Thanks guys, heres a quick brief on what Ive put together, its a bit rushed so I hope it makes sense :lol: If you havent played Kovag Re this may contain spoilers.
We played again sunday night.
They arrived in Arenjun during a festival. The party camped in the ruins just outside the city while the thief scoped out the city for rumours. He learned that taxes had shot up as well as an increase in the slave trade. All this could be because of the festival,but the thief Yarnii [ a 15 year old Zamorian]also heard of the excavation of some ruins not too far away, wear many slaves were being put to work. It did not take long for the thief to deduct that this was at the sight of the temple of Kovag Re.
Making some more inquiries [Yarnii had lived in the Maul for some time, although originaly being brought up in the temple of Zath in Yezud] he found out that Oleska had hired someone to help in his research of the temple and its hidden riches. Also the Elephant tower was being rebuilt.
So he returned to the ruins to let his companions know.
To cut a long story short the pcs minus the two NPCs decided to enter the city the night of the festival and go straight for Oleska. There was even talk about them taking over and running the city :roll:
Anyway after one brief encounter in a tavern the party scaled the walls of the palace. Time ran out and we ended the game.
So [ thinking out loud]the background goes something like this. A stygian sorcerer who also happens to be a vampire [ im not sure how you become a vampire as i dont have the Book of skelos] has learnt of the temple [ there is a spell i read somewhere that could do this]. He then travels to Zamora and dominates Oleska. Who then provides him with money and slaves for his research. But the sorcerer has slipped one of the Black stones into the Tower of the Elephant with the aid of some hooded disciples. He now pretty much runs Arenjun. He keeps contact with Oleska through a talisman that the Governor wares. Oleska is pretty clueless but the sorcerer still needs him alive for the moment.
I still have not got a name for the sorcerer or any idea how he first comes into contact with the players. Or on what his main goal is?possibly the coming of Kovag Re?
I should point out that the original game of Kovag Re was altered. I had demons come out of the black stones [ I used the pit fiends from the rulebook] instead of the blackstones moving.
I was thinking that the sorcerer uses these as his helpers to assasinate troublemakers etc.
I could have the Npcs taken from the ruins near Arenjun [they decided to stay there rather than enter the city] and used as bait.
I like the idea that the pcs wish to run the city, but im not sure that I could work out a way of doing this , but anything is possible. :wink:
I think that I should put in a friend to help them?
I need to put in much more flavour and a sense of doom. Also I was toying with the idea that the sorcerer has been using some earth shattering spells [ cant remember from the rulebook but there is a chart somewhere tnhat covers this].
Sorry this a bit jumbled up but with work and family etc....
Anyway what do you think so far :?
Thanks again for your input