Ship Shares


I like the idea of Ship Shares. To me, they are a good solution to two issues; the group where no one gets a ship (if you want to run a game based on a ship, and yes, you can just give them one, but this provides at least some justification) and the group where half or more of them gets ships in chargen and you either have to say "you get this ship only" and then argue for twenty minutes, or you suddenly have a flotilla of PC ships.

I also like the system being somewhat nebulous as to exactly what ship share are and their "real" value. And I do NOT think Pcs should EVER be allowed to sell them. You either kick them in to the group's ship or you lose them.

I also like the fact that they replace Passage tickets on the mustering out tables. Nothing more depressing than getting 5 benefit rolls and having 3 of them be Low Passage tickets.

BUT...I realize that this will not fly with everyone so here is much suggestion: You cannot sell unused ship shares directly BUT you can exchange them for Passage tickets; 1 share for a Low Passage, 3 for a Mid Passage, and 5 for a High Passage. THOSE can then be sold for 90% of their cash value; Cr900 for a Low, Cr 7,200 for a Mid and Cr 9000 for a high. or they can be retained for later use if needed.

Allensh said:
I like the idea of Ship Shares. To me, they are a good solution to two issues; the group where no one gets a ship (if you want to run a game based on a ship, and yes, you can just give them one, but this provides at least some justification) and the group where half or more of them gets ships in chargen and you either have to say "you get this ship only" and then argue for twenty minutes, or you suddenly have a flotilla of PC ships.

I also like the system being somewhat nebulous as to exactly what ship share are and their "real" value. And I do NOT think Pcs should EVER be allowed to sell them. You either kick them in to the group's ship or you lose them.

I also like the fact that they replace Passage tickets on the mustering out tables. Nothing more depressing than getting 5 benefit rolls and having 3 of them be Low Passage tickets.

BUT...I realize that this will not fly with everyone so here is much suggestion: You cannot sell unused ship shares directly BUT you can exchange them for Passage tickets; 1 share for a Low Passage, 3 for a Mid Passage, and 5 for a High Passage. THOSE can then be sold for 90% of their cash value; Cr900 for a Low, Cr 7,200 for a Mid and Cr 9000 for a high. or they can be retained for later use if needed.


In my email feedback, I suggested dropping the way shares were done (in that they REALLY skewed the ship values). I too think they should be worth very little

I think each share should represent 1Mcr value. Period. this can be applied to any ship at a real Cr value but can only be cashed out for a relatively mall sum of 100Kcr.

The remaining 90% would represent investors, family money (or partial fiancing), service sontacts who helped the character "get a deal".

100Kcr represents the top cash benefit for a number of the services and is neither the tops sum (200Kcr for nobles) nor the bottom.

I also reccommend the shares be limited if the class of ship is changed, same as the muster does it now. the number of shares on offer should be adjusted down given a real value of 1Mcr.

This means both a very simple mathmatical equation, is flexible enough to use for other ship classes, AND factors in the character who can cash directly in to the ship cost.

For example. I have 15 shares and wish to purchase a scout. Payment= ((29Mcr-15)*2.25/500) gives a 31Mcr balance and a payment of 63Kkcr.

Using this formula, you avoid the mess of a scout costing as much as a free trader (payment 99Kcr).

The 2.25 multiple comes from amortization of a 5% APR over 480 months.

ALL ships would be represented with equal finance rates.

The complaints I remember about ship shares were:

1. The ship repayments and real values were widely out of synch.
2. The shares had a demonstrated and cashable value
3. the formulas were too involved.
4. The current system was not flexible enough to represent other potential classes or other influxes of cash.

My system proposal would hopefully satisfy these issues without leaving anyone too put out.

Then again, I'm probably completly wrong. :)