


Will Mongoose be publishing Adventures as they did with slaine as some of us just dont get the time to write their own and put in all the detail especially if they are not that familiar with Conan.
GAV said:
Will Mongoose be publishing Adventures as they did with slaine as some of us just dont get the time to write their own and put in all the detail especially if they are not that familiar with Conan.

I think they've mentioned a scenario campaign book in the future release plans, and scenario support in Signs & Portents.
Don't forget yuou can always run my instant campaigns and adventure seeds and other GM advice located in the link in my sig, below! 8)
Chef, are you ever going to gather all that up and post it as a PDF or on a website somewhere? Just having you as a reliable resource would be excellent. Say, would you like to come over and GM a Conan game for me and my friends? :)