Say we have a sniper who is a borderer, and he has the Ambush feat that allows him to take a full round worht of actions in a surprise round if his enemies are unaware of him.
Since the sniper has the Ambush feat, any time the sniper has an unaware enemy or enemies within range and sight, he can make a full attack worth of surprise attacks.
Have some doubths on the following, can you comment please?
1. Since the target or targets are being ambushed (surprised), when would they be able to make a spot chek to locate the sniper? I understand that in a surprise round, surprised characters don't get to act at all, and you can usually take only partial actions if on advantage, so my guess is they can't make the spot check on the surprise round, but until the next round, which would usually be the 1st combat round.
2. After the surprise round I think initiative is in order, even if no actual combat follows. The initiative would be rolled to see who goes first, the sniper to hide again, or the targets to spot him. If the sniper wins initiative, he can make a hide check as a move action before the targets make their own checks. The snipers makes the hide check at a -20 though because he just attacked.
3. As long as he remains undetected he can use Ambush.
Borderers are masters of their terrains, and almost like wizards there. When they have a favoured terrian +3 or +5 bonus, they are able to hide when no cover or concealment is available, and even while being observed, so that makes them more elussive. The -20 to hide after sniping is pretty harsh, but you could take feats to overcome that, and the borderer's terrain already compensates a little. Whith sufficient feats and abilities you would end with a positive bonus to hide. And multiclassing with thief or soldier could add a few good tricks.
Since the sniper has the Ambush feat, any time the sniper has an unaware enemy or enemies within range and sight, he can make a full attack worth of surprise attacks.
Have some doubths on the following, can you comment please?
1. Since the target or targets are being ambushed (surprised), when would they be able to make a spot chek to locate the sniper? I understand that in a surprise round, surprised characters don't get to act at all, and you can usually take only partial actions if on advantage, so my guess is they can't make the spot check on the surprise round, but until the next round, which would usually be the 1st combat round.
2. After the surprise round I think initiative is in order, even if no actual combat follows. The initiative would be rolled to see who goes first, the sniper to hide again, or the targets to spot him. If the sniper wins initiative, he can make a hide check as a move action before the targets make their own checks. The snipers makes the hide check at a -20 though because he just attacked.
3. As long as he remains undetected he can use Ambush.
Borderers are masters of their terrains, and almost like wizards there. When they have a favoured terrian +3 or +5 bonus, they are able to hide when no cover or concealment is available, and even while being observed, so that makes them more elussive. The -20 to hide after sniping is pretty harsh, but you could take feats to overcome that, and the borderer's terrain already compensates a little. Whith sufficient feats and abilities you would end with a positive bonus to hide. And multiclassing with thief or soldier could add a few good tricks.