After all the biching and moaning I did last week about grappling, I must admit, that once I did a grapple-palooza it all sort of fell into place for me now.
I had 41 grapple-crazy worms-of-the-earth type snake men on a giant grapple-rama against 7 PC's. It really worked out okay.
THe opposed rolls and the touch atack to hit worked just fine after all. I guess the rather limited use of grappling I had done before had left me cold, but once everything got pounded into my head from actual use, it was okay.
Last week's discussion did however lead to the ruling that Grappling damage ignores armor DR, which was absolutely essential to running the combat. That is a must-keep rule.
We had to make some ad hoc rulings about what one's DV was vs. someone who is in a grapple with you and is attempting to stab you with a dagger.
Also, I did end up ruling that you could CLEAVE with a grapple attack (pick up grapple target A and use him to crush grapple target B)
I had 41 grapple-crazy worms-of-the-earth type snake men on a giant grapple-rama against 7 PC's. It really worked out okay.
THe opposed rolls and the touch atack to hit worked just fine after all. I guess the rather limited use of grappling I had done before had left me cold, but once everything got pounded into my head from actual use, it was okay.
Last week's discussion did however lead to the ruling that Grappling damage ignores armor DR, which was absolutely essential to running the combat. That is a must-keep rule.
We had to make some ad hoc rulings about what one's DV was vs. someone who is in a grapple with you and is attempting to stab you with a dagger.
Also, I did end up ruling that you could CLEAVE with a grapple attack (pick up grapple target A and use him to crush grapple target B)