I haven't noticed any new material in the LRB, and while I'm pleased to own a copy for my collection, I was staggered at the size for price ratio.
At $9.95 US (plus postage, Ugh), I was hoping for a little more than the barest essentials for players. It clocks in at 24 pages only and in truth is really good for novelty value only. The Rulebook has about 42 pages in the Players Section, so you'll find the more detailed sections missing. The only illustrations in the LRB are the occasional Monitor with the usual comical FC quote.
The Underplex, by comparison is 48 pages at $14.95 US and full of crunchy goodness. Try as I might, I can't make the difference in page counts and prices add up.
Perhaps in hindsight, this should have been released as a Free PDF on the site to encourage new users, and more sales, for the game. As a commercial release, it would have been more useful if it contained at least the total rules content of the players section of the Rulebook minus the graphics and extra funny bits.
It's the first 'new' Paranoia book I wouldn't recommend.