Starship Trooper Opponent Finder

Name: Greg Smith
Armies played: MI and Arachnids, A Call to Arms
Location: Kettering, Northants.
Willing to travel 30 ish miles.
Contact me: boards dot thunderchild at ntlworld dot com
Local Club:
Name: Pete
Armies played: MI and Bugs. I have GOMC-1 but I have not assembled a gang yet (bad snowman :evil: )
Location: Las Vegas, NV (would you believe that there is one in New Mexico too?)
Can travel anywhere in the Vegas Valley
Contact details: PM me here or email me
name: Ranz/Scott
armies played: Bugs, MI, Cryx, Griffins, Drunes, Dirz, Razig's Revenge
location: Albany NY USA
locations can reach:. Rochester, Boston, Wilmington, Montreal
contact details:
local gaming club: Zombie Planet, Flights of Fantasy
name: Dennis
armies: (40k) Necrons, (SST) looking to play havent picked an army yet
location: Greensboro. NC USA
locations can reach:. Winston Salem, Highpoint area
contact details: (make subject SST)
Name: Klepto
Armies played: Starship Troopers MI, Warmachine (Press Ganger) Cryx and Khador, Warhammer Fantasy Lizardmen, Confrontation Orcs and Dirz, Flames of War U.S. Glider Platoon
Location: Clearfield, Utah, USA
Locations can reach; Within half an hour drive, Salt Lake City and Logan, UT
Contact details:
Local Gaming club:
Name: Nicholas Andrew von Klose
Armys: Warhammer, vampire counts, Zombie pirates
40k, Space marines, eldar
Battle tech(classic) Word of Blake
warmachine: cryx
SSt, Mi and small bug army

Location: Prince George B.C.
Name: Taylor
Armies: 40k: Tau, Necron
Fantasy: Dwarfs
Location: Haysville, Ks, USA
Location can reach: Depends
Contact details:
Local Gaming Club: Agents of Comics (website just went down for good :( )
Name: Adam
Armies: SST:MI, Bugs. WF:Orcs, CD. 40K: Mrns, 'nids
Battletech (classic), Mechwarrior (clix), Pirates,
Location: Birminham
Location can reach: Greater Birminham area
Contact details: PM me for further details.
If in the centre of Birmingham call in at Dungeons and Starships (above Andromeda bookshop) I appear there towards the end of most days.
Local Gaming Club:East Birmingham Marauders
Name:Simon Weber
Armies:W40K:Necrons,Tau,SM WH:Undead(Khemri) SsT:Bugs
and LotR:Evil:Mordor,Isengard,Harad Good:Elves(all of them)&Rohan
Location:Germany,NRW(anybody know that?)
Name: Dalton Calford
Armies: Mongoose : SST-MI, SST-Bugs, ACTA-Earth Alliance
GDW : Blood Bowl (all teams), Mordheim (5 warbands), LoTR (4 Armies), BoFA

Location: Milton, Ontario, Canada

Looking to start a SST gaming group in the Milton Area.
Tim Mullen
Location: Reston VA, U.S.A.

SST: Aracnids and MI
Warmachine: Khador
Warhammer: Chaos, (Skaven in the works)
Warhamer 40k: Tyranids, orks, tau, BFG; Tyranids, Orks, Tau, Chaos, Epic; Tyranids
Mordheim: Skaven, Vampires, Necromunda: Ratskins, Vansars, Enforcers, Bloodbowl (working on Skaven)
Would like to Build/Try Gangs of Megacity One and Call to Arms
Historicals: Lots, member of HMGS

Also lots of RPGs, Current campaigns Hero system Tekumel (as a player) Soon to start Conan, (As GM)

So many Miniature, so little time :wink:
Location: Chicago's NW-burbs

BattleFleet Gothic: Blood Angels Space Marine / Imperial Fleet
40k: Blood Angels / Imperial Guard, some Orks.
Star Wars Miniatures (new and old)
15mm and 28mm moderns
28mm VietNam
Name: Jason Coffey
Unit: 250th Lift Company
Location: TDY in Lost Wages, Nevada (No fuel for the Skyhook)
Demo at: Any store in the Valley
Contact: Email or PM here. Or LVHistoricals or LVGC yahoo groups.
Armies played:
Babylon 5: Earth Force, Centuari, Narn, Non-Aligned
Starship Troopers: MI, Skinnies, Arachnids
MegaCity-1: Gangs & Judges
I also do Historicals (Colonials, WW2, Charlie Company, GUTSHOT, etc), OGRE, Battletech, Rogue Trader, Demonworld, Mordheim, Space Hulk, Stargrunt, Traveller, LOTR with different rules, etc.
Name; John
Armies played; Starship Troopers & Arachnids (starting), Warmachine Menoth, Warhammer Fantasy Bretonnia, Warhammer 40k Dark Eldar and Grey Knights
Location; San Diego, California
Locations can reach; SoCaL
Contact details; or aim johnster123
Local Gaming club; Game Empire
Armies: Nids' may start MI
Location: Palm Springs, CA (or about 45min S of hell.)
Travel: Yes, regularly
Other armies: DW,DA,RW, Fallen. BA, Tau, 1Ksons, IG, Squats, DE, GK,
Fantasy: Beastmen
Gothic: SM, Orkz, DE, Necrons,
Stargrunt? Anyone know what that is? :lol:
Historicals: Have none, will play... (painted that is)
I don't understand either way...


works for both and well thats how I plan to play them
