
I was wondering if there were any rules for a sideslip? Any ship, even the larger, less manueverable ones should be able to make a side slip. Basically a half speed movement at up to a 45 degree angle where the facing of the ship doesn't change.
You'd basically be making all ships SM. The movement rules in ACTA are totally unrealistic for a space game anyway, they are much more suited to Victory At Sea... but to change that would be so big, it would require starting the game system virtually from scratch.

Although, maybe there could be a sideslip special order? High CQ check of course.
Ships with 2 45's can effectively sideslip so hardly a game breaking concept. Lots of suggestions on these boards get ruined by the idea of make it a high CQ check. Basically just saying lets not use this, ever.

The way I see it is that if you fire all of your maneuvering thrusters on one side while you are moving forward that is a sideslip. You don't change facing, so it is not SM. Also it would allow your larger ships a little leeway in their movement. Small corrections can mean a lot when you have a lot of ships in tight confines. I had this problem last night. I had 4 ships and my brother had 4 ships all within 5 inches of each other. They basically couldn't maneuver becuase they were too close. The game mechanic would be like an APTE. It doesn't take a roll for CQ because it is such a basic maneuver.
If you are locked in a cat and mouse chase at short range, just all stop and then all stop and pivot. even if he does the same thing, you will get to fire on him and in the pivot step you can even (hopefully) line up bore weapons.
LordClammy said:
If you are locked in a cat and mouse chase at short range, just all stop and then all stop and pivot. even if he does the same thing, you will get to fire on him and in the pivot step you can even (hopefully) line up bore weapons.
If you "All stop and pivot" you can't fire. At short range you'll likely be out of arc anyway by next turn. Its pretty pointless lining up boresights, because next turn he'll move.
All I'm saying is that it is a really basic kind of maneuver and may bear playtesting. The times I'm on don't normally line up with the majority of the players, so I actually play by myself most of the time. It's kinda like playing chess by yourself I suppose. Trying to outtink yourself all of the time. Anyway, I'll try it, but if some of you could try it as well and tell us what you think of it. Rules would read as follows:

Crew Quality Check: Automatic
Effect: By firing all maneuvering thrusters on one side as main thrusters are being fired a ship can move a distance laterally while maintaining the same heading. Move a ship up to half it's movement value anywhere is the forward firing arc; maintaining it's previous heading.
No SA required if you have 2 turns. Even a ship with 1 turn can already do this with Come About.

Half move forward, turn, 2" forward, turn other way.

Why is another SA required?
HollowpointCatharsis said:
Crew Quality Check: Automatic
Effect: By firing all maneuvering thrusters on one side as main thrusters are being fired a ship can move a distance laterally while maintaining the same heading. Move a ship up to half it's movement value anywhere is the forward firing arc; maintaining it's previous heading.

I think that the ability to perform a sideslip is a valid request, and has been missing from the game. It makes perfect sense (at least to me).

That said, I think sideslipping up to half the ships movement it too much. I'd limit it to one counter/base width (and that it costs 1 full movement point/inch of movement to perform it). You shouldn't be able to combine it with a turn.

Crew Quality Check: Automatic
Effect: By firing all maneuvering thrusters on one side as main thrusters are being fired a ship can make slight course corrections laterally while maintaining the same heading. A ship must move at least half its movement directly forward before performing its lateral move, expending one movement point left or right, before continuing forward normally. May never be combined with a turn, though the vessel can turn later in the same movement (meeting the requirements as if perfroming a second turn). Performing a Sideslip uses one of a ships available turns. SA cannot be performed more than once per turn, even if the ship/crew is able to perform multiple SA during a turn.

Ah, I see where you're coming from.

In that context, your rule makes more sense to me now. We're basically coming at the issue from opposite sides, where you have the ship sacrificing most forward movement in order to gain lateral movement, and I have the ship giving up a turn for a slight lateral adjustment (mainly to prevent it from being to overpowering).

I think both have arguments have merit, and at least we both agree that the ability to sideslip is sorely missing.
