Starting adventures


Howdy. I'm getting ready to start up a Conan game in a few weeks. Are there any good starting adventures available? I'll have about 4 players. Free is good.

I'm thinking about having them face of against a necromancer who is draining life force from inhabitants of a small city. And suggestions along those lines? Thanks.
CosmicCowboy said:
Howdy. I'm getting ready to start up a Conan game in a few weeks. Are there any good starting adventures available? I'll have about 4 players. Free is good.

I don't know about the idea you propose, but most of the adventures so far published (the .pdfs and in Signs & Portents) have been aimed at a group of 4-6 1st-level adventurers.
thulsa has a great starup adventure, i used it and i know several in the forum have as well, check it out
Belkregos said:
thulsa has a great starup adventure, i used it and i know several in the forum have as well, check it out

As a warning, that adventure is heavily influenced by John Norman's Gor novels, with extensive rules about prostitution, sex, venereal disease, and the like.

I'm not remotely prudish, but found that level of attention to be fairly juvenile, rather than mature. Rolling against the chance of STDs seems to be against to the spirit of carousing of the Conan stories and world.
Jason Durall said:
Rolling against the chance of STDs seems to be against to the spirit of the carousing spirit of the Conan stories and world.

I'd have to agree with you there. I'd say carous away, and the only worry should be the girl stealing you gold. And maybe trying to plant a knife in your ribs.
Jason Durall said:
Belkregos said:
thulsa has a great starup adventure, i used it and i know several in the forum have as well, check it out

As a warning, that adventure is heavily influenced by John Norman's Gor novels, with extensive rules about prostitution, sex, venereal disease, and the like.

I'm not remotely prudish, but found that level of attention to be fairly juvenile, rather than mature. Rolling against the chance of STDs seems to be against to the spirit of carousing of the Conan stories and world.

I assume you refer to "The Slaver's Caravan". Just for clarification, this was contributed by Craig Tidwell, not written by me. That said, I think it is a good low-level adventure that offers many opportunities to role-play, as well as combat. If you don't like the STD stuff, just leave it out. (As a side note, I've found the list of nationalities in the appendix to be quite handy when randomly determining the origin of NPCs, be they male or female.)

In response to the original poster, you could also try "The Tower of the Elephant", found on the same page. Being an adaptation of an REH story, it should work well as an evening's introduction to the Conan RPG, to get everyone familiar with the combat system, etc. (even though it was written using the d20 3.0 rules). Perhaps you could run this as a "one-shot" before you start a proper campaign.

- thulsa
Can anyone give me a brief review on the two pdf adventures? Are they railroady? One of the players is looking to play a pirate; woudl either one be more suitable for that? Thanks!
"Black Stones" is set in Zamora, "Hanuman" in Eastern Shem / Western Turan near the Kezankian Mountains. "Black Stones" is easy to relocate, "Hanuman" gets some of its atmosphere from its location(west expanding Turanian empire, Man apes in the Kezankian Mountains which are sought after by Zamorian scholars: both topics orignial REH), but is also relocatable.

Pirate wouldn't be my first choice, since both adventures happen far from any ocean. A pirate from the Vilayet Sea may be usable, but the employers in "Hanuman" (Turanian army) would be happy to sever his head, so the pirate should have some kind of disguise.

A last word to the cost of the pdfs: they are SHORT adventures, the plot isn't very complicated or twisted. So maybe you will be disappointed if you spend relatively much money. I do NOT say they are a waste of money, but that they are really expensive for a simple pdf-file (no printing or distribution cost for the company).

Hope I was helpful...
René said:
Pirate wouldn't be my first choice, since both adventures happen far from any ocean. A pirate from the Vilayet Sea may be usable, but the employers in "Hanuman" (Turanian army) would be happy to sever his head, so the pirate should have some kind of disguise.

Hmm, he's thinking about playing an Argossean pirate. I could probably work with him to come up with a pirate travelling in disguise. I hate to discourage him from his character concept, as he's never roleplayed, was hesitant about it, and seems enthused about the pirate character.

A last word to the cost of the pdfs: they are SHORT adventures, the plot isn't very complicated or twisted. So maybe you will be disappointed if you spend relatively much money. I do NOT say they are a waste of money, but that they are really expensive for a simple pdf-file

I'll keep that in mind. $8 doesn't seem too much for an adventure, and I've certainly made worse buying decisions. How many hours would you say each adventure takes?

Hope I was helpful...

Very. Thanks.
René said:
Don't know your and your players' gaming style.

I don't know their style either; it'll be my first time roleplaying with this group. :)

Thanks for the input; I'll probably go ahead and buy both of them.
Don't know if you've downloaded "Red Snows"? Look at:

It is a good starting point imho. But your Argossean pirate will have to travel a lot until he comes there. Maybe your players use the pregenerated characters for a one shot-session...