As I'm not a regular D&D gamer (not at all actually) I was wondering if one or more of you here could tell me what apart from the three books that make up the Drow War Saga and the D&D corebooks (PHB, DMG, MM) would be needed to have a good time with the Saga?
Perhaps you could on the one hand list books that are quite essential and then on the other hand those that support the campaign well but aren't necessarily needed.
I guess it would probably be a good buy to get "Underdark" wouldn't it, as it should detail the Drow. Or what books would you suggest to get one without too much knowledge of modern day fantasy (apart from Lord of the Rings stuff) into the picture?
And no: I didn't read any books about that Drizzt guy :wink:
Perhaps you could on the one hand list books that are quite essential and then on the other hand those that support the campaign well but aren't necessarily needed.
I guess it would probably be a good buy to get "Underdark" wouldn't it, as it should detail the Drow. Or what books would you suggest to get one without too much knowledge of modern day fantasy (apart from Lord of the Rings stuff) into the picture?
And no: I didn't read any books about that Drizzt guy :wink: