The Weapon Skill Gap

Ok, I have made several charecters, 8, and 5 are fighters, and the highest i got was 61% starting still. I do not belive it is possable to get higer then that as a starting charecer, how did you get to 80% skill. Rember you cant put but 30 points of you free points into any one skill when macking a chrecter.

Charles 8)
cjfodel said:
Ok, I have made several charecters, 8, and 5 are fighters, and the highest i got was 61% starting still. I do not belive it is possable to get higer then that as a starting charecer, how did you get to 80% skill. Rember you cant put but 30 points of you free points into any one skill when macking a chrecter.

Charles 8)

Weapon Skill:

Try a Barbarian Mercenary (10 for barbarian, 15 for Mercenary, 30 for Allocated = 55 points added to base of STR+DEX. 91 is possible if STR and DEX are both 18. 80 is easy (STR+DEX need only total 25).
SmegmaLord said:
Well why are you taking a merchant down a dungeon, consider that every character does not have to be a killing machine, but will have skills that the barbarian will not (like trade, ability to get valuable information that would not normally be offered to a flesh spattered grunting ape-creature - think Conan at a Tea party!!)

Because that's a normal group IMO. Some standard warriors/wizard types but RuneQuest allows you to play scholars, merchants, thieves etc... on top (unless the list of professions was mainly a waste of ink).

This is called roleplaying. Sometimes you character is rubbish certain environments...he specialises, so choose wisely or choose barbarians.

Which would also be fine, but not in a system with such an extensive combat system that takes a fair wedge of time to play through. Most RQ games I've played (in the past, but I see no reason why not here) have had maybe two combats in a seven hour session, each averaging about fifty minutes when you've got six or seven players and a comparable number of monsters. That'd be nearly two hours with your merchant/scholra type bored out of his skull. Previous editions of RQ didn't pose a problem in this respect (the merchant could normally hold his own to some extent) and I was concerned that it would pose a problem in this edition. Other than the initial skill gap Simon has convinced me that it won't be a problem.