SST players


So with the stuff Arkon posted got me thinking...

Which ruleset do SST players like best:

Do you like the original rules?

Updates to the originals but still using the core?

Galatea's version using BEvo rules?

I like the original and I also play BEvo rules for BEvo but Im not sure if I can get into redoing SST to BEvo...

Duno, just my opinion though-but, Im still looking over the differences.

I have dealt with both systems. I think you can make a very good mix from the both systems.

For examples, I think that the following change at Evo is reasonable. The removal of the type for the weapons and the replacement by a corresponding trait is a good simplification of the rules.

In the SST-rules, I think the cover system is better than in the Evo-Rules. Because it rewards movement and encourages tactical maneuvering. I also think that the unlimited reactions of models is better than to be able to react once per turn.

But I think that everyone must decide for themselves which rules are better. Btw Galatea's mod is written on the basis of the original SST rules and used only a few ideas from Evo.

I agree with Arkon about the reactions, though I like the inclusion of the ammo rules from SST to keep those reactions from getting too far out of hand. In my experiences, a gun armed army vs. a Melee army tends to mean those endless reactions without the ammo rules or some other limitations ensure that the melee army cannot ever win.

It's easy enough to mix the two systems though. I would think that suppression needs to be fixed though so it actually....well. Works.
In the games I've played of Evo we've never had a unit get suppressed so much as just wiped from existence.

So maybe to fix that...something like....rolling +1D6 from weapons with the auto trait while either giving the opposition +1 cover type (Up to a max of heavy cover of course) or giving the attacker a -1 to each of those dice?
Just speculation at the moment... I'll likely do what I always do. Come up with two or three ways to fix it, get my friends together and then test it out.

Hyperbunny brought over a diff. ruleset once and it had only one reaction per turn and we've pretty much used that the last year.

Until recently, We never really got around getting suppression in there so i guess we were kinda breaking that part :)
While I like the Evo rules as a whole better (mainly because they were streamlined) I still feel the original rules were better for the setting. The Evo rules just didn't feel right to me for troopers v. bugs.
I agree with Chip-
The only real change we implemented was going down to 1 reaction. Makes it more difficult and you actually have to strategize when would be the best to use it.
I didn't see anything wrong with the original rules, loved them. Haven't played the game since it got canned, but should.

Shame none of the old SST players aren't on the forum anymore. I'm also confused as heck about why the two previous SST forums that were on different sites seems to disappear. It was a shame really. Guess nobody plays anymore.

It would be nice if some company could pick up the SST license and rules for the game and start it off again.