Here is full info on the absolute minimum skills and their DM's of any Diplomat my Uber-Race sends to The Imperium
Will be at least 303 years old or due to them aging the equivalent of 1 year per 5 years their races equivalent of at least 60.6 years old or their equivalent of their 11th term and their minimum Stats are Str 5 or -1, End and Dex both 7 or both +0, Int 8 or +0 and Edu and SS both 13 or both +2
Their Skills and Skill DM's are at minimum the following. Admin /1 or +3, Advocate /1 or +3, Art -Dancing /0 or +0 and Painting /0 or +2, Broker /2 or +4, Carouse /2 or +4, Deception /0 or +1, Diplomat /4 or +6, Drive -wheeled /1 or +1, Flyer /0 or +0, Gambler /2 or +4, Gun Combat -Energy Rifles /1 or +1, Leadership /4 or +6, Medic /0 or +2, Melee -Blade /1 or ++0, Persuade /1 or +3, Profession -Art Dealer /1 or +3, Science -Biology /1 or +2, Streetwise /0 or +2, Tactics -Naval /1 or +3 and Vacc Suit /1 or +1
So they are what I have decided is the absolute minimum skills and their DM's of any Diplomat my Uber-Race sends to The Imperium. Please give your thoughts, advise and opinions, they're all very welcome
Will be at least 303 years old or due to them aging the equivalent of 1 year per 5 years their races equivalent of at least 60.6 years old or their equivalent of their 11th term and their minimum Stats are Str 5 or -1, End and Dex both 7 or both +0, Int 8 or +0 and Edu and SS both 13 or both +2
Their Skills and Skill DM's are at minimum the following. Admin /1 or +3, Advocate /1 or +3, Art -Dancing /0 or +0 and Painting /0 or +2, Broker /2 or +4, Carouse /2 or +4, Deception /0 or +1, Diplomat /4 or +6, Drive -wheeled /1 or +1, Flyer /0 or +0, Gambler /2 or +4, Gun Combat -Energy Rifles /1 or +1, Leadership /4 or +6, Medic /0 or +2, Melee -Blade /1 or ++0, Persuade /1 or +3, Profession -Art Dealer /1 or +3, Science -Biology /1 or +2, Streetwise /0 or +2, Tactics -Naval /1 or +3 and Vacc Suit /1 or +1
So they are what I have decided is the absolute minimum skills and their DM's of any Diplomat my Uber-Race sends to The Imperium. Please give your thoughts, advise and opinions, they're all very welcome