Solomani Confederation (Military)

Confederation Navy: Escort Carrier [work in progress]


1. Alpha
Jump two (highly technologized), manoeuvre five (highly technologized), technological level fourteen

2. Beta
Jump two, manoeuvre five, technological level eleven

3. Gamma
Jump one (highly technologized), manoeuvre one (highly technologized), technological level twelve

4. Delta
Jump one, manoeuvre one, technological level nine
forty tonne small bridge

5. Epsilon
Jump four (advanced), manoeuvre five (highly technologized), technology level fourteen
four hundred fifty four and a half tonnes (five modules one hundred five tonnes equals 5'555.55), one hundred seventy five (five modules thirty five tonne modules)
two modules one hundred five tonne standard fusion reactor each (very advanced)
eighty tonne command bridge, fifty tonnes turrets
looks like I've run out of room
Confederation Navy: Escort Carrier [work in progress]


Equatorial disk - four hundred fifty four and a half tonnes (five modules one hundred five tonnes equals 5'555.55), sixty tonne bridge, thirty five tonne standard fusion reactor (very advanced/decreased size), one hundred five tonne manoeuvre module (highly technologized/decreased size)

Fuel semihemisphere pods - two, nine hundred tonnes fuel, ten tonnes turrets, two hundred thirty power points, thirty five tonne standard fusion reactor (very advanced/decreased size) 656.25, small ten tonne bridge

General purpose modularized semihemisphere pod - one, seventy five percent modularized, two hundred tonnes fuel; non modularized small ten tonne bridge, thirty five tonne standard fusion reactor (very advanced/decreased size)

Hangar semihemisphere pod - one, small ten tonne bridge, thirty five tonne standard fusion reactor (very advanced/decreased size)

External cargo - fifteen times thirty five tonnes, one times thirty (and a half) tonnes
Confederation Navy: Escort Carrier [work in progress]

Kilotonne general purpose modularized pod
. configuration
.. semihemisphere
. permanent systems
.. ten tonne small bridge
... two and a half megastarbux
.. engineering
... fusion reactor
.... thirty five tonnes
.... standard
.... very advanced
..... twenty percent decreased size
.... six hundred fifty six and a quarter power points
.... emergency power
..... five turns
..... three and a half tonnes
.... solar panelling
..... three and a half tonnes
... manoeuvre drive
.... thirty five tonnes
.... technological level fourteen
.... highly technologized
.... thirty percent decreased size
.... acceleration potential
..... five
.. five hundred tonne drop tank mounting
... two tonnes
.. fuel tanks
... one hundred thirty tonnes
. modularized space
.. armament
... turrets
.... ten
..... ten tonnes
.. flight facilities
... hangars
.... full
.... docking space
.. fuel tanks
... three hundred seventy

this looks too expensive; but it does make it important to understand how long it takes to attach and/or detach pods
Confederation Navy: Escort Carrier [work in progress]

.. armament
... turretted pulse laser
.... highly technologized
..... long ranged
..... energy efficient
.... budget
..... increased size
.... triple
.... budget
..... increased size
.... ten
..... twelve tonnes
..... one hundred power points
..... thirty megastarbux

.. armament
... turretted pulse laser
.... highly technologized
..... long ranged
..... energy efficient
.... budget
..... increased size
.... quadruple
.... budget
..... increased size
.... ten
..... twelve tonnes
..... one hundred forty power points
..... seventy megastarbux
Confederation Navy: Escort Carrier [work in progress]

Bunkerage and Drop Tanks

1. In theory, drop tanks are fragile pods attached with explosive bolts.

2. Examination shows that the drop tanks (and thereby fuel tanks) don't need gravity nor basic power.

3. Therefore, the fuel pod would only need power for other ship systems, fuel suction could be powered through the jump dive, since dedicated internal plumbing is never mentioned.

4. Exception would be drop tank mounting, if attached to the fuel pod.

5. At this moment,only additional ship systems would be the ten turrets and the small ten tonne bridge, which would need a minimum of two point two power points.

6. Well, you could include basic for the fusion power, which at ten tonnes would be another ten power points.

7. Arguably any airlocks and internal powered doorways, though if you virtualize gunners, you can do maintenance externally from the hull, and just position the electrical mains just beneath the hull.

8. Default drop tank configuration is standard, which might be at odd angles off a spherical spaceship.

9. You'd also have to wonder if the drop tanks would be ripped off during high acceleration manoeuvring, especially if the configurations don't match.

10. I'd imagine that drop tanks for a sphere would resemble a pistachio nut shell.

Confederation Navy: Escort Carrier [work in progress]

Fuel Pod

.. ten tonne small bridge
... two and a half megastarbux
... specialist control system
.... lasers
.. fuel tanks
... nine hundred sixty five tonnes
.. armament
... ten turrets
... twelve tonnes
... quadruple
... fourteen power points
.. drop tank mountings
... twelve hundred fifty tonnes
... five tonnes
.. fusion reactor
... eight tonnes
... standard
... eighteen and three quarter power points each
... highly technologicalized
Confederation Navy: Escort Carrier [work in progress]

Transport/troop Pod

.. ten tonne small bridge
... two and a half megastarbux
... specialist control system
.... ground troops operations
.. accommodations
... stables
.... three hundred twenty tonnes
..... eight blocks times four times ten tonnes
...... eight times four centralized freshers
... common areas
.... galley
.... laundromat
... briefing rooms
.... four
..... sixteen tonnes
... brigs
.... four
.... six to twelve prisoners
.... curtained fresher
..... sixteen tonnes
... medical bays
.... four
..... sixteen tonnes
... workshops
.... four
..... twenty four
... training facilities
... docking space
.... twelve emergency evacuation shuttles
..... three hundred eighty five tonnes
...... thirty eight and a half tonnes times ten

.. fuel tanks
... nine hundred sixty five tonnes
.. armament
... ten turrets
... twelve tonnes
... quadruple
... fourteen power points
.. fusion reactor
... eight tonnes
... standard
... eighteen and three quarter power points each
... highly technologicalized

385, 320, 10, 12, 727


1. considered having it self contained, but thought that since it's meant more for transportation, rather than as a platform for amphibious, or triphibious, or omniphibious, operations.

2. so it's meant to be combined with a hangar pod, with assault shuttles and landing craft, and a cargo pod, for the heavy equipment.

3. much as I tried to squeeze in as many bodies as possible, it became obvious to me that actual number depended on how many could be evacuated in an emergency.

4. the question was whether I should leave the evacuation shuttles, which could take off with a hundred people, or have them replaced by assault shuttles, which are configured to a platoon sized passenger contingent.

5. in theory, you could install re entry capsules, but that's going to leave the troops as neutralized, and sitting ducks; shuttles, at least, allow you to move the personnel to somewhere safe and where they could be put to use.

6. so, while it looks like we've circled back to making the pod self contained, it's more that if you have pre installed docking spaces, you might as well put something there with dual use.

7. in this specific case, there are no armouries, as the troops carry and are responsible for their own personal weapons; ammunition would be in locked boxes.

8. or the additional armouries onboard the assault shuttles are fully equipped.

9. rated for about five hundred humans, the assault shuttles present additional accommodations.
Confederation Navy: Escort Carrier [work in progress]

Transport/pickup Pod

.. hull
... external cargo mount
.... one thousand tonnes capacity
... one megastarbux
Confederation Navy: Escort Carrier [work in progress]

.. engineering
... jump drive
.... factor two
..... two hundred fifty five

.. five kilotonne hull
... spherical
... light
... gravitated
.... fifty times point eight times point seven five
.... one hundred fifty megastarbux for five kilotonnes capacity
..... factor fourteen armour
...... additional one hundred sixty eight megastarbux for available forty four hundred forty tonnes capacity
... 71'621.62 starbux per tonne
... spherical
... light
... non gravitated
.... twenty times point eight times point seven five
.... seventy five megastarbux for five kilotonnes capacity
..... factor fourteen armour
...... additional eighty four megastarbux for available forty four hundred forty tonnes capacity
.... 35'810.81 starbux per tonne
... planetoid
... light
... default factor two armour
... automatically gravitated
.... four times point seven five
.... fifteen megastarbux for four kilotonnes capacity
..... factor twelve armour
...... additional fourteen and two fifths megastarbux for available thirty five hundred twenty tonnes capacity
.... 8'352.27 starbux per tonne
Confederation Navy: Escort Carrier [work in progress]

.. engineering
... jump drive
.... factor two
..... two hundred fifty five
... manoeuvre drive
.... factor five
..... two hundred fifty

.. engineering
... jump drive
.... factor two
..... two hundred fifty five
...... highly technologicalized
....... size reduction thirty percent
........ 178.5 tonnes
... manoeuvre drive
.... factor five
..... two hundred fifty
...... highly technologicalized
....... size reduction thirty percent
........ 57.14285714285714 parsec tonnes per wonton
........ five modules thirty five tonnes each

.. engineering
... jump drive
.... factor two
..... forty parsec tonnes per wonton
...... highly technologicalized
....... size reduction thirty percent

...57.14285714285714 wonton jump core/capacitor
times thirty one and a half equals eighteen hundred parsec tonnes
71.42857142857143 wonton jump core
140 tonnes jump core/35 tonnes capacitors
five modules 2.8 overhead/ 28 jump core=2000 parsec tonnes/4.2 capacitors=300 power points

ten tonnes jump drive minus twenty percent capacitors/ fifteen megastarbux minus six megastarbux equals eight tonnes divided by nine megastarbux
one hundred fifty percent high technologicalized equals four divided by three or one and one third megastarbux per wonton
overhead 2.8 plus core 28 equals 30.2 times 4/3 equals 40'266'666.67
capacitors 4.2 times 4.5 equals 18'900'00.00

Liberty class thirty five tonne jump drive module
. technology level fourteen
. jump potential
.. two
. highly technologicalized
... thirty percent reduced size
. 59'166'666.67 starbux
. thirty five tonnes
. capacitors
.. four point two tonnes
.. three hundred power points
. core
.. twenty eight tonnes
.. two kiloparsec tonnes
Confederation Navy: Escort Carrier [work in progress]

1. Work has progressed in an interesting direction, for the engineering component, for what is a somewhat cutting edge version for the Confederation Navy, that tries to leverage their technical advantages.

2. I wasn't really planning on it, but it looks like I can create an engineering configuration with five thirty five tonne factor five manoeuvre drives, next to five thirty five tonne fusion reactors, and in front of them, thirty five tonne jump drive modules, which simplifies shunting power between the manoeuvre and jump drives.

3. Being thirty five tonne modules, also simplifies repairs and replacing them, not to mention manufacturing.

4. How I managed to squeeze out two kiloparsec tonnes out of thirty five tonnes may seem a bit dodgy, it pretty much is within a logical extrapolation.

5. The capacitors in the overhead are probably superfluous, but the black globe explanation is rather inclusive, and might actually have been a legacy from early prototypes.

6. I probably will add a battery buffer between the fusion reactor and it's corresponding jump module.
Confederation Navy: Escort Carrier [work in progress]

. engineering module set
... five sets
.. manoeuvre drive
... thirty five tonnes
... highly technologicalized
.... thirty percent reduced size
... one hundred five megastarbux
.. power plant
... standard fusion reactor
... thirty five tonnes
... six hundred fifty six and a quarter power points
... highly technologicalized
.... thirty percent reduced size
... fifty two and a half megastarbux
.. emergency power
... three and a half tonnes
... five hundred ninety and five eights megastarbux
... five and a quarter megastarbux
.. batteries
... technological level twelve
... three and a half tonnes
.... two hundred ten power points
... seven tenths megastarbux
.. jump drive
... Liberty class thirty five tonne jump drive module
... technology level fourteen
... jump potential
.... two
... highly technologicalized
.... thirty percent reduced size
... 59'166'666.67 starbux
... thirty five tonnes
.... capacitors
..... four point two tonnes
..... three hundred power points
.... core
..... twenty eight tonnes
..... two kiloparsec tonnes
.... overhead
..... two and four fifths tonnes

.. total
... 222.61666667 megastarbux
... one hundred twelve tonnes

... 3,281.25 power points
Confederation Navy: Escort Carrier [work in progress]


1. In a way, the above represents a rather neat solution for the Confederation Navy, since they could scale their two parsec range warships from one to nine kilotonnes, just by adding a combined module.

2. Of course, only available to a manufacturing base of technological level fourteen, though you could order less core parts from a lower industrial base.

3. It's always been a question as to whether switching to a planetoid hull would be worth it, in terms of loss of volume and increased cost of engineering per available tonne; factor two is about the break even point.

4. It's pretty much tempting to move to a three hundred and fifteen tonne module, but fully utilized you get 17'714.28 parsec tonnes, divided by two, and without the neat modulization.

5. Adding armour makes it more suitable for close combat, buy the factor five manoeuvre drive would handicap it in relation to Imperium main forces, who might be reluctant to try close combat without getting chased down and cornered.

6. Hangar gets replaced by a large bayed meson gun, maybe two of them.

7. Not quite a coastal battleship, I think, but certainly a cruiser one, though I don't there's a technical term for it.
Confederation: Jump Factor Two Drives!-130.273!5.75

1. Confederation controlled space seems a lot more gappy than that of the Imperium.

2. You have clusters where systems are within one parsec of each other, but that seems really regional.

3. If you relied on jump factor one engines, that would compress line of communications and trade routes into regional clusters.

4. There probably is a case for jump factor one courier ships, but it would be very much based on costs, capital and operating.

5. The Confederation Navy could reconstitute the ecks boat network, but justify the limit on factor two distance through cost reasons, with jump factor one couriers serving subsidiary lines, and paralleling the whole with jump factor five fleet couriers.

Confederation Navy: Bases

1. Home is surprisingly isolated, whether this was a deliberate choice by the cartographer or just a coincidence.

2. If you have to kickstart a communications network for the Confederation, it would have to be based around Home.

3. The only two systems in relatively easy reach are Monterey and Twilight.

4. Monterey has a first class starport and a population of hundreds, as well as a garrison and a naval base.

5. Monterey is the obvious home of the Confederation Navy's strategic reserve and whatever qualifies as a naval depot, being within range of reinforcing Home if necessary, and far enough away from prying eyes, as well as guarding the western approaches of (the) Home (Islands); possibly Scapa Flow equivalent.

6. It would also serve as the factor two communications route to the west waystation to Reunion and Columbier.

7. Speaking of prying eyes, Twilight's profile seems somewhat ambiguous, either having zero population or billions; whereas Monterey might be the primary base of the Confederation Navy and Marine Corps, Twilight is likely the primary base for the Confederation Army, with vast training facilities, a substantial Solomani Security presence, probable extensive research and development laboratories, and likely a penal colony, though billions of felons seems a tad high.

8. Three other deep space stations, Polaris (1007), Orient (1209), and Southern Cross (1011), connect the network respectively to its coreward, trailing and rimward spurs, as well as act as the primary security filter for the capitol.

9. The factor five fleet courier direct northern route would be Inerria-Labrys-Poictesme-Sionnach/Yenisei/Mirabilis.
Confederation Navy: Fleet Courier Routes


Inerria-Melilae-Hamilcar-New Greenpernt



Home-Aldebaran-Rayah-Huecar-Majadita-Nova Prometheus-Laputa-Kukulcan-Saskatoon/Ochre/Tlaloc/Oberon/Potose

Confederation Navy: Bases

1. It's obvious that Mirabilis has a huge naval base, home to likely the premier Confederation Navy battle fleet, whose primary objective is to batter their way straight to Terra.

2. It's also obvious that Iikike, Sarpedon, Ys and Fenris based naval units purpose is to threaten the flanks of that push.

3. The secondary objective of the Mirabilis fleet is to attract all possible Imperium naval elements to try and stop it.

4. Mirabilis Fleet should jump straight to Sirius, to make that their staging area for their assault on Terra, and act as a raiding base to keepsurrounding Imperium bases occupied.

5. Terra should then be besieged, and act as a gathering area for a fast reaction force to counter and reinforcements, as well as a further raiding base to keep Barnard, Prometheus, Peraspera, and Junction preoccupied.

6. Forces in Srius slowly take over the rest of that cluster, and prepare to move to Shuruppak.

7. A secondary force is dispatched to besiege Sarpedon, and set up a raiding base in Ys, to keep Fenris, Hephaistos, and Remulak occupied.

8. Member world fleets are expected to advance to Sarpedon, Remulak and Calgary, eventually clearing opposition to Prometheus, and preparing to move to Loki and Ember.
Confederation Navy: Bases

9. Or, you can slip in a couple of stealthed cruisers into Shulimik, secure the gas giant just before the battle fleet arrives, leave behind a large enough force to defend it and subsequent reinforcements, and surprise the forces in the Terran system, since I doubt the Confederation can smuggle in enough stealthed starwarships to deal with the local military forces, nor infiltrate enough agents to shut down the security networks, or sabotage military facilities.

10. But the net effect of nothing working, being blind, dumb and deaf, and having sufficient prepositioned forces to neutralize what can and still is reacting, and taking over key facilities with fully equipped assault troops, should let the Confederation at least park their Fleet Squadrons in Terran high orbit in the first wave.
Spaceships: Armaments and Factor Three Meson Spinal Mount

Volume - nineteen and one eighth kilotonnes (fifteen percent size reduction)

Power - three thousand power points; hundred sixty tonnes very advanced standard fusion reactors

Damage - six deadly dice

Range - long

Cost - seven and one fifth gigastarbux (twenty percent premium)

Traits - infinite armour piercing, radiation

Crew - hundred ninety two gunners, twenty officers, two medics, twenty administrators
Spaceships: Armaments and Factor Six Railgun Spinal Mount

Volume - sixteen and four fifths kilotonnes (twenty percent size reduction)

Power - three thousand power points; hundred sixty tonnes very advanced standard fusion reactors

Damage - six deadly dice

Range - medium

Cost - three and nine tenths gigastarbux (thirty percent premium)

Traits - damage reduced by two percent per target's hull armour points

Crew - hundred eighty gunners, eighteen officers, two medics, seventeen administrators

Ammunition - five rounds preinstalled; twenty tonnes each; one fifth megastarbux each

Difference - in theory range, though for a target with a predicted course, such as a planetary urban centre, you can have a quite distant stand off; cost at three and nine tenths gigastarbux, though that represents ammunition cost of sixteen thousand five hundred ball bearings capital, and annually, sixteen and a half ball bearings.

Then you have the added volume of the magazine, against the possibility of battle damage or destruction, with the amount of ammunition used per battle or lifetime.