Shipping charges question


Just a quick question to clarify Mongoose shipping costs. Your shipping policy as defined below states "Orders over £100 to UK addresses or $150 to US addresses will be free of postage charges. This includes military BFPO/AFPO addresses."

Does this include shipping to Canada as well? I would assume not, but it costs nothing to ask.

Many thanks

We would dearly love it to, but I am afraid not. We don't get any shipping breaks to Canada (it is a bit like Ireland over here...).
Many thanks for your prompt reply. It only confirms what I already suspected of course, but it's good to be clear on these things. I'm afraid that the 20% shipping costs plus whatever Canada Customs tags on (usually about 20-30% as well) will make ordering directly a bit too expensive for me. On the other hand, my FLGS will be happy to help out I am sure :)

That is the maximum we charge on postage - if you actually place an order, you will get a quote for postage which, I think, you will find far more agreeable :)
Here here, I got 5 books shipped to Australia for a mere 9 pounds, which wasn't much more expensive than when I was living back home in Northern Ireland.
The way we have things set up at the moment, you should always be 'undercharged' for postage - we are looking at different ways to bring shipping down even lower and hope, one day, to be able to provide free shipping on everything, no matter where you are in the world.

'Tis but a dream at the moment, but that is our goal :)
msprange said:
The way we have things set up at the moment, you should always be 'undercharged' for postage - we are looking at different ways to bring shipping down even lower and hope, one day, to be able to provide free shipping on everything, no matter where you are in the world.

'Tis but a dream at the moment, but that is our goal :)

Don't see why it shouldn't be doable. Works for some other UK based companies to provide free shipping world wide.(heck one book store not only offers free shipping worldwide regardless of orders value but sends out every item separately. Very funny when you order say 8 books at the same time and on same day then receive 8 individual packets. Local postmans got to hate me sometimes ;) How on earth they manage to do that profitably for 6-9£ items I do not know...)
tneva82 said:
msprange said:
The way we have things set up at the moment, you should always be 'undercharged' for postage - we are looking at different ways to bring shipping down even lower and hope, one day, to be able to provide free shipping on everything, no matter where you are in the world.

'Tis but a dream at the moment, but that is our goal :)

Don't see why it shouldn't be doable. Works for some other UK based companies to provide free shipping world wide.(heck one book store not only offers free shipping worldwide regardless of orders value but sends out every item separately. Very funny when you order say 8 books at the same time and on same day then receive 8 individual packets. Local postmans got to hate me sometimes ;) How on earth they manage to do that profitably for 6-9£ items I do not know...)
if its the same company of awesomeness my wife ordered 45 book bundles off them and they came on 45 very large jiffy bags, the postman was most happy as that gave him a van for the day :D

Just ordered my federation pack I hope they are sent at warp speed
pobolycwm said:
if its the same company of awesomeness my wife ordered 45 book bundles off them and they came on 45 very large jiffy bags, the postman was most happy as that gave him a van for the day :D

Haha. I have suspicion it's the same store :D And yeah there's of course THAT possibility to make the postman happy ;) Driving van sure beats bicycling it even if it means carrying ridiculous amount of packages to one apartment ;)

(at least if said apartment isn't on highest floor with no elevator!)