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BSoKR uses the standard Conan T&A border (or the "boobies border", as we like to call it.) The artwork inside is basically a few reprints from the Core Rules. Nothing exciting, but nothing horrible either.
The scenario is very well written, and includes developed NPC's (Oleksa, Bogden and Julia) with believable motivations, consistent histories and full game stats. No pics of them, but there are roleplaying notes and any or all of them could easily be used as recurring NPC's in a longer campaign.
The plot itself is simple. The characters are hired (forced) by Oleksa (governor of Arenjun) to recover his kidnapped bride (Julia) from the clutches of the nefarious Outlaw (Bogdan).
There is an opportunity for the PC's to gather information before hitting the trail and this provides the GM with a convenient spot to place a few encounters, such as meeting with informants.
The travel part can easily be expanded by a devious/clever/evil GM. The characters may encounter a small mountain village, which could be used as a hook to expand the scenario.
The scenario's finale is as well done as the rest, however I won't spoil it by going into detail. Suffice to say, that there is a battle, lots of bloodshed, etc. etc.
The story is set in Arenjun, on the Zamorian/Turanian border. There are notes at the end of the scenario that allow the campaign to be set in Aquilonia or Turan, making it more adaptable.
The scenario can be broken down into three parts: Arenjun, the Trail, the Stronghold.
There is little opportunity for combat in the Arenjun section, unless the PC's anger Oleksa and his guards. The scenario assumes the characters do not, but mentions strategies to use if they do fight the governor.
The trail section has multiple opportunities for bloodshed.
The stronghold will more than likely involve the characters wading through pools of blood.
In general, the combat is easily tailored to character variables such as character level and party size.
Many chances to roleplay, in all three sections. In the beginning the characters must question witnesses and find clues. On the trail they may choose to interact with the villagers. In the finale the characters can attempt to reason with the bandits and bargain for Julia's safe return.
There is an area map included, showing the route from Arenjun, up to the mountains and to the bandit stronghold. It's computer generated and while not pretty like the maps in the rule book, it gets the job done.
I feel that it is a very good scenario that captures the Conan feel and is easily adapted by a GM to fit the needs of his campaign and his players. While $8 is a little steep for a PDF file, in this case it's worth the money.