For lastbesthope
I've seen the episode "mind war" ....... you were correct
It's IronHeart that explain how much telepath and how much telekinetic people there is among human ......
each telepath pass a test when they are recognised by the Psy Corp.
the ratio are :
1 Telepath for 1000 humans
1 Telekinetic for 10 000 telepaths
1/2 of Telekinetic people ends crazy ......
that means that, corresponding to the Tv show, there is 1 teek for 10,000,000 human ....... and there is 50% chances that he will end crazy ....
So, if we notice exactly those values, it's impossible to take the teek class ....
However I might allow it with a little game btw the player and the GM : the game master choose a value (1 to 20) and tell it to the player. Then the player must throw a D20 and if the values are the same, the player may choose teek.
The other rule about "the player going crazy" can be done again with a D20 (half half) and one half it's the GM that decide of the mental disorder of the teek, the other it's the player.......
And allow that class to any telepathic enabled races of B5 .......
telekinetic powers are very powerfull .......... for a telepath it's like being a technomage for a human or a player that can play vorlon or shadows ..... I my point of view it must be more than a "P5+, INT and WIS limit ........"
telepath are common
teek are rare/very rare (for all earth it makes arround 600 teek and 300 among them are or will be crazy)
For Eryx
Two things were explained about the vorlon's mod on the human race :
1 - add telepath, there were none in humans before (like nowadays)
2 - interfere with some point of human history making them more "versatile". That's why only humans can make two rival races in two allied races .....
One point said on the TV show was that the minbari telepath can be up to the P17 (and if I remember well P14 are used for the shadow war) ......
Well, It seems that I'm not like Kosh, I'll stop my post here
thanks again to everybody.