Telekinetic powers ........



I wanted to know if someone applies some rules about telekinetic power in babylon 5 .....

Because :
Lyta has some in 2262 ..... (well she find that she has some :-) )
Talia has this gift from his friend ......

So my question is :
Is there any telekinetic people in Minbari, Centauri, ...... (except narn of course) ?

If there is telekinetic people, what is the DC checks ? the percentage of telekinetic people, ...... ?

The Earth Souce Book has more info as do the Minbari and Centauri books. I would expect that the League book due out next month will have some teep info on those races.

Some of the advanced teep stuff you are asking about is in the Earth Source book.

thanks !

I'll look into it deeper then, I've surely missed something (damn, my english still have to be improoved it seems lol) .......
I've seen something like that somewhere around the psy corps experiments .... but it can't be controled and Talia and Lyta control it ......
As El Cid said, you'll find several interesting prestige classes in the Earth Alliance Fact Book: Black Ops Specialist, BloodhoundPsi ExperimentTeek and Black Fist. The one you're looking for is Teek, which is a 10 level PC that gives you mental disorders as you advance, along with cool powers like Psychic Slap and Pyrokinesis, among others. Even though the flavour text is aimed at Earth Alliance and Psi-Corp, I use that PC as is for other races, except Narns, of course. After all, there are no racial requirements in the description, and I don't see why there would be major differences with other races. The only one I can think of is the absence of mental disorders because of a different genetics configuration, or maybe the Vorlons succeeded better with some races than others?.
Thanks a lot redlaco ! it is exactly what I was seeking :-)

For Vorlon, I think, as "Energy made" creatures, they can directly deal with electromagnetics (that would explain many things with them).
I think that they cannot fail a telekinesis power as long it is on a "reasonable" way.... (E.g. : Kosh cannot move a ship by himself)

by the way, it would be great to have a book on vorlon, shadows, the first, and old ancient races ......
redlaco said:
The only one I can think of is the absence of mental disorders because of a different genetics configuration, or maybe the Vorlons succeeded better with some races than others?.

I dunno. Teeks may be the ones that the Vorlons didn't want to happen (out with their direct control that is (like Lyta)) and put a few restricting genentic markers to try and stop them occurring "naturally"

Given what we've seen, they're rare for humans and so far non existent for aliens.

My personal take is that the 20% of teeps that can not be detected by the mitachondrial (sp?) DNA markers do not have a gentic inheritence (at least on their mother's side) from Vorlon interferred with DNA. This would mean at least 50% of those are naturally evolved telepaths and these are (perhaps) where the "fun" telepathic powers come from such as telekenisis, "true" empaths (Matt Stoner isn't a text book empath, more a coercer or "Pusher" (if you think back to early X-Files)) and the like come from.
I remember in one episode (Unfortunately I can't remember which) Talia tells us the proportion of teeps tp normals and of teeks to teeps. She also tells us the proportion that burn out or are mentally unstable. It's probably Mind War but I don't have the time to look right now.

Judicator said:
by the way, it would be great to have a book on vorlon, shadows, the first, and old ancient races ......
It's coming further down the road, no doubt about it. Matt said they wanted to take their time and make sure the book come out perfect. Probably late 2005, I'd guess.

@LBH : You're right about that quote, although once again it only pertained to humans telepaths. I wonder why humans should be so hot in telepathy and other races so ... less efficient. One of the reason I love B5 is that it is less human centered as other sci-fi shows. Except it does not seem to be the case for telepathy.
redlaco said:
@LBH : You're right about that quote, although once again it only pertained to humans telepaths. I wonder why humans should be so hot in telepathy and other races so ... less efficient. One of the reason I love B5 is that it is less human centered as other sci-fi shows. Except it does not seem to be the case for telepathy.

I get the impression from a few episodes and ITB, that the reason humans are so telepathic in the 23rd century is due to Vorlon meddling. They see them as critical to the war effort so it makes more sense that they would try and give them telepathic abilities above and beyond the otehr races. At least to me, anyway.
For lastbesthope

I've seen the episode "mind war" ....... you were correct :-)
It's IronHeart that explain how much telepath and how much telekinetic people there is among human ......

each telepath pass a test when they are recognised by the Psy Corp.
the ratio are :
1 Telepath for 1000 humans
1 Telekinetic for 10 000 telepaths
1/2 of Telekinetic people ends crazy ......

that means that, corresponding to the Tv show, there is 1 teek for 10,000,000 human ....... and there is 50% chances that he will end crazy ....

So, if we notice exactly those values, it's impossible to take the teek class ....

However I might allow it with a little game btw the player and the GM : the game master choose a value (1 to 20) and tell it to the player. Then the player must throw a D20 and if the values are the same, the player may choose teek.
The other rule about "the player going crazy" can be done again with a D20 (half half) and one half it's the GM that decide of the mental disorder of the teek, the other it's the player.......

And allow that class to any telepathic enabled races of B5 .......

telekinetic powers are very powerfull .......... for a telepath it's like being a technomage for a human or a player that can play vorlon or shadows ..... I my point of view it must be more than a "P5+, INT and WIS limit ........"

telepath are common
teek are rare/very rare (for all earth it makes arround 600 teek and 300 among them are or will be crazy)

For Eryx

Two things were explained about the vorlon's mod on the human race :
1 - add telepath, there were none in humans before (like nowadays)
2 - interfere with some point of human history making them more "versatile". That's why only humans can make two rival races in two allied races .....

One point said on the TV show was that the minbari telepath can be up to the P17 (and if I remember well P14 are used for the shadow war) ......

Well, It seems that I'm not like Kosh, I'll stop my post here :-)

thanks again to everybody.
Judicator said:
One point said on the TV show was that the minbari telepath can be up to the P17 (and if I remember well P14 are used for the shadow war) ......

You're misremembering. jms' implied limit is P12 on all the younger races.

If the Minbari had more powerful teeps than humanity then it wouldn't have taken a large group of them to block Bester in "Dust to Dust"...
when you are a P12 like bester, destroying a mind is easy ........ and it's hard to block ..... it's maybe why they were one per person to protect (plus it might be the first time they fight a Psi Cop). And maybe that time they were only P12 or less ...... it was made quickly ......

however, minbari have power in teep but have less teep than human. (plus we've seen with lyta that they weren't at their limit)

Using only the game rules, you are minbari, teep P12, you choose the small crest feat and then you are P13 ..... no countereffect, no mental disorder ..... there is also another feat that makes your P level up of 2 point when you are using your power ..... so virtualy P15 ...... Like that you can be up to P17 ......
Having watched the series all the way through several times, I can not remember any instance in which the Psi rating of a non-human telepath was ever mentioned.

There were only two instances in which a human and alien telepath confronted eachother. The incident with Bester and the Minbari was one. We will never know the strength or effectiveness of those telepaths. All we know is that they were their. Bester complained. He was told he had a choice, Minbari, drugs, or go home. He chose the drugs. He may well have been able to get past the Minbari, but probably not without them detecting it. He also had no way of knowing the strength of the Minbari telepaths, so not worth risking it.

The other instance was when Lita was used against the Centauri telepath. She had no problem burrowing past his defenses and getting the information she wanted, but this doesn't count as she was already modified by the Vorlons and of unknown strength.

All we know for sure is that Earth had a lot of telepaths, according to the Centauri Fact Book, twice as many as any other race. Of course, Earth also has a very large population. Even now, at the dawn of the 21st century, Earth has twice the population of Centauri Prime in the 23rd century. That may account for a lot of it. Earth was also the only race that we really had any contact with the telepathic population. Most of the other races appear to have long since resolved their telepath issues, so we didn't see or hear much about what was going on with them.
PottsBr said:
There were only two instances in which a human and alien telepath confronted eachother.

Technically I can think of a 3rd case. Near the start of Season 4 (I think)when Lyta tries to pry into the mind of 'Kosh Mk 2'. We know Vorlons are telepathic and to some extent probably telekinetic. (Remember original Kosh holding Sheridan up against the wall when he asked for help from the Vorlons to destroy a Shadow vessel. He's got no visible arms. [Note to future diplomatic training. when an uber powerful Alien is holding you against a wall by sheer force of will and calls you '"Impudent" the words "Up yours!" should under no circumstances be uttered with offensive intent.])

Although obviously Lyta was telepathically weaker than 'Kosh 2' and probably every other Vorlon. It is a human/alien teep confrontation though.

Also, when watching the Minbari/BEster teep confrontation, doesn't Sheridan say that one Minbari teep couldn't stop Bester but that multiple ones could. I also got the impression that they were of a lower P rating than Bester. I mean how likely are the Minbari to have kick ass teeps just hanging around on B5 at any given moment?

Just my 2 creds.


"If this leaves a waxy discharge . . . on anything I'll be back"
I have to say that I was very surprised that they could scare up that many Minbari telepaths on that short notice. How many Minbari are on the station anyway? I'm not sure how many were in the room, but I think one for each member of the command staff. That would have to have been four or five? If Minbari run about the same 1 teep per thousand, that would imply at least 4 or 5000 Minbari on B5 at any given time (What were the Centauri thinking when they fired on the station?). That is a lot of Minbari for an isolationist race which rarely travels outside their own sphere of influence. Even if the Minbari government had finally decided to open up the borders, it would take some time for this rigid, tradition oriented race to start volume civilian traffic into alien space.

I have always gotten the feeling though that many Minbari are at least slightly telepathic, even if not full blown telepaths. They might have a higher ratio of telepaths to non-telepaths. That, though, raises into question the Centauri report on number of telepaths amongst the other races. We know they were wrong about Earth. They also tend to ignore the Minbari so as to maintain their delusions of superiority. Is this another one of those cases? We have more telepaths than any other race, except Earth which gives inaccurate numbers and the Minbari who we just ignore on general principle.
Dag'Nabbit said:
Actually, knowing Delenn, very probable. I'm not sure about that many though.

Given Delenn's high rank I'm sure she could make it happen, but on such short notice? I think not. Although given that the White Star moves at the speed of plot and it uses minbari tech for it's engines, I suppose the Minbari telepaths could be brought in on another ship capable of such speed.

The command staff was notified of Bester's imminent arrival seven hours before he got there, so maybe, if they held him up in customs, 8 hours before the meeting. That means they had 8 hours to brief the captain, come up with the idea, contact Delenn, and gather the telepaths.

Also keep in mind that this is after her dismissal from the Grey Council and before she reestablished her authority with the breaking of that same council and the beginning of the Shadow War. At this time, Delenn did not have much pull and would have had to cajole possibly distrustful Minbari into doing her this favor. They may even have had to pull in Ranger contacts to make this happen at all. Remember how the average Minbari was treating Delenn during this time. Need I mention Ashan in "There All the Honor Lies."

The Rangers were also not yet operating openly, so any use of them would have to be undercover and using ships that normally dock at the station. The White Star would not be revealed openly to the galaxy for another 4 episodes, when it joins several Minbari cruisers in facing down the EA attack on B5.

There were several minbari telepaths close at hand to make this all work.
Of course all Minbari telepaths do fall under the auspices of the Religious Caste, and Delenn had lost less influence there than in other areas of Minbari society (just look at the support she had when she broke the council...).
frobisher said:
Of course all Minbari telepaths do fall under the auspices of the Religious Caste, and Delenn had lost less influence there than in other areas of Minbari society (just look at the support she had when she broke the council...).

True, going on the fact that 5 Sa'Tai followed her out that probably meant the entire religious and worker castes.

On the DVD commentaries we're told that Mira Furlan had real trouble breaking the staff, even once it had been nearly sawn through, there's a hint of a smile on her face just after she breaks it!

Go Delenn!
