Sons of Cimmeria Printing Problems


Ive recently recieved the first part of the SoC package. Having accessed the page, I began printing the free adventure. Unfortunaly, to my horror, I am unable to print anything other than the first page of the 15. After that, a simple messege telling me "The document could not be printed", or something to that affect, pops up. Is this my computer, or is anyone else experiancing problems? :?

Thank you in advance
No problems here. It may be that with all the graphics and color its taking to much printer memory. Try printing just a few or even one page at a time.
Hmm, I think it may have something to do with having page 2 missing. All the others are there, apart from this one. Maybe that has something to do with it. Ill try accessing it all again...
Are you saving the file first? Saving the file and then printing may ease the connection...
Jackpot! :D. I got it. Was the fact that page two went missing. Whilst on the topic, however, how long are the SoC freebies going to be available? I mean, will old documents still be available, or will they be gone after the week? Also, when is the start of the week for Mongoose Publishing? Monday, or Sunday? As you can tell, Im determined to get all I can for Conan :wink:

Thanks in Advance
Gromel said:
Whilst on the topic, however, how long are the SoC freebies going to be available? I mean, will old documents still be available, or will they be gone after the week?

If you received the mail about their first offer, then you should have noticed they did include a deadline for the free download...
What was the deadline?

My snail mail application sat in the car for two weeks, Mongoose will not recieve it for several days. I also have friends waiting for the game store to get more Conan books in.
My introduction e-mail simply stated the documents would be available for a limited time. Nothing more specific is stated. I'm pressuming it's once a week, but i'm unsure.
My own mail stated the download would be available till the 12th. Then I got another mail stating that since many new folks had joined, it would be extended one week. So, we're talking about the 19th I guess...