Spectrum Barrel **ULTRAVIOLET**


**Clearance: ULTRAVIOLET**
Ok so I'm not sure if this item is out there but I think for my first time running Paranoia I am going to include in the IR Market the chance to buy a new Zap friendly item.

For no better name I call it the Spectrum Barrel. It's a laser barrel that was manufactured accidentally, discovered as part of a bad batch of RED laser barrels. When tested it was found that the barrels sometimes changed randomly to another color and while infrequent the items were quickly gathered up and destroyed. Or were they?

Rulesy Stuff:
These barrels start out RED and each time they are fired they have a chance to change color, creating potentially treasoness circumstances. Roll 1d20 when a player fires their laser equipped with one of these barrels, or just pick a color and let the mayhem unfold.

Roll / New Color
1- 13 / Red
14 / Orange
15 / Yellow
16 / Green
17 / Blue
18 / Indigo
19 / Violet
20 / Ultraviolet

What's even more fun is that if this barrel malfunctions thanks to overuse, it explodes in a rainbow of death. Of course The Computer and any smart citizen will deny that this phenomenon was a mistake, after all mistakes are treason.


IntSec Green Goon "Citizen, we have this recording of you utilizing equipment well above your security clearance. Your actions are treason."

Ewe R DED 3 "Bu..but it was red before I fired it I swear, and look it's red now!"

IntSec Green Goon "Are you saying that my video is lying?"

Ewe R DED 3 "I'm serious it changes color when I fire it see." fires a shot at the Green Goon which bounces harmlessly off his Reflec.

IntSec Green Goon "Why you treasoness little..." Stops and notices the barrel is now a nice bright GREEN color.

Ewe R DED 3 smiles.

Spectrum Barrel is not a bad (I mean it is for the clones) idea.

Make it an R&D item that got redistributed by Free Enterprise before all of them were destroyed. That's my pitch on it. Course your work up is just fine.
dunderm said:
Spectrum Barrel is not a bad (I mean it is for the clones) idea.

Make it an R&D item that got redistributed by Free Enterprise before all of them were destroyed. That's my pitch on it. Course your work up is just fine.
Thanks for the comments, that's pretty much the way I'm going with it. I have a character in Free Enterprise, and since our first game is going to be somewhere between Zap and Classic I think it'll be a fun little item. Not to mention the Free Enterprise PC will get "a sweet deal" on them from his "friends" at the IR Market.