Berths: 830
Cargo Space: -5,463.5
Atmospheric Speeds:
Other Equipment: Large Craft Hangar
EP Output: +11,455 (9,545) excess
Nuclear Dampers:
Meson Screens:
Black Globes:
SI: 750
Main Computer: Model/7
Sensor Range: System Wide
Comm. Range: System Wide

Cost: $87,214,636,364
NoE =

Timeship Type: Stage 3
Class: Carrier (FCV)
Tech Level: 15
Size: +40,000.
Streamlining: Unstreamlined
Jump Range: Jump-6
Acceleration: 10 meters/sec
Fuel: 25,200 tons
Duration: 4 weeks
Crew: 181
Staterooms: 91
Small Cabins: 0
Bunks: 0
Couches: 0
Low Berths: 181
Cargo Space:
Atmospheric Speeds:
Other Equipment: Large Craft Hangar
EP Output: +2,400
Nuclear Dampers:
Meson Screens:
Black Globes:
SI: 575
Main Computer: Model/7
Sensor Range: System Wide
Comm. Range: System Wide

Cost: $18,288,100,000
NoE =

Timeship Type: Stage 2
Class: Carrier (FCV)
Tech Level: 15
Size: +9,000.
Streamlining: Unstreamlined
Jump Range: Jump-6
Acceleration: 10 meters/sec^2
Fuel: 5,670.0
Duration: 4 weeks
Crew: 11
Staterooms: +6
Small Cabins: 0
Bunks: 0
Couches: 0
Low Berths: 11
Cargo Space: -195.5
Atmospheric Speeds:
Other Equipment: Large craft Hangar
EP Output: +540 (443) excess
Nuclear Dampers:
Meson Screens:
Black Globes:
SI: 450
Main Computer: Model/7
Sensor Range: System wide
Comm. Range: System wide

Cost: $4,116,700,000
NoE =

Timeship Type: Stage 1
Class: Carrier (FCV)
Tech Level: 15
Size: +2,000.
Streamlining: Unstreamlined
Jump Range: Jump-6
Acceleration: 10 meters/sec^2
Fuel: 1,260.0
Duration: 4 weeks
Crew: 10
Staterooms: +5
Small Cabins: 0
Bunks: 0
Couches: 0
Low Berths: 10
Cargo Space: -68.
Atmospheric Speeds:
Other Equipment: Large Craft Hangar
EP Output: +120 (93) excess
Nuclear Dampers:
Meson Screens:
Black Globes:
SI: 275
Main Computer: Model/7
Sensor Range: System Wide
Comm. Range: System Wide

Cost: $927,880,000
NoE =

Design Specifications
Installed Components Tonnage Cost
400-ton Manufactured Hull (Dispersed Structure) +400. $20,000,000
Built Time
Bridge +8. $2,000,000
Computer -0.7 $14,000,000
Flight Avionics -2.8 ($6,300,000)
Sensors -2.1 ($4,200,000)
Communications -1.4 ($3,500,000)
Jump Drive -28. $112,000,000
Jump Fuel -240.
Maneuver Drive -8. $12,000,000
Power Plant -12. $36,000,000
Power Plant Fuel -12.
Hard Points
Triple Turrets
Beam Lasers
Missile Racks
Staterooms -20. $2,500,000
Low Berths -5. $500,000
Small Craft Hanger -50. $100,000
Cargo -26. $12,140,000
Totals +0. $211,240,000

Total Captain Executive Helm Astrogation Medical Communications Engineering Command crew
Staterooms +5 10 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 0
Low Berths 10
Large craft 50 d-ton smallcraft Modular Cutter
Tom Kalbfus said:
When a timeship jumps it leaves behind a black hole of equal mass to the timeship which made the Jump. ...

A ship jumping into the past must leave from orbit, because it it jumps from the planet's surface, the black hole will fall right through the crust to the center of the planet.

A 100 dton ship in orbit (probably around 100 metric tons), if changed into a black hole (of the same mass) while in orbit wouldn't fall anywhere. Even if it did it wouldn't travel down through the planetary crust... Less of a problem for timeships. :)
sideranautae said:
Tom Kalbfus said:
When a timeship jumps it leaves behind a black hole of equal mass to the timeship which made the Jump. ...

A ship jumping into the past must leave from orbit, because it it jumps from the planet's surface, the black hole will fall right through the crust to the center of the planet.

A 100 dton ship in orbit (probably around 100 metric tons), if changed into a black hole (of the same mass) while in orbit wouldn't fall anywhere. Even if it did it wouldn't travel down through the planetary crust... Less of a problem for timeships. :)
That is why it must jump from orbit. if it jumped from the planet's surface, it would not be able to return because the black hole anchor would end up inside the Earth's crust. Since these are yoyo ships, you need 6 stages to go back 3650 years. An expensive proposition, but all the stages are reusable and crewed. Each stage waits for the smaller stage to come back, the crew goes into their low berths until the signal is received from the smaller ship that it is returning to the relative present., then the crew is revived.
Tom Kalbfus said:
That is why it must jump from orbit. if it jumped from the planet's surface, it would not be able to return because the black hole anchor would end up inside the Earth's crust.

How would it end up in the crust?
sideranautae said:
Tom Kalbfus said:
That is why it must jump from orbit. if it jumped from the planet's surface, it would not be able to return because the black hole anchor would end up inside the Earth's crust.

How would it end up in the crust?
its a tiny black hole smaller than an atom with the weight of a spaceship, there is nothing to hold it up, it will just fall between the atoms of the Earth's surface towards its center of gravity.
Tom Kalbfus said:
The black hole left behind is actually a wormhole opening, as such it doesn't have Hawking radiation, however the neck of the wormhole opening can be controlled from the time ship by narrowing and widening it, in this way a pulsed gamma ray signal can be generated, and from this the time travellers can send a one-way message back to the present in which the black hole/wormhole opening was left. If the wormhole is severed, the wormhole opening converts to an actual nanoscopic black hole which irradiates Hawking radiation until it explodes! So this makes it possible for the time travellers to transmit a distress signal or an otherwise one-way message to the present so someone could go in a rescue them, another adventure hook.

Interesting stuff. Black holes in that mass range could turn out to be very useful as power sources, and actually as the core of propulsion systems for black hole starships.

A black hole of roughly starship mass would have a hawking radiation output in the petawatt range and a lifespan of decades, or centuries for a large one. If you feed it matter it would last longer and produce a lot more radiation, though these things would be a bit hot to handle.

Simon Hibbs
simonh said:
Tom Kalbfus said:
The black hole left behind is actually a wormhole opening, as such it doesn't have Hawking radiation, however the neck of the wormhole opening can be controlled from the time ship by narrowing and widening it, in this way a pulsed gamma ray signal can be generated, and from this the time travellers can send a one-way message back to the present in which the black hole/wormhole opening was left. If the wormhole is severed, the wormhole opening converts to an actual nanoscopic black hole which irradiates Hawking radiation until it explodes! So this makes it possible for the time travellers to transmit a distress signal or an otherwise one-way message to the present so someone could go in a rescue them, another adventure hook.

Interesting stuff. Black holes in that mass range could turn out to be very useful as power sources, and actually as the core of propulsion systems for black hole starships.

A black hole of roughly starship mass would have a hawking radiation output in the petawatt range and a lifespan of decades, or centuries for a large one. If you feed it matter it would last longer and produce a lot more radiation, though these things would be a bit hot to handle.

Simon Hibbs
Well its actually a very tiny wormhole opening, from a distance it has the effects of a black hole, but its tiny little neck is propped open by exotic matter created by the time drive. The wormhole was extracted from the quantum foam by the time drive and expanded to allow the passage of the timeship through it, after the ship had passes through, the wormhole opening then contracts to a size smaller than an atom, the ship appears in the past, its entry into the past creates a parallel timeline with the ship in it, the original timeline had not the ship not in it. So for as long as the timeline remains reasonably similar to the original timeline, the wormhole stays open, though it has a very small opening.

The constant output of energy from the ship's power plant keeps the wormhole open so a return to the original present is possible. The transfer to the past is instantaneous, but as long as the ship is in the past, the time drive is on and needs a constant input of energy, the same input as if it were a regular jump drive in mid-jump in fact, the actual jump fuel is what gets the ship through the wormhole, but to keep the wormhole slightly open so it can be expanded again allowing a return of the timeship to the present, requires the continuous operation of the time drive, the power requirement isn't much, but it is required.

With that in mind, it seems the time drive will need jump fuel for the return journey as well One could rule that the fuel requirements are for a round trip, that is half of it is used for getting into the past and the other half for a return to the present. how does that sound?

If the timeline the players are in departs from the original, as a result of the players interfering with history perhaps, then the power requirements to keep the wormhole open increases, at some point if the ship is not returned, the power requirements will exceed the maximum power output of the power plant, the wormhole will collapse into a tiny black hole in the present, and it will radiate petawatts or energy until it explodes. the explosion is the equivalent of converting the entire mass of that black hole into energy, so it is a rather large gamma ray explosion.

Perhaps time travel is best done from around uninhabited planets, such as Venus for instance. A small interplanetary craft such as a 50-ton modular cutter can be used to reach Earth from Venus and do some historical investigations. Venus is probably the best planet to do this from, as there is no one living on its surface, well perhaps very few, and it is the closest planet to Earth.

The timeship ends up in the past in orbit around Venus, sends a modular cutter to Earth with an ATV and other equipment. The timeship itself can't leave the orbit of Venus without severing its wormhole connection to the present, so it remains in orbit while it sends out a subordinate craft.
Tom Kalbfus said:
sideranautae said:
Tom Kalbfus said:
That is why it must jump from orbit. if it jumped from the planet's surface, it would not be able to return because the black hole anchor would end up inside the Earth's crust.

How would it end up in the crust?
its a tiny black hole smaller than an atom with the weight of a spaceship, there is nothing to hold it up, it will just fall between the atoms of the Earth's surface towards its center of gravity.

Yup. That would do it if it was on the ground! But, if it replaces the ship in orbit, it would continue to orbit.
sideranautae said:
Tom Kalbfus said:
sideranautae said:

How would it end up in the crust?
its a tiny black hole smaller than an atom with the weight of a spaceship, there is nothing to hold it up, it will just fall between the atoms of the Earth's surface towards its center of gravity.

Yup. That would do it if it was on the ground! But, if it replaces the ship in orbit, it would continue to orbit.
Yes it would, that is why the time machines have to be space ships, because they start out in orbit and they get replaced with tiny black holes of the same mass in orbit.

I was also thinking of the time drives themselves. Perhaps they need a greater range, but not without some trouble and expense to achieve it.

Maybe they ought to be multimodal, all explain.
An ordinary Jump drive can only be installed in a ship of at least 100 displacement tons, the same rule applies to the time drive, you need a timeship of at least 100 tons. A single mode Time drive comes in 6 varieties time jump 1 through 6. A time Jump one can take you back in time from 50 to 149 years. The following Table on time drives shows the ranges of these standard time drives

Monomodal Time Drive (Minimum requirement 100-ton ship)
Drive - Years time displacement
1: -50 to -149 years
2: -50 to -249 years
3: -50 to -349 years
4: -50 to -449 years
5: -50 to -549 years
6: -50 to -649 years

For ships of 500 tons or more they can install a bimodal time drive, it can either do a jump as the above table or for the second mode it can do jumps of 1000 years.
Drive - Years time displacement
1: -950 to -1049 years
2: -1950 to -2049 years
3: -2950 to -3049 years
4: -3950 to -4049 years
5: -4950 to -5049 years
6: -5950 to -6049 years
The time drive can do one mode or the other but not both!

For ships of 2500 tons or above you have a trimodal time drive option.
The third mode is described by the following table, the other two modes are as above:
Drive - Years time displacement
1: -9950 to -10,049 years
2: -19,950 to -20,049 years
3: -29,950 to -30,049 years
4: -39,950 to -40,049 years
5: -49,950 to -50,049 years
6: -59,950 to -60,049 years

For ships of 12,500 tons or above you have a quadmodal time drive which is as the above three tables plus this one:
Drive - Years time displacement
1: -99,950 to -100,049 years
2: -199,950 to -200,049 years
3: -299,950 to -300,049 years
4: -399,950 to -400,049 years
5: -499,950 to -500,049 years
6: -599,950 to -600,049 years

For ships of 62,500 tons or more there is the Pentamodal time drive, which has the four modes above and this one:
Drive - Years time displacement
1: -999,950 to -1,000,049 years
2: -1,999,950 to -2,000,049 years
3: -2,999,950 to -3,000,049 years
4: -3,999,950 to -4,000,049 years
5: -4,999,950 to -5,000,049 years
6: -5,999,950 to -6,000,049 years

for ships 312,500 tons or more the is the Hexamodal time drive with the above modes plus this one:
Drive - Years time displacement
1: -9,999,950 to -10,000,049 years
2: -19,999,950 to -20,000,049 years
3: -29,999,950 to -30,000,049 years
4: -39,999,950 to -40,000,049 years
5: -49,999,950 to -50,000,049 years
6: -59,999,950 to -60,000,049 years
By staging these ships, it is possible to reach 66,666,649 years ago

So what do you think? A huge expensive capital ship of 312,500 tons or greater staged with a smaller capital ship of 62,500 tons or greater can reach the late cretaceous period circa 66,000,000 BC give or take 50 years, in that period there is a full 1,000,000 years before dinosaurs become extinct. There is a project to stock a terraformed planet in the present with dinosaurs from that era. A sunlike star with an Earthlike planet is being searched for this effort. The problem with interacting with the Earth's past, is the more human interaction their is, the more the timeline departs from the original timeline, and you have the problem I talked about earlier. And a ship large enough to go 60,000,000 years in the past makes a horrific explosion when its wormhole snaps!
I expanded the Map of History to cover the second Millenium

Map of History
2090 to 2100 Tensions build between the United States and Mexico over latin population in Southwest
2080 to 2090 Completion of Solar Power Satellites, energy beamed to Earth, Human level AI robots replace human labor
2070 to 2080 Space Colonies established in Earth Orbit
2055 to 2070 Early space colonies established on Moon and Mars
2050 to 2055 The Space War
2030 to 2050 Polish block, Turkish and Japanese Empires expand
2020 to 2030 The Collapse of China and Russia
2014 to 2020 The New Cold War with Russia
2001 to 2014 The War on Terror
1991 to 1999 The Yugoslav War
1990 to 1991 The Persian Gulf War
1975 to 1989 The Late Cold War
1955 to 1975 The Vietnam War
1950 to 1953 The Korean War
1939 to 1945 World War II
1929 to 1939 The Great Depression
1920 to 1929 The Roaring Twenties
1914 to 1918 The Great War
1898 to 1898 The Spanish-American War
1882 to 1892 The Pleasant Valley War
1878 to 1878 The Lincoln County War
1876 to 1877 The Black Hills War
1870 to 1871 The Franco-Prussian War
1861 to 1865 The American Civil War
1848 to 1859 The California Gold Rush
1846 to 1848 The Mexican-American War
1835 to 1836 The Texas Revolution
1832 to 1832 The Black Hawk War
1827 to 1827 The Winnebago War
1812 to 1815 The War of 1812
1801 to 1805 The First Barbary War
1787 to 1799 The French Revolution
1765 to 1783 The American Revolution
1754 to 1763 The French and Indian war
1744 to 1748 King George's War
1702 to 1714 Queen Anne's War
1693 to 1700 The Pirate Round
1692 to 1693 The Salem Witch Trials
1642 to 1651 The English Civil War
1620 to 1640 Plymouth Colony Settlement
1607 to 1619 Jamestown Colony Settlement
1588 to 1588 The Spanish Armada
1491 to 1547 King Henry the Eighth
1485 to 1485 Battle of Bosworth Field
1483 to 1483 Death of Edward IV
1476 to 1476 William Caxton sets up printing press at Westminster
1475 to 1475 Edward IV invades France
1471 to 1471 Battle of Barnet
1456 to 1456 Siege of Belgrade
1455 to 1455 Battle of St. Albans
1453 to 1453 Fall of Constantinople
1444 to 1444 Battle of Varna
1442 to 1442 Battle of Szeben
1439 to 1439 Johannes Gutenberg invents Printing Press
1434 to 1434 The Medici family rises to prominence in Florence
1431 to 1431 Trial and execution of Joan of Arc
1429 to 1429 Joan of Arc lifts siege of Orleans
1419 to 1419 Hussite Wars begin
1417 to 1417 The Council of Constance Ends
1415 to 1415 The Battle of Agincourt
1402 to 1402 Battle of Ankara
1399 to 1399 Richard II abdicates Throne
1397 to 1397 The Kalmar Union is formed
1396 to 1396 The Battle of Nicopolis
1389 to 1389 Battle of Kosovo in Serbia
1386 to 1386 The University of Heidelberg is founded
1381 to 1381 Peasants' Revolt in England.
1380 to 1380 Battle of Kulikovo
1378 to 1378 The Western Schism - Three Popes
1370 to 1370 Tamerlane established the Timurid Dynasty
1347 to 1347 The Black Death
1346 to 1346 The Battle of Crecy
1337 to 1337 The Hundred Years War begins
1328 to 1328 the First War of Scottish Indepedence Ends
1314 to 1314 Battle of Bannockburn
1307 to 1307 The Knights Tamplar are rounded up and Murdered
1299 to 1299 The Ottoman Empire founded by Osman
1297 to 1297 The Battle of Stirling Bridge
1296 to 1296 Edward I of England invades Scotland
1272 to 1273 The Ninth Crusade occurs
1258 to 1258 Siege of Baghdad
1237 to 1240 Mongol invasion of Rus' resumes
1227 to 1227 Genghis Khan dies
1215 to 1215 The Magna Carta is sealed by John of England
1206 to 1206 Genghis Khan was elected as Khagan of the Mongols, Mongol Empire established
1205 to 1205 Battle of Adrianople
1204 to 1204 Sack of Constantinople during the 4th Crusade
1189 to 1192 The Third Crusade
1187 to 1187 Saladin recaptures Jerusalem
1185 to 1185 Reestablishment of Bulgarian Empire
1176 to 1176 Battle of Legnano
1174 to 1174 Battle of Alnwick
1166 to 1166 Stefan Nemanja establishes Medieval Serbian State
1163 to 1163 first cornerstone laid for construction of Notre Dame de Paris
1158 to 1158 Hanseatic League is founded
1147 to 1149 The Second Crusade
1139 to 1139 The Second Lateran Council declares Clerica Marriages invalid
1135 to 1135 The Anarchy begins in England
1118 to 1118 The Knights Templar founded to protect Jerusalem and European Pilgrims
1116 to 1116 Byzantine army defeats Turks at Philomelion
1109 to 1109 Battle of Hundfeld, Boleslaus III Wrymouth defeats Henry V
1106 to 1106 Battle of Tinchebrai
1102 to 1102 Union of Hungary and Croatia
1099 to 1099 First Crusade
1077 to 1077 Construction of Tower of London Begins
1066 to 1066 Battle of Hastings
1050 to 1050 The astrolobe first used in Europe
1018 to 1018 The Byzantines iunder Basil II conquer Bulgaria
1016 to 1016 Canute the Great becomes King of England
1001 to 1001 Leif Ericson settles during winter in present day Canada at L'Anse aux Meadows
Here are specific dates, the Timeship will land on when entering a period. Each date comes with a time window, which is the amount of time the Timeship can remain, due to the timeline departing from the original caused by the butterfly effect. If the timeship remains longer, the power requirements increase to hold open the wormhole to the present, deliberate changes to history cause a sharer increase in the power requirements. If the wormhole to the present collapses, the timedrive receives damage, and needs repair to be used again, the connection to the present is lost and the time travellers are marooned in the time period they are in, can travel further into the past from that point, once the time drive is repaired, but cannot return to their original present. The low berths could be used to get to the original date from which they left, but it would be a completely different timeline.
Day Year Time Window
Friday , September 16 , 2095 28 days Tensions build between the United States and Mexico over latin population in Southwest
Thursday , December 23 , 2088 31 days Completion of Solar Power Satellites, energy beamed to Earth, Human level AI robots replace human labor
Monday , January 16 , 2079 11 days Space Colonies established in Earth Orbit
Saturday , February 25 , 2068 29 days Early space colonies established on Moon and Mars
Sunday , April 6 , 2053 22 days The Space War
Saturday , June 6 , 2048 26 days Polish block, Turkish and Japanese Empires expand
Wednesday , May 1 , 2030 33 days The Collapse of China and Russia
Wednesday , September 17 , 2014 49 days The New Cold War with Russia
Sunday , February 6 , 2005 27 days The War on Terror
Tuesday , September 20 , 1994 22 days The Yugoslav War
Monday , July 9 , 1990 39 days The Persian Gulf War
Friday , June 27 , 1975 36 days The Late Cold War
Friday , March 24 , 1972 40 days The Vietnam War
Sunday , June 13 1965 38 days
Monday , December 1 , 1952 31 days The Korean War
Sunday , September 16 1944 40 days
Saturday , May 23 1942 43 days
Wednesday , May 8 , 1940 17 days World War II
Tuesday , October 18 , 1938 30 days The Great Depression
Thursday , January 28 , 1926 38 days The Roaring Twenties
Thursday , September 24 , 1914 18 days The Great War
Friday , December 23 , 1898 31 days The Spanish-American War
Thursday , June 6 , 1889 39 days The Pleasant Valley War
Friday , October 4 , 1878 50 days The Lincoln County War
Thursday , February 15 , 1877 57 days The Black Hills War
Monday , January 17 , 1870 23 days The Franco-Prussian War
Tuesday , June 16 , 1863 47 days The American Civil War
Sunday , October 2 , 1859 30 days The California Gold Rush
Thursday , April 20 , 1848 29 days The Mexican-American War
Saturday , August 22 , 1835 30 days The Texas Revolution
Wednesday , March 14 , 1832 28 days The Black Hawk War
Tuesday , August 21 , 1827 37 days The Winnebago War
Friday , January 1 , 1813 25 days The War of 1812
Thursday , June 10 , 1802 31 days The First Barbary War
Thursday , May 13 , 1790 36 days The French Revolution
Wednesday , August 4 1784 24 days
Sunday , July 12 1778 47 days
Monday , April 29 , 1776 35 days The American Revolution
Saturday , November 27 1773 30 days
Thursday , May 10 , 1759 47 days The French and Indian war
Thursday , July 16 , 1744 37 days King George's War
Thursday , April 7 , 1735 37 days
Friday , May 27 , 1722 32 days
Sunday , June 5 , 1718 41 days
Monday , November 23 , 1705 46 days Queen Anne's War
Friday , April 18 , 1698 26 days The Pirate Round
Wednesday , June 24 , 1693 39 days The Salem Witch Trials
Saturday , April 4 , 1682 26 days
Wednesday , April 29 , 1674 40 days
Sunday , September 1 , 1657 37 days
Tuesday , August 31 , 1649 15 days The English Civil War
Friday , October 23 , 1620 31 days Plymouth Colony Settlement
Friday , March 1 , 1613 21 days Jamestown Colony Settlement
Tuesday , October 27 , 1592 31 days
Sunday , September 4 , 1588 23 days The Spanish Armada
Tuesday , August 30 , 1577 47 days
Wednesday , February 27 , 1563 25 days
Friday , February 28 , 1547 43 days King Henry the Eighth
Tuesday , October 16 , 1534 46 days
Wednesday , November 20 , 1529 30 days
Wednesday , January 17 , 1506 30 days
Monday , January 26 , 1485 38 days Battle of Bosworth Field
Tuesday , August 7 , 1483 29 days Death of Edward IV
Tuesday , February 22 , 1476 38 days William Caxton sets up printing press at Westminster
Saturday , November 27 , 1475 32 days Edward IV invades France
Wednesday , January 25 , 1471 31 days Battle of Barnet
Monday , August 4 , 1456 30 days Siege of Belgrade
Monday , September 10 , 1455 28 days Battle of St. Albans
Saturday , July 30 , 1453 46 days Fall of Constantinople
Tuesday , August 13 , 1444 52 days Battle of Varna
Wednesday , March 16 , 1442 18 days Battle of Szeben
Saturday , March 16 , 1439 33 days Johannes Gutenberg invents Printing Press
Sunday , April 6 , 1434 22 days The Medici family rises to prominence in Florence
Monday , June 27 , 1431 36 days Trial and execution of Joan of Arc
Sunday , August 2 , 1429 47 days Joan of Arc lifts siege of Orleans
Tuesday , December 7 , 1419 24 days Hussite Wars begin
Saturday , February 29 , 1417 33 days The Council of Constance Ends
Saturday , December 23 , 1415 41 days The Battle of Agincourt
Saturday , October 2 , 1402 19 days Battle of Ankara
Saturday , April 6 , 1399 51 days Richard II abdicates Throne
Tuesday , August 8 , 1397 25 days The Kalmar Union is formed
Friday , July 22 , 1396 37 days The Battle of Nicopolis
Wednesday , July 15 , 1389 39 days Battle of Kosovo in Serbia
Monday , February 27 , 1386 25 days The University of Heidelberg is founded
Tuesday , November 27 , 1381 34 days Peasants' Revolt in England.
Friday , August 18 , 1380 29 days Battle of Kulikovo
Thursday , April 30 , 1378 28 days The Western Schism - Three Popes
Sunday , March 4 , 1370 38 days Tamerlane established the Timurid Dynasty
Monday , December 17 , 1364 37 days
Sunday , May 16 , 1356 43 days
Wednesday , December 6 , 1347 28 days The Black Death
Friday , October 28 , 1346 52 days The Battle of Crecy
Thursday , March 21 , 1337 36 days The Hundred Years War begins
Friday , July 30 , 1328 32 days the First War of Scottish Indepedence Ends
Monday , November 19 , 1314 33 days Battle of Bannockburn
Saturday , October 22 , 1307 33 days The Knights Tamplar are rounded up and Murdered
Thursday , May 21 , 1299 10 days The Ottoman Empire founded by Osman
Thursday , May 30 , 1297 42 days The Battle of Stirling Bridge
Monday , June 25 , 1296 21 days Edward I of England invades Scotland
Wednesday , February 8 , 1273 16 days The Ninth Crusade occurs
Saturday , May 25 , 1258 27 days Siege of Baghdad
Monday , October 24 , 1239 28 days Mongol invasion of Rus' resumes
Sunday , February 21 , 1227 27 days Genghis Khan dies
Tuesday , May 5 , 1215 45 days The Magna Carta is sealed by John of England
Tuesday , September 10 , 1206 42 days Genghis Khan was elected as Khagan of the Mongols, Mongol Empire established
Saturday , August 27 , 1205 19 days Battle of Adrianople
Wednesday , March 24 , 1204 39 days Sack of Constantinople during the 4th Crusade
Saturday , May 16 , 1192 47 days The Third Crusade
Saturday , September 19 , 1187 49 days Saladin recaptures Jerusalem
Tuesday , June 4 , 1185 35 days Reestablishment of Bulgarian Empire
Saturday , May 22 , 1176 26 days Battle of Legnano
Friday , July 5 , 1174 34 days Battle of Alnwick
Wednesday , December 14 , 1166 40 days Stefan Nemanja establishes Medieval Serbian State
Thursday , August 15 , 1163 48 days first cornerstone laid for construction of Notre Dame de Paris
Monday , February 3 , 1158 33 days Hanseatic League is founded
Saturday , December 13 , 1147 51 days The Second Crusade
Wednesday , September 20 , 1139 40 days The Second Lateran Council declares Clerica Marriages invalid
Monday , February 18 , 1135 31 days The Anarchy begins in England
Friday , September 6 , 1118 48 days The Knights Templar founded to protect Jerusalem and European Pilgrims
Friday , February 21 , 1116 29 days Byzantine army defeats Turks at Philomelion
Monday , February 15 , 1109 19 days Battle of Hundfeld, Boleslaus III Wrymouth defeats Henry V
Sunday , May 6 , 1106 42 days Battle of Tinchebrai
Monday , June 2 , 1102 21 days Union of Hungary and Croatia
Thursday , November 30 , 1099 55 days First Crusade
Friday , August 24 , 1077 31 days Construction of Tower of London Begins
Monday , March 19 , 1066 36 days Battle of Hastings
Friday , October 4 , 1050 27 days The astrolobe first used in Europe
Monday , May 11 , 1018 45 days The Byzantines iunder Basil II conquer Bulgaria
Saturday , October 12 , 1016 35 days Canute the Great becomes King of England
Wednesday February 25 , 1001 30 days Leif Ericson settles during winter in present day Canada at L'Anse aux Meadows