Runic Powers


Quick question.. What do people think - once a rune integerated certain ones increase caracteristics, such as the Man Rune which Rune tocuhed gets +1 to DEX, INT and CHA

Do we reckon this would theorically increase a species maximum - i.e. for a human from 21 to 22?

I quite like this runic powers, another plus for MRQ :D Interesting how they'll fit once we start seeing cults for Glornatha :shock: I mean a Orlanthi with a Moon rune????
I would hope there would be restrictions. I doubt a Storm Bull would be allowed to remain in the cult if he attuned the Chaos rune. Likewise an Orlanthi the Moon rune (though this wouldn't be a problem in the Second Age - no Moon yet).

That is the one saving grace I see to the Skybolt spell - most characters will probably not have the Chaos rune, making it primarily a GM weapon. It does seem more like storm spell in flavor though.
Quick question.. What do people think - once a rune integerated certain ones increase caracteristics, such as the Man Rune which Rune tocuhed gets +1 to DEX, INT and CHA

Not ever have played RQ, or seeing the new book, I would guess yes?
Yup, you are correct. Grab that Man Rune, then get the Earth combo for stat-jumping around. :)

Ravage said:
Do we reckon this would theorically increase a species maximum - i.e. for a human from 21 to 22?

I'm going to allow it. Rune Integration is a magical event after all, and I don't plan on having tons of Rune's lying around either.

I would hope that anybody who is Runetouched by Chaos would be detectable by Storm Bulls with "Sense Chaos" in Glorantha. As a GM I would also be tempted to impose a periodic check every sacred time to impose a chance of developing a Chaotic Feature, based on the character's Runecasting, Chaos score. 50/50 chance of beneficial / detrimental of course! That is assuming CFs make it into MRQ (I would expect to see them, either in Monsters or Cults). Any official confirmation greatly accepted :wink:
I would certainly hope that they would have as positive an effect as possible. They are an outstanding idea, to make the runes in runequest important, but the cost is high. PC's will be much more limited in their access to battle magic (now rune magic). Formerly, most cults could teach, and most characters could learn, a large variety of spells. Now, with the requirement of finding a rune which will give you access to most likely one, sometimes two and very rarely more spells, characters will have far fewer spells. A possible solution, one I will probably use, will be for cults to provide their runes to their initiates (ie. Chalana Arroy would provide harmony and fertility runes.)
Groups will now have more specialized casters, (a positive-if this rule leads to closer ties to their cults), given scarcity of runes.
CharlieMonster said:
I would hope that anybody who is Runetouched by Chaos would be detectable by Storm Bulls with "Sense Chaos" in Glorantha. As a GM I would also be tempted to impose a periodic check every sacred time to impose a chance of developing a Chaotic Feature, based on the character's Runecasting, Chaos score. 50/50 chance of beneficial / detrimental of course! That is assuming CFs make it into MRQ (I would expect to see them, either in Monsters or Cults). Any official confirmation greatly accepted :wink:
I'd give them one anyway! You play with fire, you get burned. Chaos is no laughing matter in Glorantha, and anyone who's fool enough to integrate a Chaos rune deserves what's coming to them.

With maybe a 5% each ST of turning into a Gorp.

But then, I'm evil like that. :twisted:

Plus, cleansing the taint would be a good scenario kickoff
GbajiTheDeceiver said:
I'd give them one anyway! You play with fire, you get burned. Chaos is no laughing matter in Glorantha, and anyone who's fool enough to integrate a Chaos rune deserves what's coming to them.

With maybe a 5% each ST of turning into a Gorp.

But then, I'm evil like that. :twisted:

One would expect Gbaji to freely give out Chaos Runes.